It’s never easy when someone dies. In the case of Wild Samoan Afa, he had gone through numerous health battles over the past few months, allowing many the chance to visit and celebrate him while he was still around.

His death on August 16, 2024, wasn’t unexpected, and the tributes flowed in from family and friends.

Son Afa Anoai Jr. on Facebook: “I’ve lost my Best Friend, My Biggest Fan, my Mentor, my Hero, my Trainer, my Influence, my world, my Father!!! Nothing can prepare for this part of life. I’m devastated! Rest Easy Dad! Give uncle a big hug for me! #Anoai”

Daughter Vale Anoa’i on Facebook:

This afternoon, just a very short time ago, I received the phone call from my mom that my beloved father, the center of my universe, passed away. My heart is so full of his presence and strength. I got to spend the vast majority of my life right there by his side, through the best of times and the hardest of times. Thank you, Dad, for every priceless life lesson you taught me. Thank you for being someone who cared, always.

I’ve been preparing to say goodbye to my Dad since January, when he had those two heart attacks. I was prepared to say goodbye to him in March when he fell and broke his back in two places and had to have major surgery. I was prepared to say goodbye to my Dad when he had his heart valve replacement surgery. I was prepared to say goodbye to him when he was having the second back surgery. I was prepared to say goodbye to my Dad when we had to tell him the news of Uncle Sika’s passing. For the last month, I’ve been preparing to say goodbye to my Dad, as his health declined, as he was put on hospice care, as he grew weaker and more fragile. I’ve been preparing to say goodbye to my Dad. Now I realize I’ll never have to say goodbye, because a very strong part of him will always be part of me. I love you, Dad. This is not goodbye, because I’ll never lose you. This is just the end of your lifetime on Earth. I will always love you. You will be remembered, honored, missed, and respected forever. The strongest man I’ve ever known. The 3-count comes for us all, eventually, but you fought it all the way to the end. You kicked out more times than anyone else ever has. You are forever our undisputed champion. I love you so much.

I will never have to know what it is to live without you, because I know you’re always with me. ❤️
Thank you all so much for your love, respect, stories, and memories that you’ve been sharing over the last few days.


Sal Corrente and Afa the Wild Samoan. Facebook photo

Sal Corrente and Afa the Wild Samoan. Facebook photo

Sal Anthony Corrente on Facebook: “I can now report that Afa Anoai Sr. has passed. I will write more later. I have to piece if all together in my mind. While I knew it was coming you are clearly never prepared. I lost a friend a mentor a tag team partner and someone who taught me so much of what I know about the wrestling business. We had a mutual trust from the get-go. I told him I wouldn’t make promises I couldn’t keep and I never did. It was only 6.25.2024 that we lost Sika Anoai now this. The are reunited again but many of here will have to try and get used to them being gone. He was a champion whether he was holding a belt or not. I know death is a part of life, but man the last few years have been awful.”

Carmine DeSpirito on Facebook: “I had the opportunity to manage Afa a few times in early 90’s for his promotion, the T.W.W.F. I was just a kid, and he took it upon himself to teach me “psychology”. A few times, he asked me if I had a good spot or finish for his match or for another match I was involved in. I know that wasn’t rare. He taught many in the business. In fact, many owe their careers to him. Thank you, Pops. RIP”

Leilani Kai on Facebook: It is with a heavy heart that I share my sadness in learning of the passing of my dear friend, Afa Anoa’i Sr. Afa was more than just a legend in our wrestling community—he was a guiding light, a mentor, and a beloved father figure to so many of us who were fortunate enough to know him. Afa’s kindness, wisdom, and strength were unmatched, and his love for his family and friends was evident in everything he did. I have always held the deepest respect and admiration for Afa, not just for his incredible contributions to wrestling, but for the remarkable man he was. To the Anoa’i family, please know that my thoughts, prayers, and love are with you during this difficult time. Afa’s legacy will continue to live on in all of us who had the privilege of knowing him. Rest in peace, Afa. You will be deeply missed, but never forgotten.”

April Hunter on Facebook: Rest peacefully, Afa Anoai. Please know that you were one of the truly good humans who made both the world and pro wrestling a much better place. Love always for you, Pops. Thank you for all you’ve done for me. 💞

Paige Von Hess Sutherland with a poignant photo of her hand in that of Afa the Wild Samoan. Facebook photo

Paige Von Hess Sutherland with a poignant photo of her hand in that of Afa the Wild Samoan. Facebook photo

Paige Von Hess Sutherland on Facebook: It is with profound sadness and heartbreak to announce the passing of my Dad. Gataivasa Afa Amituana’i Anoa’i passed away peacefully this afternoon in Pensacola, Florida. Surrounded by his loved ones. What a blessing it has been to have him as a second Dad as a child growing up on the road in wrestling. And the third was my Uncle Sika. In later years, when my Dad Kurt passed so young, he said I am your Dad now. And he has been every step of the way. It was so natural as he has been that role model for me my whole life. Taught me so much about life for many years. And to step up like that because he knew I needed guidance and love, a true blessing and an example of his beautiful heart. Just full of love. I am forever grateful for this gift of love.
I love, love, love you Dad!! Love always your Paigey Pua🌺🙏❤️😘 Malolo i le Alofa

A return to Vale Anoa’i seems appropriate. A day before her father’s death, she reminded all of us on Facebook to never take anyone for granted and to appreciate the people in our lives:

If there’s someone in your life that you respect, love, and have a lot of great memories with, please reach out to that person and tell them how grateful you are for the time you spent together. If possible, plan a trip to go visit that person. Do not let years or decades go by, then suddenly you discover that you really don’t have all the time in the world. We’re all mortal, none of us have forever. Make those memories, reminisce, reconnect, share your feelings with those special people while they’re still here to hear it. Take that time, it’s the only thing we can’t get more of. ❤️

TOP PHOTOS: Left: Afa Anoia Jr. with his father Afa Anoai Sr.; Right: Afa the Wild Samoan with manager Carmine DeSpirito