Event Countdown












In his song “No Surrender,” Bruce Springsteen sang “There’s a war outside still raging, you say it ain’t ours anymore to win.” Tonight, at the No Surrender special airing on its Impact Plus streaming service, Impact Wrestling’s war with AEW rages on, as the invaders come into Nashville with hopes of returning to Florida with championship gold. Whose is it to win? We make our predictions for that match, and everything else that’s going to happen on this jam-packed event.

The Good Brothers (c) versus Private Party (w/ Matt Hardy) versus Chris Sabin and James Storm – Impact Tag Team Championship Match

Bob Kapur

Senior Editor

The cynic in me thinks that the last-minute insertion of Sabin and Storm into this one was purely for backstage political reasons. That way, the Good Brothers are protected by not having to take the loss, when Private Party pin Storm to walk away with the titles. Winners: Private Party

Dr. Colosssus

Contributor, tag team partner of the Rasslin Merch Machine

Possible dissension between Matt Hardy and Private Party will leave them out of the finish. I expect the Good Brothers to leave No Surrender as champions and continue the interpromotional storyline with James Storm taking the Magic Killer. Winners: The Good Brothers

John Powell


It would be cool if Private Party were to steal away the straps and I think that is what will happen here to continue this cross-promotional angle. Winners: Private Party.

Rich Swann (c) versus Tommy Dreamer – Impact World Championship Match

Bob Kapur

Senior Editor

As much as I’m a fan of Tommy Dreamer, I don’t think there’s any good in having him win the title. Rich Swann hasn’t been booked particularly well since the AEW crossover began, but he’s still more relevant now than Dreamer, and beating him for the title instead of Dreamer will be more meaningful (when Moose eventually does). This will be a good dramatic showcase for Dreamer, but ultimately Swann gets the pin. Winner: Rich Swann

Dr. Colosssus

Contributor, tag team partner of the Rasslin Merch Machine

Rich will steamroll through the 50 year old Dreamer. An appearance by an AEW star here would be interesting. Winner: Rich Swann

John Powell


I don’t get this match. I don’t understand this match. I don’t know why they signed this match. The Rich Swann championship era should move along now but this is not the time or the event. Winner: Rich Swann

TJP (c) versus Rohit Raju – Impact X Division Championship Match

Bob Kapur

Senior Editor

The return of Mahabali Shera will be the difference-maker here. Winner: Rohit Raju

Dr. Colosssus

Contributor, tag team partner of the Rasslin Merch Machine

Now that he’s got Mahabali Shera back in his corner, TJP won’t be able to defeat Rohit. I expect Raju to recapture the X title. Winner: Rohit Raju

John Powell


Rohit is a real star in the making. I like his style. It is time for his push, however, Impact needs to continue throwing their support behind TJP. He is one of the best of his generation. Winner: Rohit Raju.

Eddie Edwards and Matt Cardona versus Brian Myers and Hernandez

Bob Kapur

Senior Editor

Well, if you’re going to cram the most bland and boring duo in wrestling, Brian Myers and Matt Cardona, on the show, best to put them in the same match so as to not waste even more time. #BathroomBreak

Dr. Colosssus

Contributor, tag team partner of the Rasslin Merch Machine

I fully expect Eddie and the former Zach Rider to win due to Hernandez not wanting to follow Myers orders. Possible interference from Fallah Bah, who had his eye on Hernandez’ money roll this week on Impact. Winners: Eddie Edwards and Matt Cardona

John Powell


Cardona and Myers? They both need personality transplants. Winners: Brian Myers and Hernandez.

Ace Austin versus Blake Christian versus Chris Bey versus Daivari versus Josh Alexander versus Suicide versus Trey Miguel versus Willie Mack – Triple Threat Revolver Match

Bob Kapur

Senior Editor

Wow, they really reached into the Russo bag of gimmicks to find this one. Convoluted rules aside, this should be a really fun one. I think this will be used to spin off Alexander and Austin into a singles feud, so don’t see either of them winning. Blake Christian has been put over pretty heavy on TV, but I think they’re going to go with a more proven commodity here. Winner: Chris Bey

Dr. Colosssus

Contributor, tag team partner of the Rasslin Merch Machine

Seems like they are strapping a rocket to the returning Tre Miguel. But Ace Austin, Chris Bey or even Josh Alexander could take the win. Hard to pick a winner with this new concept match.

John Powell


Chris Bey is a star on the rise. He needs to take this one home to build out that resume. Winner: Chris Bey.

Fire N Flava (c) versus Havok and Nevaeh – No DQ Texas Tornado Knockouts Tag Team Championship Match 

Bob Kapur

Senior Editor

I hope they just let this match play out, but I fear the no-DQ stipulation will lend itself too easily to have referee Brandon Tolle get involved. He’ll inadvertently cost Havok and Nevaeh the match, and hopefully get squished. Winners: Fire N Flava

Dr. Colosssus

Contributor, tag team partner of the Rasslin Merch Machine

Fire flava vs havok navea: Havok and Naveah have been on a roll lately and I expect them to capture the Impact Knockout tag championships. Hopefully with no drama with referee Brandon Tolle who is still looking for his money back for Fire n Flava Fest tickets. Winners: Havok and Nevaeh

John Powell


Fire N Flava are going to defy the odds again. Winners: Fire N Flava.

Deaner (w/ Violent By Design) versus Jake Something

Bob Kapur

Senior Editor

It’s too early to have anyone in VBD take a clean loss – they should continue to be seen as a brutal and dominant force. Jake will be on the verge of winning, but Young and Doering will come in and beat him down viciously, causing Deaner to be disqualified. Winner: Jake Something

Dr. Colosssus

Contributor, tag team partner of the Rasslin Merch Machine

The newly named Jake Something definitely has something to prove. Look for him to get the win, hopefully with help from the returning(?) Rhino. Winner: Jake Something

John Powell


I. Hate. The. Deaners. Winner: The other guy.

Deonna Purrazzo, Kimber Lee, and Susan versus Jordynne Grace, Jazz, and ODB

Bob Kapur

Senior Editor

The problem with this match is that Susan and ODB are so over-the-top character-wise, that it will take away from the other four, who could put on one heck of a match. After losing on Tuesday, ODB should get the win for her team here. Winners: Jordynne Grace, Jazz, and ODB

Dr. Colosssus

Contributor, tag team partner of the Rasslin Merch Machine

Fun match that will lead to the babyfaces getting the win. Expect more character development with Susan. Winners: Jordynne Grace, Jazz, and ODB

John Powell


This match will build on Purrazzo’s next challenger who will probably be Jordynne Grace. The faces will go over to set that up. Winners: Jordynne Grace, Jazz and ODB.

XXXL and Tenille Dashwood (w/ Kaleb) versus Decay

Bob Kapur

Senior Editor

After the awesome debut of Black Taurus, they need to continue his build as a juggernaut. This one should be all about him throwing around the super-heavyweights, and leading to a win in quick and easy fashion. Winners: Decay

Dr. Colosssus

Contributor, tag team partner of the Rasslin Merch Machine

With the new addition of Black Taurus to Decay, I expect them to squash XXXL with Tenille leaving Acee baby and Lawrence D behind. Winners: Decay

John Powell


I doubt that we have heard the last of this feud so look for this one to be just another chapter and to end in chaos. Winners: No decision or DQ.