RISE Champion Zoe Lucas embodies character. “I am a spoiled brat, a cheerleader, daddy’s little princess who gets everything she wants and if she doesn’t you’ll hear about it,” Lucas told SLAM! Wrestling. At first glance, this description of Lucas is exactly what you see, but there’s more to her than what meets the eye.
The 27-year-old from England has had a passion for wrestling from a very young age, creating matches between her and her siblings. “I was obsessed with Mickie James, Edge and Eddie Guerrero. Me and my older brothers would always take all the cushions off of the sofa and wrestle in the lounge whenever our parents weren’t home. It wasn’t really play wrestling and more them trying to kill me with various wrestling finishes!” Lucas recounted playfully in an email interview from Japan, where she was wrestling.
It wasn’t too long before she attended her first WWE live event and the rest was history. “I remember watching it and thinking, ‘I wish I could do this,'” she said. “A few weeks later I saw an advertisement for an independent wrestling show in my area and I went along. My partner at the time knew one of the wrestlers and told me where I could start wrestling.”

Zoe Lucas
For a woman who is a self-proclaimed bratty cheerleader, Lucas is certainly on her way to becoming a mat technician. With a combination of high kicks to the face and body slams in the middle of the ring, she is a powerful and fierce competitor. This princess will take her opponents to their limits and force them to give up before just in time for her deadly split leg drop to finish them off.
After putting some work in the ring and truly living the experience of a professional wrestler, the princess moved on to SHIMMER, a promotion filled with legends that Lucas looked up to, such as Cheerleader Melissa, Madison Rayne, Saraya and Britani Knight (Paige). She said that she was intimidated to step into their locker room in the beginning, but that all changed when she met other women. “The atmosphere is just incredible, everyone just wants to help build each other up so we can make the industry better.”
It was here where Lucas set a goal and soon surpassed it, to her own surprise. “I remember making it my goal five years to get to SHIMMER,” she said. “I eventually met my goal after two and a half years, which is insane!” After gaining some valuable knowledge of learning from some of the best in the industry, Lucas started working for RISE Wrestling where she claimed her first piece of hardware.
To this day, the young lady who’s character gets everything she wants, put in the work to call herself the Phoenix of RISE champion. “It was surreal. I was overwhelmed because without RISE and the help of a few important people, I probably wouldn’t have done half the stuff I have in wrestling,” she added gratefully.
This month, the bratty cheerleader will be putting her title on the line when she faces Aerial Monroe at The Summit in Toronto on August 10.
Although she admitted that she opponent is a talented performer, Lucas doesn’t think Monroe stands a chance. “Aerial has proven herself as a threat time and time again. If she were facing anyone else I’d say she has it in the bag but she’s not, she’s facing me.” Lucas added that she’s been mentally preparing for this bout, something she thinks will help her come out on top. “I’m very well educated in her ‘swole’ mentality and as long as I’m in the way, she will never be the Phoenix of Rise Champion.”

Zoe Lucas
Other than maintaining her championship reign, Lucas said that she doesn’t have any set goals for the rest of the year. She intends on riding her wave of success she’s currently on. “I’m just enjoying the journey being able to wrestle all over the world. I’ve been able to travel to Japan, the U.S., Canada and Europe.”
You can catch this wild princess live in Toronto, Ontario, next Saturday, August 10th at The Summit. Tickets are still available, you can visit the Femmes Fatales Facebook page for more details on the venue and how to get your hands on some tickets.