Greetings and salutations! We are on the eve of Victory Road and on this edition of TNA iMPACT we will see a tornado tag team match, The Hardys, and more. Fresh off his appearance on NXT this past Tuesday we will see Hammerstone take on Steve Maclin in what is sure to be a meaty match. We will also see the debut of Heather Reckless as she takes on Gisele Shaw. With all this and the final build to Victory Road tomorrow night we are in for a jam packed show. So without further ado, let’s get to the action.

The show kicks off with a recap of last weeks show and the rivalries heading into Victory Road

Steve Maclin VS Hammerstone

Hammerstone hits a belly-to-back Suplex for a 2-count, and continues to target the arm of Maclin. Hammerstone looks for a Torture Rack, but Maclin fights his way out and uses his uninjured arm to put the hurt on Hammerstone. Maclin with a Back-breaker and then sends Haammerstone to the corner. Maclin also on the corner pounds Hammerstone and then hangs him up upside down in the tree of woe. Maclin runs and hits a hard Spear for a 2-count of his own. Maclin tries to hook Hammerstone for the K.I.A., but Hammerstone avoids it and hits a power slam.

Maclin clotheslines Hammerstone and that sends him over the ropes and onto the floor. Maclin with a huge Dive on Hammerstone and then send him back into the ring and head to the top rope, but Hammerstone cuts him off and meets him at the top. Hammerstone hits an overhead belly-to-belly off the top. Maclin is up and charges at Hammerstone looking for a running Knee, but Hammerstone avoids it and hits a Single-leg dropkick. Hammerstone looks for the Torture Rack again, but Maclin escapes and rolls him up for the surprise win.

Winner: Steve Maclin

After the match, Hammerstone attacks Maclin but is saved by Eric Young. Jake Something is out and seems to be on Hammerstone’s side. All four men are ready to attack each other as the segment ends…

Backstage, Alisha Edwards asks if we want to know something and doesn’t really say much. JDC says Jim Neidhart’s “we’re gonna get hungry and forget our manners” line. Moose indeed says JDC is now officially part of the system after they won their tag team match last week.

Steve Maclin is int he back and calls back to his comments made at Emergence about there not being enough good people worthy of trust and respect in this business. Eric Young walks in and he tells him he’s one of them and says Maclin is one also. They set up a match against Hammerstone and Jake Something for Victory Road tomorrow night.

Heather Reckless VS Gisele Shaw

They lock up and Shaw with a side headlock on Reckless. Reckless fights out and is able to hit a DDT. As the action continues in the ring, Ash By Elegance and George Iceman come out to ringside for aa closer look. Reckless climbs to the top and hits a shoulder tackle and then goes back to the top to hit a Moonsault for a 2-count. Reckless continues her assault on Shaw as she hits a Canadian Destroyer and gets a 2.9-count. Shaw finally makes a small comeback as she hits a huge Spinebuster.

Shaw hits Shock ‘N’ Awe and gets a 2-count of her own. George Iceman gets on the apron and distracts the referee. Ash By Elegance decks Shaw on the top-rope and Reckless runs up and hits “Recked” (Spanish Fly) and picks up the win on her debut here on TNA.

Winner: Heather Reckless

A vignette airs for Xia Li who is on her way to TNA Wrestling.

Matt Cardona and his Property are out…

Matt Cardona is out and says that Steph De Lander will be his tag team partner against PCO and Rhino. Cardona says if De Lander doesn’t do what he tells her at Victory Road, then he’s sending her back to Australia. PCO is out and Cardona wants to use Steph De Lander as a shield, but De Lander hits a Low Blow on Cardona and then PCO hits Cardona with a chokeslam. PCO and De Lander hug it out….

Gia Miller siits down with the team of Spitfire, Jody Threat and Dani Luna. They talk about their match at Victory Road where they will face off against TNA Knockouts Tag-Team Champions Masha Slamovich and Alisha Edwards. They bring up and don’t want to think too much about the stipulation wherein if they lose, the team must break up.

TNA Tag Team Champions ABC VS First Class in a Tornado Match (non-title match)

ABC and First Class end up in in a classic brawl with all four men hitting all the moves. They brawl all over the Impact Zone. Francis and Navarro are finally able to settle htings down and control the match as they take it to the tag team champions. Francis and Navarro have a firm control on Bey and seem to keep Bey out of the match. Francis continues to take it to both members of ABC. Once Austin made his way into the ring, First Class continued their first class whopping of the champs. Bey tried to help Austin, but Navarro made sure that he was not effective in doing so. Austin and Bey are finally both in the ring, and he and Austin hit a double-suplex on Francis. Bey with a Cutter, as Austin follows up with The Fold on Francis to get the win.

Winners: ABC (Ace Austin & Chris Bey)

We see a video for Jon Gresham and his continuation of the spooky character

Say his name and he appears….

Joe Hendry is out and is quickly interrupted by Josh Alexander. Hendry has a new song for Alexander. In the song he calls Alexander the Kurt Angle from Wish. Alexander gets on the mic and says he has nothing to smile about because of Joe Hendry. Alexander then says that it should be him representing TNA and getting opportunities over at NXT. Alexander says that Hendry is all talk and show but can’t back up his claims.

Josh Alexander says Hendry won’t see his smile because at Victory Road he will dismantle Hendry. Alexander then plays to the crowd and is upset they are chanting for Hendry and not him. Alexander says Hendry just dug his grave even deeper and he’s going to end him once and for all at Victory Road. Hendry says he has traveled all over the world making believers out of everyone and Alexander is just another person he will prove wrong at Victory Road.

We see Arianna Grace acting as liaison between TNA and NXT as she has her own office. Jordynne Grace comes in and tells Grace that Wendy Choo is not welcome in TNA. Grace says Choo isn’t there and promises there won’t be funny business at Victory Road. Grace says in TNA promises mean something.

Mike Santana is backstage and says that he wants the next shot at the TNA World Championship after Victory Road. Santana says Nic Nemeth has done a great job as Champion but hopes Moose wins the title just so he has another thing to take away from him.

Ash by Elegance VS Xia Brookside

Brookside takes the advantage as she kicks the back of Ash. Brookside with a rollup for a 2-count and then immediately kicks Ash once again.  Iceman trips Brookside and Ash is able to capitalize and take over the match. Ash kicks and stomps a mudhole on Brookside. Brookside fights back and takes over yet again. Brookside hits two Broken Wings to the back of Ash and looks for a third, but is stopped by Iceman. Iceman pleads with Brookside not to hurt Ash. As everyone was distracted, Heather Reckless runs out and cheap shots Brookside. Ash rolls her up and gets the win.

Winner: Ash by Elegance

After the match, Heather Reckless stand in victory with Ash by Elegance and Iceman.

Nic Nemeth backstage and he talks about Moose having the chance to handle things like a man, but opting not to and deciding to go his own way. He says that the System reboot is nothing and makes fun of it, and talks about Moose tagging his heroes like The Rock and Triple H on social media posts. Nemeth reminds Moose that he actuually shared a ring with them and beat them. f

Ash By Elegance is complaining about her hair to George Iceman when Heather Reckless walks in. They say she needs a Make over and she will get one chance to impress them…

The Hardys (Matt & Jeff Hardy) VS The System (Brian Myers & Eddie Edwards)

The System control the early part of this match as they quickly tag in and out and ensure that Matt is cut off from his brother. Matt is finally able to get some offense and punches both members of The System down. Mat is on the mat and slowly makes his way to his partner and brother, Jeff. Matt makes the hot tag and clears house while hitting all of the Jeff Hardy classics. Jeff with the Crotch leg drop, Whisper in the Wind and Twist of Fate.

Jeff climbs to the top and goes for a Swanton Bomb, but Myers interrupts him and saves Eddie from eating that move. Edwards takes control and eventually gets a 2-count. The System looks for their System Over-Load, but it’s broken (haha) by Matt. Matt hits a Twist of Fate to Myers off the ropes who hits the floor at ringside. Another Twist of Fate on Edwards, and now Jeff climbs to the top and hits the Swanton Bomb for the win.

Winners: The Hardys (Matt and Jedd Hardy)