Greetings and salutations! We are almost a week removed from TNA Sacrifice and on tonight’s edition of TNA iMPACT we will have a rematch between Mustafa Ali and Mike Santana,. Are also set to hear from the Nemeth brothers and they should talk about what was up with them on Friday?! Here is the full announced card:

  • Mustafa Ali vs. Mike Santana
  • Joe Hendry and Elijah vs. The System
  • The Rascalz vs. The Northern Armory
  • Ryan and Nic Nemeth address their actions at TNA Sacrifice
  • Masha Slamovich kicks off the show

The show starts with a recap of Sacrifice:

Masha Kicks off  the show

Slamovich is in the ring and says she was impressed with Cora Jade in their match last week at Sacrifice but it wasn’t enough. Slamovich says she is on a mission to prove to the entire world that she’s the best champion in all of wrestling. Masha then says she is ready to defend her title anytime versus anyone. Tessa Blanchard comes out and says she achieved so much more and done so much more than Masha could ever imagine to. Blanchard says it’s time to take back what belongs to her. Slamovich gets attacked by NXT’s Jacy Jayne. Once refs and security intervened, out came Santino Marella. Marella says this isn’t the way people conduct themselves at TNA but if it’s a fight they want, they’ll get that fight next week as Jayne will face Slamovich next week with Blanchard banned from ringside.

This leads us to a segment backstage where Santino asks Grace if she knew  about Jayne’s presence. Grace claims to know nothing and says the only surprise she knows about is the same one that Santino knows about for later.

The Northern Armory (Judas Icarus & Travis Williams w/Eric Young) vs The Rascalz (Trey Miguel & Zachary Wentz)

Eric Young is out on commentary for this one. Williams tags in and locks in a Sleeperhold on Wentz, but Wentz flips him over for a pin. Wentz with a Handspring off the ropes with an Enzuigiri to Williams. Trey is in and he Missile dropkicks Williams, then knocks Judas off the apron. Wentz gets tagged back in and The Rascalz are looking for double team action, but as Miguel is about to bounce off the ropes, Judas pulls them down sending him out! Wentz with a rolling Neckbreaker through the ropes. Trey is back in and hits a Spinebuster to Williams, followed by a  Superkick and Catapult Meteora (Feed him to the Lions) for the win.

Winners: The Rascalz

After the match, Eric Young and The Northern Armory tried to surround The Rascalz, but Ace Austin hits the ring with a steel chair to chase them off and make the save.

Xia Brookside is backstage with Gia Miller. Brookeside is asked about Rosemary from last week. Brookside said her eyes are fine and the doctors said there is no permanent damage. Brookside said that Rosemary was trying to get into her head. All of a sudden, Rosemary appears on the monitors and asks Brookside if she’s finally starting to understand. Brookside said she won’t back down, but Rosemary doesn’t believe her. Rosemary dares Brookside to meet her in the ring later. Brookside accepts.

FIR$T CLA$$ Penthou$e

AJ Francis and KC Navaro are out for FIR$T CLA$$ Penthouse. Franciis mocks Texas until Chavo Guerrero comes out! Francis makes fun of Chavo by saying if he wanted the second-best Guerrero on his show, he would have called up Dominik. Chavo says that we aren’t sure yet if Dominik is a Guererro or not and says that Dominik’s mother got around and Eddie was a looker (Weird words). Frankie Kazarian comes out and they all try to attach Chavo, but Laredo Kid and Octagon Jr. are out. Chavo challenges them to a six-man tag next week on iMPACT.

Mustafa Ali vs. Mike Santana

Santana is taking the fight to Ali. Ali tries to target the injured arm of Santana. The match actually starts now and as Santana once again takes the fight to Santana, Ali has had enough and walks away. Mustafa gets a mic and says he is the one addiction that Santana won’t overcome. Ali wans through the crowd as he gets counted out.

Winner via Count Out: Mike Santana

The Nemeth’s talk….

Ryan and Nic Nemeth are out and Nic Nemeth says a year ago everyone started talking about TNA again  because of him. Nic says that it was all smooth rolling until the Hardy’s were able to come back and take all the credit for TNA’s 2024 success. Nic calls the Hardys frauds. Leon Slater comes out and says he’s tired of Nic. Slater tries to take them both on but ends up getting Superkicked by Nic Nemeth.

Xia Brookside and Lei Ying Lee vs. Rosemary and Savannah Evans

Rosemary stomping on Lee’s leg. Lee kicks her away and is abut to tag in Brookside, until Rosemary blocks the tag. Lee with a Enzuigiri and is finally able to get the hot  tag. Brookside is in and delivers a Dropkick, followed by an Enzuigiri and a kick to the knee of Evans. Lee is back in and they double team Evans with kicks. Rosemary sends Lee to ringside and Evans grabs Brookside. Rosemary goes for the mist but hits Evans instead. Brookside with a Lungblower to Rosemary. Lee with a  Thunderstruck on Evans for the win.

Winners: Xia Brookside & Lei Ying Lee

Elegance title celebration

Heather and Ash by Elegance are in the ring celebrating their Knockouts Tag Team Title win at Sacrifice. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson from NXT are out and want a title shot. Spitfire is out and they want a title shot as they are still contractually obligated for a rematch. The teams are about to come to blows, but NXT’s Gigi Dolin and Tatum Paxley make an appearance. Paxley says they are the freakiest thing to happen to the tag team division and she is over being underutilized. She says they are in TNA for the Knockouts Tag Team Titles. Ash has a hissy fit and slaps Gigi Dolin. This erupts into a HUGE brawl by all teams.

Mance Warner vs Magno

Warner with some big hits and hits a Knee strike for the in in a squash match.

Winner: Mance Warner

Joe Hendry and Elijah vs. Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards (The System) (w/ Alisha Edwards)

The System take over the match with the help from Alisha Edwards. Elijah is kept on the System’s corner away from his partner. Elijah with a major shot to Edwards that let’s him make his way to Hendry for the hot tag. Hendry clears the ring as he hits a pair of Fall Away Slams. Hendry with the side turn. Edwards is in and knocks Elijah off the apron, followed by a Spear from Myers to Hendry. Edwards hits a splash on Hendry in the corner. Edwards goes for the Back-Pack Stunner into a System Overload, but Hendry counters with a Standing Ovation on Myers after the roll through.

Winners: Joe Hendry & Elijah