Event Countdown
Double or Nothing airs Sunday and…Hell Yeah!…we are excited about Sting competing in a wrestling ring after a six year absence. Here are our predictions and prognostications.

Serena Deeb (champion) vs. Riho (challenger) – NWA World Women’s Championship
John Powell
This could be the biggest challenge of Debb’s reign but she will be up to the task. Not against the NWA but I wish Debb was a part of the AEW or WWE main roster. She is one of the best today and deserves a bigger, brighter stage. Winner: Serena Deeb
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
Not being a regular viewer of NWA, I don’t know who is on the roster. But if they’re all as good as Serena Deeb and Thunder Rosa, then it would be a bit of a disservice to the company to downgrade the championship by putting it on Riho, who is not nearly as good as those two . Winner: Serena Deeb

Kenny Omega (champion) versus Orange Cassidy versus Pac – AEW World Championship
John Powell
This match would be better if that waste of space Orange Cassidy were not involved. He shouldn’t even be in the championship picture. The Omega angle is still running hot in AEW and Impact. Winner: Kenny Omega
Kenny Omega -650, Orange Cassidy +400, Pac +600 Winner: Kenny Omega
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
I’ll never understand the appeal of Orange Cassidy who is a one-note (at best) lame comedy character. But the AEW fans are crazy about him for some reason. Part of me thinks they want to have him win just for the reaction of the live crowd, but I’m hoping that common sense prevails and that doesn’t happen. I could see PAC taking out Cassidy and then Omega – with help from Don Callis and the Good Buddies steals the win. Winner: Kenny Omega

Hikaru Shida (champion) versus Dr. Britt Baker D.M.D. (challenger) (with Rebel) – AEW Women’s World Championship
John Powell
Shida has truly been one of the best champions across any federation or promotion in the last few years. She has been a standout in AEW, that’s for sure. It is time for her to pass the torch though and Baker is the perfect person to hand it off to especially if she will feud with the amazing Thunder Rosa. Winner: Britt Baker
Britt Baker -400, Hikaru Shida +250 Winner: Britt Baker
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
Britt Baker has been a real success story for AEW. Since becoming more serious, and putting the nonsense of the Tooth and Nail fiasco behind her, she’s become a viable contender. A title win for her would be the perfect ending to the story – and hopefully they don’t taint it by reverting to silliness with Rebel/Reba interference and other over-booking. Winner: Britt Baker

Cody Rhodes versus Anthony Ogogo
John Powell
Ogogo could be a big star with enough training. I just cannot see him beating Cody here unless it is a KO, sneaky victory. Winner: Cody
Anthony Ogogo -175, Cody Rhodes +135 Winner: Anthony Ogogo
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
The build-up of this feud has been awful Hopefully the match isn’t. Winner: Cody Rhodes

Casino Battle Royale for a future AEW World Championship match
John Powell
His push has went sideways so this would be a decent way of getting Christian back on track to challenge for the AEW World Championship mirroring the road that Edge took to WrestleMania. Winner: Christian.
Christian Cage +250. Penta El Zero Miedo +350 Jungle Boy +450. Winner: Christian Cage.
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
These battle royals are often a way to debut new stars or make surprise returns so I’m actually more interested in seeing who that might be than I am with the match. Personally I’m hoping it’s Tessa Blanchard who is tougher and would be a better world champion than most of the men in the match. If not her, maybe her fiance DAGA comes in with her at his side? As far as who wins, the only ones who really seem main-event-worthy are Christian Cage or Penta. I think Penta would make for the better match-up against Omega, so I’ll pick him. Winner: Penta

“Hangman” Adam Page versus Brian Cage
John Powell
You would think Cage would have gotten a bigger push than he has. He came into AEW on fire. Since then, he has sputtered when like Lance Archer he should be at the forefront of the company. Hangman always wins and should be on the track to the AEW World Championship soon. Winner: ‘Hangman’ Adam Page
Adam Page: -200. Brian Cage: +150. Winner: Adam Page.
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
This one seems to be more of a backdrop for the ongoing tease of a Team Taz split, which is unfortunately how they’ve been using Hangman Page lately – i.e. as a bit player in silly faction nonsense. Team Taz costs Cage the match. Winner: Hangman Page

Miro (champion) versus Lance Archer (challenger) – AEW TNT Championship
John Powell
This will be a fantastic battle of the brutes but should’ve been delayed to inject some unpredictability. There is no way Miro is losing so soon. Winner: Miro.
Miro -600, Lance Archer +350 Winner: Miro
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
If only Miro had been presented like this for his entire AEW run, instead of being wasted in idiocy like the video game feud and the Best Man/wedding silliness. Now that he’s finally become interesting, hopefully they don’t derail that by having him lose the title so soon after winning.. Winner: Miro

Inner Circle versus The Pinnacle – Stadium Stampede Match
John Powell
The Inner Circle disband? Highly unlikely. This win will give both factions one victory each in their feud. Winners: Inner Circle
Inner Circle -120, The Pinnacle -120 Winners: Even Odds
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
There are plenty of ways this one will be screwed up, and I’m sure they’ll do most of them. Winners: the Inner Circle

Sting and Darby Allin versus Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page
John Powell
There is no way in heck Sting is losing his first in-ring match in AEW. Winners: Sting, Darby Allin.
Sting and Darby Allin -500, Ethan Page, Scorpio Sky +300 Winners: Sting and Darby Allin
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
The dramatic tension here is whether Sting will be able to compete at 100%, and hopefully not get injured in his first in-ring match in years. Here’s where Ethan Page will shine, because he’s the type of a-hole character who will milk all of that tension, and viciously go after Sting to make it look like he wants to hurt and take out the legend. In the end, though, there’s no way Sting loses. Winner: Sting and Darby Allin

The Young Bucks (champions) versus Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston (challengers) – AEW World Tag Team Championship
John Powell
Another guy who deserves a bigger push is Eddie Kingston. He has been on fire ever since signing with the company. He could really be their modern version of Cactus Jack if they tried harder with him. The Bucks take the hit here causing some friction within the Elite. Winners: John Moxley and Eddie Kingston.
Young Bucks -160, Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston +120 Winners: Young Bucks
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
If this was a war of words, this match would last about 30 seconds before Moxley and Kingston walked away with the win. But this is a Young Bucks match, so it will likely go much longer (and probably too long). Though the clash of styles – Mox and Kingston’s bawling versus the Bucks’ choreographed flips and flops – could make this interesting. This time, the interference by Callis and the Good Brothers won’t help. Winners: Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston