Greetings and salutations. This week Impact is full of possible NXT surprises. We will also hear from the former champion, Nic Nemeth for the first time since his loss. Here is an up close look at the announced card:
- Eric Young & Josh Alexander vs. The Northern Armory (Travis Williams & Judas Icarus)
- Mustafa Ali vs. Laredo Kid
- Nic Nemeth will appear
- Wes Lee vs. Ace Austin
- Cora Jade in action
- Brian Myers vs. Leon Slater
- Sami Callihan to appear
With all of this and so much more, let’s get to the action.
The show opens with a recap of last week’s live show.
Nic Nemeth Speaks
Nic Nemeth says that he has no excuses for losing the title to Joe Hendry and said he was the better man. Ryan Nemeth comes out and called Hendry a fraud. First Class walked to the stage and AJ Francis taunted Nic for losing the belt and bragged about signing a lucrative contract with TNA. Santino Marella came out and made a match between the Nemeths and First Class for later in the show…
Gia Miller and Arianna Grace are backstage, but Tessa Blanchard interrupts and said that Grace was someone who had everything handed to her by her father, unlike her. Grace looked like she heard enough and left. Tessa grabbed the mic from Gia and said that she is here to stay whether anyone wants her or not…
From earlier today, Xia Brookside and Cora Jade had a confrontation backstage. Security stepped in to separate the two…
Hyan vs. Cora Jade
This match only lasted a couple minutes max. Cora took Hyan down early and choked her over the ropes. Cora gave Hyan a DDT and got the pin.
Winner: Cora Jade
After the match, Cora attacked Hyan, but Xia Brookside ran in for the save. Cora attacked Xia from behind. Masha Slamovich ran to the ring and chased out Cora.
Gia Miller interviewed Wes Lee who is hyping his return to Impact and putting over his match with Ace Austin.
Ash and Heather by Elegance are with Iceman. Iceman tells Santino that they were robbed at Genesis and said the wrong person got pinned. Santino said they would be in a Knockouts Battle Royal next week to determine a number one contender for the Knockouts Tag Team Championships. Spitfire walked in and said they want in on the Battle Royal also.
Leon Slater vs. Brian Myers (w/The System)
Another quicker match that saw some good offense from Slater, but it was not enough to keep Myers down. The System distracts Slater a few times in the match, but he did a good job of coming back to attack Myers. Slater with a Crossbody block, but Myers gave Slater a DDT. Myers takes a break outside of the ring and Slater dives over the corner to the outside on Myers. The System makes their presence known again, but Slater fought them off. With all this distraction, Alisha gave Myers brass knuckles, and he uses them on Slater to get the win.
Winner: Brian Myerrs
Steph De Lander and Mance Warner introduce themselves as a duo and as Digital Champion. Sami Callihan attacked Warner as payback from last week.
Frankie Kazarian tells Leon Slater that he has another opportunity to learn from the king. Slater said he was not going to carry the trophy for Kaz. The System walked in and told Slater to carry their bags and rings. The Hardys walked in and said that Slater is on a different level. The System called the Hardy’s washed up and as a result, The Hardys challenged them to a match next week.
Sami Callihan and Mance Warner continue their brawl into the Impact Zone. Sami Suplexed Warner on the floor, and follows that up with a few good chair shot for good measure. Steph De Lander slid the Digital Media belt to Warner, and Warner hit Sami with it. Warner then hits a Running knee on Callihan. Warner and Steph kissed.
Steve Maclin asked Eric Young if he was going to trust Josh Alexander. Eric said he would have to trust him. Maclin wished him luck, but said he is leaving the arena for the night.
Laredo Kid vs. Mustafa Ali
Ali took Kid to the mat thruogh the match, but Kid with a Huricanranna on Ali. Ali with a huge Dropkick as Kid tried to dive on him. Ali is on the outside, and Kid hits a dive on Ali. Ali comes right back and gave Kid a DDT on the floor. This opened up for Ali hitting a 450 Splash in the ring for the win.
Winner: Mustafa Ali
After the match, Mustafa Ali bragged about his win backstage. Mike Santana walked in and challenged him after he disrespected him last week. Ali said he had a supporter that would face Santana instead…..
Eric Young & Josh Alexander vs. The Northern Armory (Travis Williams & Judas Icarus)
This was a quick match at around 5 minutes. Alexander was in for the whole match then at the end finally tagged Young in the match. Young decks Alexander. The Northern Armory attacked Alexander and the ref calls for the bell and rules this a no contest. Young delivers a hellish Piledriver on Alexander
No Contest
Wes Lee vs. Ace Austin
Lee with a huge Dropkick on Austin. Austin with a sneaky roll up for a 2-count. Lee crotched Austin on the ropes, and lands a huge kick that sends Austin to the outside of the ring. Lee punches Austin, but Autin fights back and hits a Clothesline on Lee. Back in the ring, Austin with a flurry of moves including a Powerbomb for another 2-count. Tyson and Tyriek ran to ringside, but Austin fends them off. Lee is on the outside catching a breather, but Austin dives on him. Austin was once again distracted by Tyriek and this distraction allows Lee to hit a Kardiac Kick for the win.
Winner: Wes Lee
Lee and his partners from NXT attacked Austin after the match, but the Rascalz make the save…
Joe Hendry promises a concert next week
Ryan and Nic Nemeth vs. First Class (AJ Francis & KC Navarro)
Ryan and AJ got things started. Nic is in along with Navarro. The Nemeths dropkicked AJ out of the ring. They then toss Navarro onto Francis. First Class is able to take control of the match and keep Ryan on their side of the ring. Ryan gave AJ a DDT and got the hot tag on Nic. Nic with a flurry of offense including a series of Elbows on Navarro. The Nemeths with another Clothesline on Francis that sends him to ringside. Nic gave Navarro a Famasser, followed by a Danger Zone, and Ryan with the pin and win.
Winners: Ryan and Nic Nemeth
The Nemeths celebrate to close the show….