Greetings and salutations! We are six days removed from TNA Victory Road and the road to Bound for Glory is officially on! This week on the show we will hear from Joe Hendry as he has something important to say. The new Knockouts Tag Team Champions Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) will defend their titles. Matt Cardona will also be in action as he takes on Rhino, and First Class (AJ Francis & KC Navarro) will look to get back on the winning column as they take on new comers Sinner & Saint (Judas Icarus and Travis Williams). With all this and so much more, let’s get to the action.

An in-depth TNA Victory Road 2024 video package showing highlights from last Friday’s special event in San Antonio, Texas is shown. We then shoot inside the Impact Zone and ….

Alisha Edwards has a lot on her mind…

Alisha Edwards comes out and asks “Do you wanna know something?”. She then complains about not being TNA Knockouts Tag-Team Champion due to Masha Slamovich. Slamovich comes out and Edwards continues to degrade her. Slamovich gets in Edwards’ face and Edwards says she was the weak link in the MAlisha duo. Edwards says she doesn’t even understand what Slamovich is saying half the time. Slamovich informs Edwards that she has heard every word that has ever come out of her mouth and that she’s sick of her. As Slamovich defends herself verbally, Tasha Steelz attacks her from behind physically.

Masha fights back on Steelz, but Edwards takes her out with a Kendo Stick. Steelz and Edwards join forces in beating Slamovich down until TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace comes out to make the save. As Grace is out, The System duo of Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers run out also. As everyone is in the ring and a brawl is about to happen, The Hardy’s come out. The System runs away like the true heels they are and the hells and the faces all stare each other down.

Santino Marella’s theme hits and says if they want to fight, they’re gonna get their wish tonight, and he announces a six person tag match with Eddie Edwards, Brian Myers and Tasha Steelz taking on The Hardys and Masha Slamovich. Sanitno then turns his attention to Grace, but The NXT and TNA Liaison” Arianna Grace comes out and announces Wendy Choo & Rosemary vs. Jordynne Grace and one of Arianna’s “very best friends from WWE NXT.” Santino seems happy and we go to break.

Backstage, we see Josh Alexander gazing into nothing as Eric Young approaches him and tells him that he’s been in the same spot that Alexander has been in. Young says he’s headed into a place where it’s harder to come back from than he thinks. Young reminds Alexander that he’s a leader in TNA and it’s time to take that serious.

Jordynne Grace catches up with Masha Slamovich and tells her she expected her to be one of the people to respond to her many TNA Knockouts Championship Open Challenges in recent weeks/months. She tells her she has a feeling they’ll see each other sooner than later. The Hardys come out of their dressing room and have a quick chat with Grace and Slamovich. Slamovich says teaming with them is a dream. They tell her to help them continue to show to the world tonight that TNA Wrestling is white hot these days

First Class (AJ Francis & KC Navarro) VS Sinner & Saint

KC Navarro is tossed out to the floor. Sinner hits Francis and makes it to the corner for the tag and in comes Saint. Navarro also tags back in. Navarro is thrown to the floor. Sinner & Saint hit a double-team spot and splash onto Navarro still on the floor. Back in the ring, Sinner with a close pin on Navarro after a huge hit. Francis hits the Down Payment choke slam, which Navarro immediately follows-up with a top-rope First Class Splash for the win.

Winners: First Class (AJ Francis & KC Navarro)

we shoot to a shot of someone’s boots backstage. We see a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire clanging off the concrete ground. The camera pans up and we see Mike Santana. He says tonight we’re gonna find out if JDC is willing to walk through the fire, because he’s gonna baptize him in his own blood. “Cause you motha f**kers, ya’ll locked in this world with me!” After this wraps up, the show heads into another commercial break.

Gia Miller is standing by backstage with new TNA X-Division Champion “Speedball” Mike Bailey. Bailey talks about wining the title again and how he is ready to defend anytime, anywhere. Miller lets Bailey know that she has learned from Santino Marella that Bailey will be teaming up with Leon Slater and KUSHIDA to take on Zachary Wentz and ABC duo Chris Bey and Ace Austin in six-man tag-team action next week.

Matt Cardona VS Rhino

We are shows scenes of Steph De Lander’s injury announcement. We are told she will be out 6-10 months. In an Exclusive clip, she is seen with PCO where she tells him to trust her.

When the Bell goes, Cardona hops out of the ring and makes his way around the ring before he gets back in and goes to kick Rhino where the sun don’t shine, but Rhino starts drilling him with some serious punches. Cardona goes to the corner and Rhino looks for the Gore, but he slides out to the floor to avoid it. Rhino heads out after him and hits a Suplex to Cardona on the entrance ramp. Rhino goes under the ring and pulls out a chair. He brings it in the ring with him, but Cardona gets it and hits him with it. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner via DQ: Rhino

Cardona beats Rhino up and the lights go out and when they turn back on, PCO is standing in the middle of the ring behind Cardona. PCO with a Chokeslam on Cardona. PCO is looking for the PCO-Sault, but Cardona exits the ring. PCO beats up a chair and even does a PCO-Sault on it.

Spitfire (Jody Threat & Dani Luna) (c) VS Kendal Grey & Carlee Bright to retain the TNA Knockouts Tag-Team Championship

“The Liaison” Arianna Grace comes back out and announces that they will be defending their titles against two of her best friends from WWE NXT, Kendal Grey and Carlee Bright. Threat and Grey kick things off and Grey Suplexes her way out of a Headlock. Luna tags in and after sometime, both members of Spitfire hit a two-on-one stalled Suplex. Bright tags back in and helps shift the offensive momentum into the favor of the NXT gals.  That does not last long at all as Spitfire hits he Pressure Drop for the win.

Winners: Spitfire (Jody Threat & Dani Luna)

We see Ash By Elegance admiring herself in front of a mirror, as George Iceman stands behind her bragging about her some more. Heather Reckless shows up and says she wants to take them up on their offer and hopes they will watch her match against Xia Brookside next week. Ash and Iceman say they will think about it.

Mike Santana VS JDC in a Texas Death Match

Falls count anywhere and when your opponent is so beat up and can’t get up at the count of 10, you are declared the winner. Santana beats down JDC until he is in the corner. Santana rushes the corner and hits him with a heavy Knee. Santana goes for a second running knee, but JDC rolls out to the floor. JDC walks around the ringside, but Santana dives hard onto him at ringside. Santana grabs a trash can, some steel chairs and brings them into the ring. Santana unfolds the two chairs and sets them back-to-back in the middle of the ring. Santana grabs JDC and lifts him up near the chairs, but JDC escapes.

Santana gets JDC back in the corner and goes for the classic 10-punch, but at 8 or so, JDC picks Santana up and has him in a Powerbomb position and ends up dropping him on the chairs that were set up by Santana himself. JDC takes off his shirt and puts the trash can over Santana. He grabs a kendo stick and beats the trash can up. JDC climbs the ropes and hits a Down ‘N’ Dirty onto Santana, who is still in the trash can.

Santana rolls outside for a breather. Santana’s bloody head is shown. JDC beats and punches Santana up some more, but Santana grabbed a barbed wired Baseball bat and ends up hitting JDC with it, making him bleed also. After some back and forth and a ladder being set up,  Santana  climbs the ladder and hits JDC who goes through some stage equipment. The ref makes the count to 10 for the win.

Winner: Mike Santana

After the match, as Santana is celebrating, he is attacked by Moose, who leaves him laid out after using a chair on him.

Josh Alexander is shown backstage chatting with Sinner & Saint. He tells them that competition is high for new guys like them when they get into TNA. He tells them to keep their heads up and keep trying.

We see a vignette hyping the arrival to TNA Wrestling of former WWE Superstar Xia Li, who is now working under the ring name, Lei Ying Lee. Lee will make her debut on next week’s show.

Joe Hendry has something to say…

Hendry is out in the ring and says every time he’s down, the fans lift him back up, and he has a feeling they’re going to lift him all the way up to the TNA World Championship. This gets Frankie Kazarian out. Kazarian makes fun of the fans and thinks it’s funny Hendry thinks he’s next in-line for a title shot after winning one match. He says he only won the match in the first place because he had a weapon in his crotch. Kazarian says that he deserves a shot at the TNA World Championship and gloats that he believes in Frankie Kazarian. Kazarian then demands TNA Champion, Nic Nemeth to come out.

Nic Nemeth joins Kazarian and Hendry in the ring. After he and Kazarian exchange words, TNA Director of Authority Santino Marella comes out and announces that it will be Joe Hendry vs. Frankie Kazarian next week on Impact. The winner will move on to challenge Nic Nemeth for the TNA World Championship in the main event of the biggest show of the year, TNA Bound For Glory 2024 in Detroit, Michigan.

The Hardys (Matt and Jeff Hardy) & Masha Slamovich VS The System (Brian Myers and Eddie Edwards) & Tasha Steelz

Steelz and Slamovich get things started and after some back-and-forth action early on, we see things pick up when all six end up getting involved as it turns to pandemonium 2024. Slamovich hits a Poetry in Motion. Matt and Jeff follow up with another big double-team shot. The System makes a comeback until Jeff Hardy is in and looks for a Whisper in the Wind, but its stopped and Myers goes to work on Jeff. The System and The Hardy’s go back and forth some more in this match. Matt is in and is looking for a Twist of Fate, but Alisha Edwards gets involved at ringside.

The referee ejects her  and out comes Chris Bey and Ace Austin, who carry Edwards to the back. Steelz attacks Slamovich from behind in the ring. Masha hits a turning splash through the ropes onto Steelz on the floor. Jeff Hardy hits a Twist of Fate on Edwards, followed by Matt Hardy hitting one of his own. Jeff hits a Swanton Bomb for the win.

Winners:The Hardys (Matt and Jeff Hardy) & Masha Slamovich

The Hardys and Masha Slamovich celebrate to end the show.