Event Countdown
They don’t like each other and that’s the way we like it. Feuds are set to implode on AEW’s All Out event tonight. Will MJF finally reach the top of the mountain? Will Hikaru Shida fend off an invader to keep her title? Will Chris Jericho be…dunked in an extra, extra, extra, extra large mimosa? The Slam brain trust has the answers in our All Out predictions and prognostications with a little help from the comments President and CEO of All Elite Wrestling Tony Khan made in his media call on Thursday.

John Powell
Hikaru Shida has always been a standout of the women’s division. It is just a shame she has to tone her style down in North America but perhaps she can let loose with the equally strong styled Thunder Rosa. This could be one of the best matches of the evening and is a curious one considering the overlap with the NWA. It would be cool if this match became a bigger angle involving both companies. Winner: Hikaru Shida.
Tony Khan
President and CEO of All Elite Wrestling
“Shida versus Thunder Rosa, I am very excited for this as a bell to bell wrestling match.”
Hikaru Shida -500. Thunder Rosa +300. Winner: Hikaru Shida -500.
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
Thunder Rosa wins the match of the night. Her winning the AEW title will mark the beginning of a major talent exchange between AEW and the NWA.

John Powell
So many strong talents. So many possible outcomes. This one could reflect who will win between MJF and Moxley as well. Winner: Matt Hardy or Cody.
Tony Khan
President and CEO of All Elite Wrestling
“It is involving a lot of people on the card but it will frankly be a great example of how far the roster has come since our first show because now that we have this depth of a roster we will see a lot more talent in it. That the roster has come a long way as in who is in this one and who was in the first Casino Battle Royal.”
Billy Gunn +8000. Austin Gunn +8000. Butcher: +5000. Blade: +5000. Trent: +4000. Santana: +4000. Ortiz: +4000. Chuck Taylor: +4000. Shawn Spears +2500. Rey Fenix: +1600. Jake Hager: +1600. Ricky Starks: +1200. Pentagon Jr: +1200. Brian Cage +700. Eddie Kingston: +500. Lance Archer: +150. Darby Allin: +125. Winner: Darby Allin.
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
Didn’t we see this already during the over-long segment on Wednesday’s show where all the participants brawled for forever? I’m guessing that MJF wins the title match, so the number one contender should be a good guy. The problem is that the only babyface in this match that has any name value seems to be Darby Allin. So I guess I’ll pick him.

John Powell
Once they filled the Dark Order with a bunch of nameless goofs and jobbers I was done with the concept. If AEW wants the gimmick to survive they need to clean house, have a new leader take over and break the group down to just five or so recognizable members who are stars on their own as individuals. Here’s a free idea AEW. Have Hardy lose to Sammy, snap and take over the Dark Order to shape it in his image. You’re welcome. Winners: The Dark Order.
Tony Khan
President and CEO of All Elite Wrestling
“There is also this eight-man tag. I thought how Brodie Lee won the championship was a very strong moment for us. It got a big response and shocked a lot of people. The Dark Order is an organization they have come very far from where they used to be.”
“There are a lot of moving parts in this situation. The baby face group came out to support Cody. A couple of Cody’s friends showed up. That has the chance to be a great match too and any time I can see Dustin Rhodes wrestling on pay-per-view I have been always happy to see that since I was a small kid. Colt Cabana and the Dark Order, it has been a great story.”
The Dark Order: -600. Scorpio Sky & Matt Cardona & The Natural Nightmare: +350. Winners: The Dark Order
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor

John Powell
One of the best feuds of the bunch although it escalated with that nasty chair shot that should never, ever have happened. It would be interesting if Hardy lost her and lost his marbles (See the Dark Order angle mentioned above), became a heel. AEW will probably go the safe route though. Winner: Matt Hardy
Tony Khan
President and CEO of All Elite Wrestling
“Hardy and Sammy, it is effectively a loser leaves town, a last man standing match that applies to Matt. They have had this great feud. There is a great story in that Sammy wants Matt out of AEW. Since he has been in AEW, Matt has tormented Sammy and vice versa. This is going to be a lot of fun.”
Matt Hardy -400. Sammy Guevara +250. Winner: Matt Hardy
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
If Matt Hardy were smart, he’d scrap whatever plans they have and deliberately get counted out to lose the match so he can take time away and come back repackaged anew. Which he needs, because Broken Matt is past its prime, and normal Matt is flat, uninteresting, and looks and moves like he’s an Old Buck. He’ll win the match, of course.

John Powell
Omega and Page have needed to be broken down into singles stars a looooong, looooong time ago. This tag team idea was stupid from the start and hindered Omega, Page and AEW as a brand. Get them into the singles scene pronto and give FTR the belts already. Winners: FTR
Tony Khan
President and CEO of All Elite Wrestling
“Hangman and Kenny versus FTR is another match that we think has a chance to steal the show.”
FTR: -500. Adam Page & Kenny Omega: +300. Winners: FTR
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
If FTR doesn’t win the titles, then it renders meaningless the whole months-long teasing of the Elite break-up that finally happened over the past two weeks. And it means that they can’t beat a duo in Page and Omega that can’t even stand to be in the same ring with one another. And if that’s the case, then FTR is being wasted in AEW just as badly as people said they were wasted in WWE.

John Powell
MJF deserves to be a champion but AEW’s World Champion? I would hit the brakes on that idea. When he wins it should be a massive deal on a big stage and this isn’t it. Winner: Jon Moxley
Tony Khan
President and CEO of All Elite Wrestling
“Moxley versus MJF will be a really strong wrestling match. This match will establish whether it will be Jon’s run of dominance or whether it is going to be MJF leading the future of this company. I think Jon has had a great run as the champion but MJF is arguably the future of this company. I am really excited for everyone to see what we are going to do here and how this match is going to go. As far as a “big fight feel”, this has it for me.”
Jon Moxley: -250. MJF: +170. Winner: Jon Moxley.
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
If there is one bright spot of this company, it’s MJF. He wins, and finally demonstrates that you don’t have to be a former WWE guy to win a singles championship in this company.

John Powell
Why is this angle on my television every week? What in the world has Jericho become? He went from bouncing between NJPW and AEW as a hardcore heel, The Painmaker, and now he is just a joke. This should never have started, needs to end now and never be spoke about again. Winner: Chris Jericho
Tony Khan
President and CEO of All Elite Wrestling
“I think this will be a great match. Orange Cassidy and Chris Jericho have had a few great, straight matches on television, really great. This is going to be a great match.”
Chris Jericho: -120. Orange Cassidy: -120. Winner: Even odds.
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
The citrus growers union of America should sue for being associated with this nonsense. The only loser here is Chris Jericho’s legacy.

John Powell
It is a cinematic match so basically anything can happen. Britt Baker can take this loss and not shed a tear but Big Swole needs a big win to move on up. If nothing else I hope this mocks the Eye for an Eye match in WWE. Winner: Big Swole.
Tony Khan
President and CEO of All Elite Wrestling
“This is the first time Britt has done anything physical in a while. I am really excited for this match. There are a lot of reasons though why we had to do it cinematically.”
Britt Baker: -140. Big Swole: +100. Winner: Britt Baker.
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
I hope this is like the WWE’s Eye for an Eye, and the winner has to extract one of their opponent’s teeth and one of their fingernails to win. Swole wins, just because Baker having a missing tooth would make for funnier segments between her And Tony Schiavone.

John Powell
I have a soft spot in my heart for the dinos so I am going to be pulling for them. Winners: Jurassic Express.
Tony Khan
President and CEO of All Elite Wrestling
“These are two of our top teams. We really believe in tag team wrestling. It is a like a title elimination in UFC or boxing because they are both highly ranked and after this match one of them will be in a better position for a championship match.”
Jurassic Express +350. Young Bucks: -600. Winners: Young Bucks.
Bob Kapur
Senior Editor
If he times it right so that he arrives right when this match starts, then the pizza guy wins, because I’ll tip him a few extra dollars if I miss what will be a frustrating debacle full of meaningless spots with absolutely no story/psychology whatsoever. Otherwise, I lose.