On his The Coach & Bro podcast, Jonathan Coachman has revealed more information about the not-so secret meeting between Shane McMahon and Tony Khan.
“Remember that picture that surfaced with Shane McMahon meeting with Tony Khan and there was speculation he wanted to come into AEW? All of a sudden all of that talk went away,” began Coachman.
Coachman stated he has it “on good authority” that Shane McMahon “asked for the world” in the meeting.
“He asked for equity in the company and he asked to come in and run the entire show. It was probably the first time I said to myself that I actually agree with Tony Khan ‘ghosting’ him. Because Tony ‘ghosted’ Shane, not the other way around. The fact that Shane was at the SuperBowl with his dad it is like he cannot figure out what he wants to do,” added Coachman.
Coachman said bringing in Shane would have been cool but now he understands why Vince McMahon didn’t allow Shane to control more than he did in WWE.
“If Shane is asking for that he will never come back in any capacity, in any wrestling company and I know it pisses him off that his sister just got a TV show with ESPN,” said Coachman.