The third night of Super Jr. Tag League was full of shenanigans on the floor and in the ring. Ryusuke Taguchi and Dragon Dia’s match against Los Ingobernables de Japon’s Bushi and Hiromu Takahashi hit Taguchi in a let’s say…a very, very sensitive spot.

No skateboarding from Taguchi tonight. That is probably for the  best. Taguchi and Hiromu argue in the middle of the ring. They start pushing and shoving each other. They run the ropes, criss-crossing each other. Finally, Taguchi drops down as Hiromu leaps over and keeps running and running until Taguchi trips him. Dragon Dia enters the ring. He knocks Bushi off the apron. He moves to double-team Hiromu but Taguchi is out of breath and asks for a moment.

They take turns giving Hiromu hip attacks to the head. Hiromu fights back to his feet. While they try for 619 on Hiromu, Taguchi gets caught in the ropes injuring his “lower abdomen”. Hiromu makes things worse by jerking the ropes up and down.

Taguchi and Bushi goof around with Hiromu and Bushi’s entrance masks after the match. Courtesy: NJPW, New Japan World.

Bushi crotches Taguchi on the top rope. Taguchi slowly, very slowly, falls off the ropes to the floor. Bushi stomps on Taguchi’s “lower abdomen” as the official tries to intervene. Taguchi lays on the mat groaning. Bushi slaps him in the ass over and over. Taguchi battles back with a Funky Weapon on Bushi.

Bushi rolls up Taguchi for the pin. Taguchi kicks out. Taguchi puts Bushi in an ankle lock. Bushi reaches for the ropes. Dia drop kicks Bushi away from them. Taguchi pins Bushi with his Dudon (Chickenwing Facebuster).

Super Jr. Tag League: Night Three Results


Block A

Block B

Tiger Mask and Captain Suicida vs Sho and Yoshinobu Kanemaru – A Block

Sho tries to unmask Suicida. Courtesy: NJPW, New Japan World.

Kanemaru and Sho attack Tiger Mask and Suicida from behind as they are making their entrance. Mask is driven into the steel post and DDTed on the concrete floor. Sho holds Mask open so Kanemaru can kick him in the face. Suicida dives onto the heels.

With Mask out on the floor Suicida ends up taking on both men but the numbers game becomes too much for him. He tries a double springboard flying back elbow on them but the House of Torture just slams him down.

As Kanemaru distracts the official Sho tears at Suicida’s mask, ripping it. Tiger Mask reenters the fray but The House rip and tear at his mask too. Suicida misses with a moonsault. There is no water in that pool. Sho is stopped by the official before he can enter the ring with his wrench. While that is going on Kanemaru spits whiskey into Suicida’s eyes. Sho clocks Tiger with the wrench as Kanemaru pins Suicida.

If Tiger Mask and Suicida don’t win their next match they are out of the tournament.

Winners: Sho and Yoshinobu Kanemaru

The DKC and Ninja Mack vs Paris De Silva and Jude London – B Block

The DKC and Ninja Mack are alive and kicking. Courtesy: NJPW, New Japan World

DKC and Mack seem to be on the same page tonight unlike yesterday. Ninja Mack is taken aback by London’s speed at first. Both men lock up in a test of strength bounding up the ropes as they do so. London hurls Mack off the top rope with a poisonrana. Mack lands on his feet. London gets a head of steam to fly out of the ring. Mack begs off spoiling London’s fun. DKC and Paris tag in with battling audience chants. Paris drop kicks DKC down to the mat. DKC bails as Paris comes charging in. Paris gets a kick for his troubles. DKC and Mack double team Paris slamming him to the mat, dropping double chops on him. Quick tags forever from Mack and DKC who work Paris over in a corner. The crowd chuckles at that. Paris fights out of the double team by sending Mack flying in the ring and DKC flying out of the ring.

London is tagged in. He blasts Ninja with a flying forearm smash off the top rope. He drop kicks DKC for good measure. Mack has London pins with a sit-out powerbomb but Paris makes the save. Paris is knocked to the floor. DKC lays London over his knee for a barrage of chops. Mack pins London with his top rope splash.

Winners: The DKC and Ninja Mack

Ryusuke Taguchi and Dragon Dia vs Bushi and Hiromu Takahashi

Winners: Ryusuke Taguchi and Dragon Dia

Kushida and Kevin Knight versus Taiji Ishimori and Robbie X

Robbie X flies high. Courtesy: NJPW, New Japan World

The loss last night to The United Empire has lit a fire under the IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions. Knight drops kicks both Robbie and Ishimori to stop a Magic Killer. Kushida rolls up Robbie for the win.

Winners: Kushida and Kevin Knight

Robbie Eagles and Kosei Fujita vs Clark Connors and Drilla Moloney

Robbie Eagles and Kosei Fujita double-team Connors. Courtesy: NJPW, New Japan World

Connors escapes a Ron Miller Special from Eagles early on. The match goes to the floor where Eagles sits Connors down in a front row seat chopping and kicking the crap out of him. Connors and Drilla pick up Eagles and Fujita slamming them into each other on the floor. The fight continues on the floor where Eagles is thrown through the first eight or so rows. Connors slams Eagles head into one of the bleacher seats. Eagles is whipped into the ringside barricade. It breaks with the impact. Drilla smashes Fujita’s head into a steel sign. Connors brings Drilla a steel chair. Fujita’s head is smashed into the sign and the chair. The official begins their count. Eagles barely makes it back into the ring.

Eagles saves Fujita from being put away with the Drilla Killa. Eagles unleashes strike after strike on Connors. Connors blocks the Turbo Backpack with a No Chaser brainbuster. The War Dogs pin Fujita with their tag team finisher.

Winners: Clark Connors and Drilla Moloney

Francesco Akira and TJP vs Yoh and Rocky Romero

TJP and Akira on their way to victory. Courtesy: NJPW.

Romero and Yoh spike Akira with 3K. TJP breaks up the three count. Yoh ducks out of the way of a Two-By-Two. Akira nails TJP with a running knee smash instead. Yoh and Romero pin Akira with their Strong Zero finisher.

Winners: Yoh and Rocky Romero

Super Jr. Tag League: Champs go down in defeat