It is the biggest show of the year for TNA and this has been a year of change for them. One year ago it was announced that the TNA branding would come back as Scott D’Amore lead his troops. This year has seen tons of change for TNA. Larger venues, new roster additions, and so much more has been going in favor of TNA but for many, the in-ring product has not been the same since Scott D’Amore left. TNA seemed to have been missing as the French say “I don’t know what”. With the biggest show of the year taking place in Detroit we will see if TNA can motor on.

The card itself for the show looked solid. TNA is advertising this as a triple main event card. Joe Hendry is challenging Nic Nemeth for the World Title. We also have Jordynne Grace defending the Knockouts Title against Masha Slamovich, plus a three way Full Metal Mayhem match for the Tag Team Titles. With all of this and more, let’s get to the action.


Ash By Elegance & Heather Reckless vs. Brinley Reece & Xia Brookside

Iceman gets involved in this match as he distracts NXT’s Brinley Reece. Xia has seen enough and chases Iceman around the ring and eventually catches up to him and chokes him with his own jacket. The Elegants are in the ring and are able to double team Reece with Heather hitting a beauty Spanish fly, followed by Ash hitting a Swanton. That was enough to give them the win.

Winners: Ash & Heather Elegance

TNA Hall of Fame

Bob Ryder

The induction video package for Bob Ryder airs and it featured Jeff Jarrett, Kurt Angle, James Storm, Frankie Kazarian, Josh Mathews and many more praising the late great Ryder. Eric Young comes out to the podium and gives a passionate speech for his longtime personal friend, Bob Ryder. In the speech, Young talks about how good of a person Ryder was and says the he is sure he is watching right now.


The induction video package for ECW original Rhino air, and we see many talking heads putting over Rhino. Tommy Dreamer is then out to induct Rhino. Dreamer talks about Rhino being “everything a classic big man should be” and then lists his long list of accolades from WWE, ECW and TNA. Dreamer then says Rhino is as good now as he was in his prime. Out comes Rhino and has some jokes about Dreamer’s suit and his wife. He thanks his family, Paul Heyman and even his “WWE family.” Rhino thanks Edge, Christian and Joe Legend for always being his friend no matter what and says that Dreamer is like a brother to him. He thanks Johnny Swinger and tells him to keep swinging, baby. Rhino then thanks Scott D’Amore for training him. Rhino even thanks Heath Slater for helping through a hard time when his brother had cancer. We all then get a “Gore” chant to end things off. Overall, a great induction.

Frankie Kazarian wins the Call Your Shot Gauntlet at TNA Bound For Glory at the Wayne State University Fieldhouse in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, October 26, 2024. Photo by Brad McFarlin

Frankie Kazarian wins the Call Your Shot Gauntlet at TNA Bound For Glory at the Wayne State University Fieldhouse in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, October 26, 2024. Photo by Brad McFarlin    MORE PHOTOS IN OUR GALLERY

Call Your Shot Gauntlet

The participants for this match were: Frankie Kazarian, Zachary Wentz, Jake Something, Trey Miguel, Alexander Hammerstone, Rohit Raju, Laredo Kid, Sami Callihan, John Skyler, Bhupinder Gujjar, Trent Seven, KC Navarro, Rhino, Tasha Steelz, Lei Ying Lee, Jason Hotch, Leon Slater, Jonathan Gresham, Johnny Dango Curtis, and AJ Francis.

The final-4 saw Kaz, Rhino, Johnny Dango Curtis, and AJ Francis. Rhino Gores Kaz then tossed Dango over the ropes for an elimation. Francis speared Rhino and then lifts him in a fireman’s carry position, but Rhino escapes and ends up eliminating Francis with a Clothesline of his own.

Once we were down to our final 2, it became a regular match. Rhino and Kaz go hard each other. Rhino with a Belly-to-Belly Suplex on Kaz, but that wasn’t enough to end things as Kaz is able to distract the ref and then Low-Blows Rhino and rolls him up for the win.

Winner: Kazarian

Kazarian now has a title chance for any TNA title.

Bound for Glory – Main Show

X-Division Championship: “Speedball” Mike Bailey (c) vs. Hijo del Vikingo

This match was exactly what you thought it would be. It was quite the spectacle and had moves you had to see twice to believe. Both Vikingo and Bailey were great in this match, and it was a match that could end it up on many peoples best of 2024 lists.

A bit later in the match we saw Speedball hit a Fisherman Falcon Arrow that took out Vikingo. Speedball climbs the ropes and hits a shooting star press. This was good enough for 2-count. Vikingo comes back and fights Alexanxer on the ring apron and ends up hitting a Canadian Destroyer on said apron. Bailey is now in the centre of the ring and Vikingo climbs the ropes, but Bailey meets him up there and the two fight, but it’s Bailey who is able to hit a Flipping Fisherman slam and is able to get the 3-count.

Winner: AND STILL X-Division Champion; “Speedball” Mike Bailey

Knockouts Tag Team Championship: Jody Threat & Dani Luna (Spitfire) (c) vs. Rosemary & Wendy Choo

Simple but effective match up that saw Rosemary hitting a Spear on Luna but choosing to not go through with the full pin. Choo and Rosemary continued to double team the champs, until Rosemary collides with Choo which gives the champion the opening that they needed. Threat with Double Knees and a German Suplex on Rosemary. Luna is tagged in and she delivers a Pressure Drop Powerbomb to pick up the win.

Winners: And Still Knockouts Tag Team Champions; Jody Threat & Dani Luna (Spitfire)

After the match, Rosemary spears Choo and lays her out. She kisses Choo and leaves her alone in the ring.

Rosemary attacks her partner Wendy Choo at TNA Bound For Glory at the Wayne State University Fieldhouse in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, October 26, 2024. Photo by Brad McFarlin

Rosemary attacks her partner Wendy Choo at TNA Bound For Glory at the Wayne State University Fieldhouse in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, October 26, 2024. Photo by Brad McFarlin  MORE PHOTOS IN OUR GALLERY

Backstage, Frankie Kazarian is shown reading Earl Hebner’s autobiography. Gia Miller walks up and he tells her he’s busy reading and studying. He then talks about his plans as the Call Your Shot Gauntlet winner.

Joe Hendry and Nic Nemeth are shown coming to the arena.

Josh Alexander VS Steve Maclin at TNA Bound For Glory at the Wayne State University Fieldhouse in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, October 26, 2024. Photo by Brad McFarlin

Josh Alexander VS Steve Maclin at TNA Bound For Glory at the Wayne State University Fieldhouse in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, October 26, 2024. Photo by Brad McFarlin  MORE PHOTOS IN OUR GALLERY

Josh Alexander vs. Steve Maclin

This was a match that showcased Alexander’s and mainly Maclin’s chops. This was a match that I was originally not looking forward to that much, but ended up enjoying.

In the match, Alexander takes down the ref after swinging Maclin’s legs into him. Alexander hits Maclin in the groin and then proceeds to zip-tie Maclin’s hands behind his back. Maclin is able to use his entire boy weight and crash into Alexander on the corner. With Alexander on the outside of the ring, Maclin hits a Suicide Dive with his hands still tied behind his back. Alexander is slow to get up and then Maclin hits him with a running knee strike.

The referee tried to cut Maclin free, but Maclin was on a mission. Alexander is able to get back control of the match as he hits a Tombstone Piledriver on Maclin, and follows that up with a German Suplex. Maclin is up and headbutts Alexander. Alexander while down grabs Maclin’s legs and locks in the Ankle Lock. Maclin couldn’t take the pain and  passed out to give Alexander the win.

TNA Digital Media Championship & International Wrestling Championship: PCO (c) vs. Matt Cardona in Monster’s Ball

This match is perfect for the new king of Death Matches, Matt Cardona. But really, this was a perfect stipulation for the two of these guys. This match didn’t have much but was good enough.

Cardona pushes thumbtacks into PCO’s cheek and then grabs a door from under the ring. PCO charges into Cardona and does a Big Splash on him for a 2-count. PCO pulls out a second black sack from under the ring and he sprinkles out a ton of thumbtacks all over the ring mat. Cardona, goes under the ring again and grabs a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. Cardona stabs the barbed wire into the face  of PCO. PCO fights it off and Chokeslams Cardona onto the pile of tacks, followed by a PCO-sault for the win.

Mike Santana vs. Moose

Pretty generic match overall. Moose used his strength through the match. Moose with a Powerbomb on the outside of the ring. The ref counts to 9 and Santana barely makes it back into the ring before the count out. Santana mounts a comeback, until JDC of The System tries to interfere. Santana hits JDC with a Spin the Block, then hits one on Moose. Moose hits a Spear, but Santana kicks out of that, and hits a Spin the Block for the win.

Winner: Mike Santana

Jordynne Grace hugs new Knockouts Champion Masha Slamovich at TNA Bound For Glory at the Wayne State University Fieldhouse in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, October 26, 2024. Photo by Brad McFarlin

Jordynne Grace hugs new Knockouts Champion Masha Slamovich at TNA Bound For Glory at the Wayne State University Fieldhouse in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, October 26, 2024. Photo by Brad McFarlin    MORE PHOTOS IN OUR GALLERY

Knockouts Championship: Masha Slamovich vs. Jordynne Grace (c)

This match DELIVERED. I had very high expectations for this match and felt that it was warranted. With the rumors of Grace moving over to WWE when her contract is up, this match could be used as a bit of a passing of the torch.

Close to the end of the match, Slamovich kicked out of the Juggernaut Driver. Both women are on the ropes and Grace looks for the Grace Driver off the ropes, but Slamovich headbutts her way free, and ends up hitting a Super Snow Plow off the ropes for the win.

Winner: And new Knockouts Champion; Masha Slamovich

TNA World Championship with Frankie Kazarian as special referee: Nic Nemeth (c) VS Joe Hendry at TNA Bound For Glory at the Wayne State University Fieldhouse in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, October 26, 2024. Photo by Brad McFarlin

TNA World Championship with Frankie Kazarian as special referee: Nic Nemeth (c) VS Joe Hendry at TNA Bound For Glory at the Wayne State University Fieldhouse in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, October 26, 2024. Photo by Brad McFarlin  MORE PHOTOS IN OUR GALLERY

TNA World Championship: Nic Nemeth (c) VS Joe Hendry

This match was interesting to say the least. I was wholeheartedly expecting a different outcome and am a bit concerned for what is to come for Joe Hendry at this point. Strike when the Iron is hot is something that comes to mind and I hope that this result doesn’t hurt TNA in the long run.

Frankie Kazarian was the special guest referee and what it a bit more interesting is the fact that he had the Call Your Shot prize under his belt. Kaz teases the cash in and then JBL came through the crowd to hit Kaz with a Clothesline From Hell.

JBL whispered to Hendry, and then ends up Clotheslining him also. Hendry is in the ring and Nemeth hits a Danger Zone, but it was only good for a 2-count. A new ref comes in and Hendry was looking for the Standing Ovation, but Nemeth manages to break loose and hits a Superkick, followed by a Danger Zone to retain.

Winner: And Still TNA World Champion; Nic Nemeth

TNA World Tag Team Championship in a Full Metal Mayhem Match: Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy VS Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards VS Ace Austin & Chris Bey 

TNA World Tag Team Championship in a Full Metal Mayhem Match: Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy VS Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards VS Ace Austin & Chris Bey 

TNA World Tag Team Championship in a Full Metal Mayhem Match: Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy (c) vs. Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards vs. Ace Austin & Chris Bey 

This was a Crazy match. I have to admit that I didn’t want to see the Hardys in this type of match but it was a damn fine showing they had. I won’t go as far as to say they are back, but they still have some gas in the tank for sure. With the Nemeth win, I fully expected a feel good moment to end the show (and we got it).

“Let the Bodies Hit the Floor” is the hit song by Drowning Pool and that is exactly what we saw in this match. A bit into the match we saw Bey reaching and hanging on the titles. Edwards swung him into a flying spear from Myers. Matt hits a Twist of Fate on Edwards who so happened to have a chair around his neck. Jeff hit two Twists of Fates and a Swanton off a tall ladder to Myers through a table.

Ace saw his chance and went climbing, but Alisha Edwards pushed the ladder over causing Ace to crash hard. Matt then gives Alisha a Twist of Fate. Edwards with a Kendo Stick to Matt as Matt tried to climb a ladder. The Hardys are both in the ring and they threw chairs at Eddie Edwards. The Hardys then hit a double powerbomb over the ropes through tables and then the hardy’s get their Bound for Glory moment as they reach the titles and win.

Winners: AND NEW Tag Team Champions; The Hardys


Brad McFarlin’s TNA Bound For Glory 2024 photo gallery

TNA Delivers

Bund for Glory 2024: Wayne State Fieldhouse, Detroit, Michigan

This show was very good. That said, I have to take a half point off for the Nic Nemeth/Joe Hendry match. Spark while the iron is hot comes to mind and I hope that they have a long-term plan for Joe Hendry. I want to give kudos to the women’s Knockout match. They surely delivered and if this was Grace’s last major match, then it was a helluva way to go. All in all, this was a good show but didn’t have the spectacle that a Bound for Glory should have.