Event Countdown
It is Takeover Lite. Fellow Canadian Kyle O’Reilly get his first big shot at solo gold as he takes on Finn Balor whose career has been reignited since rejoining the black and gold brand. We are gonna miss you, Mauro. Nevertheless, here are our predictions and prognostications for the 31st edition of Takeover.

John Powell
I. Cannot. Stand. Candice LeRae. I cannot stand her weak-ass punches. I cannot stand how she so obviously sets-up a lot of her moves so they don’t look natural at all. And what’s with the pixie nonsense? Pixies in mythology are not fearsome creatures. They are little elves who commune with nature. At least half this match will be decent. The half carried by Io Shirai. One has a feeling though that NXT thinks those Gargano skits are just HILARIOUS and cannot miss the opportunity of making them both champions. Winner: The Pixie.
Justin Powell
Io is going to lose the belt because of the whole husband and wife title angle NXT will run with. Winner: Candice LaRae
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
Similar to with her husband, I think LaRae benefits by her opponent being called to the main roster as part of the upcoming draft. Winner: Candice LaRae

John Powell
Poor Kushida. NXT has totally botched his run no matter the injuries. One hopes that he and Nakamura head back to NJPW as soon as their contracts are up. Velveteen Dream’s push has been in a holding pattern. This match will probably signal what his fate will be in NXT. Winner: Kushida.
Justin Powell
Kushida because he is desperate to get a big time win in NXT. Velveteen Dream can take a loss and it won’t matter. Winner: Kushida
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor

John Powell
Don’t get me wrong. I have loved the fellow Canadian since his RoH days but Kyle O’Reilly doesn’t scream NXT Champion to me. Plus, they have given his angle absolutely no lead-up. This will be a brilliant match nonetheless. Winner: Finn Balor.
Justin Powell
I am excited about this match. I am guessing Finn Balor will come out on top. He just won the belt after all. Winner: Finn Balor.
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
There is a lot of speculation that the Undisputed Era may be splitting apart. I don’t know about that, but the emergence of O’Reilly as a singles contender could be an indicator. I think he ends up losing after some kind of interference from the other UE members going wrong. This will lead to the split. Falor will only be a supporting player in that drama, but will still walk away as the champion. Winner: Finn Balor

John Powell
Mr. Personality is going to take this one simply because NXT would love to see the Garganos as champions. Winner: Johnny Gargano
Justin Powell
They are going to keep the belt on Priest for now because he has had it for such a short period of time. Gargano will win it but not just yet.
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
Priest just won the title so it doesn’t make sense to take it off of him now, unless they’re planning to bring him up to the main roster as part of the upcoming draft. And that’s what I think will happen. I’m not wild about Gargano and LaRae having more TV time – their at-home segments are awful – but that’s what it looks like is going to happen. Winner: Johnny Gargano

John Powell
Why is 205 Live still on the air? The WWE gave up on the series long before fans like me ever did. That show was decent for a time. It is why I pushed to cover it here so that I could give stars like Gulak, Kendrick and Nese the attention they deserve. Who wins? Who cares? Winner: Isaiah “Swerve” Scott?
John Powell
I will go with Escobar but I could see it easily swapped to boost the Swerve. Winner: Santos Escobar.
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
Having picked heels to win every other match, I have to pick at least one babyface, just so it’s not a clean sweep. Winner: Isaiah “Swerve” Scott.