TNA Wrestling makes its way to la belle province on Saturday night for Slammiversary. But who will be the winner when “la bell” sounds at the end of the night? Check out our predictions and prognostications.


Josh Alexander vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Moose (c) vs. Nic Nemeth vs. Joe Hendry vs. Steve Maclin – Elimination Match for the TNA World Championship

The current working crossover arrangement between TNA and WWE/NXT allows for some really interesting possibilities for this one. With the show taking place in Montreal, could we see a last-minute replacement or addition? Maybe someone like Kevin Owens, or the TNA return of El Generico?  If that happens, look for that person to walk away as champion, possibly setting up a rematch at a future WWE event.

Unless that happens, we believe in Joe Hendry’s chances. Given his popularity with both the TNA and NXT fans, him winning would be a great way to end the show.


Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Ash by Elegance –  For the TNA Knockouts World Championship

In an interview earlier this week, Grace promised a lot of surprises during the show. This might include some more NXT talents appearing, and possibly during this one. Ash by Elegance still may have some friends from her days in WWE as Dana Brooke, and maybe they’ll give Ash the advantage. or maybe it will be her stooge, the personal concierge. Either way, Ash by Elegance takes the title in some cheating way.


Mustafa Ali (c) vs. “Speedball” Mike Bailey – for the X-Division Championship

This should be a fantastic match that hopefully doesn’t get overshadowed by over-booking through interference by Ali’s entourage of Campaign Singh and his Secret Service. If Bailey doesn’t win the title, look for the Montreal crowd to riot. And Heaven help everyone if they do a Montreal Screwjob finish… that would be Habs-winning-the-Cup level rioting.


A.J. Francis (c)(c) vs. PCO – for the Digital Media Championship and the Canadian International Heavyweight Wrestling Championship

The Canadian championship is, in storyline,  the one from Montreal’s Lutte Internationale promotion that Francis bought the rights to, and he’s been carrying it around in part to taunt Montrealer PCO. This one will likely become a hardcore affair -and look for Francis to get carved up like a Montreal smoked meat sammich. PCO is gonna make the former Top Dolla holla… in pain.


The System (Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers) (c) vs. ABC (Chris Bey & Ace Austin) – for the World Tag Team Championship

The tag team division is an area that could definitely benefit from the NXT crossover. No offense to ABC, but they seem to be stuck in a bit of a rut. And they’re not going to get out of it at Slammiversary. With Moose likely losing his title, we can’t see the System losing everything in one night. Edwards and Myers retain.


The Rascalz vs. No Quarter Catch Crew

Remember what we just said about how NXT transplants could help with the tag team division? This is what we mean. NXT’s NQCC have been a nice breath of fresh air on TNA programming. And should have a great match against the Rascalz, including NXT’s Wes Lee who reunites with his fellow Treehousers. No way they’re not going to go with the feel-good moment of a Rascalz win.


Matt Hardy vs. JDC

If you missed this week’s episode of TNA Impact – or didn’t read our recap (shame on you if that’s the case), you might have missed the mind games that JDC played on Matt Hardy, first by hospitalizing Matt’s brother Jeff, and then by attacking Matt’s wife Reby (off-screen). While that would normally give someone the edge, all it’s likely to do is wake up the demented mind of “Broken” Matt. JDC will, as a result, be deleted.


Mike Santana vs. Jake Something

This one has some interesting implications, as both of them seem to be on the cusp of being in the main event scene. Based on how he’s been presented on TV, it seems that Santana is the one who will be getting the push, so he will take the win. The other option – and what we would probably do if we were booking – would be some kind of non-finish, to keep this one going for a bit.


Masha Slamovich & Alisha Edwards (c) vs. Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) – for the Knockouts Tag Team Championship

Interesting choice to put this one on the pre-show and not the PPV – title matches should be featured on the main card, in our view. That being said, this will be a hot start early in the night, and amp up the crowd, as Spitfire do bring the excitement. Like we said about the men’s Tag Team Championship match, we can’t see the System losing everything tonight – including Alisha’s half of these titles. She and Masha retain, likely thanks to interference.


KUSHIDA vs. Jonathan Gresham

We thINK Gresham’s human octopus gimmick stINKs. We have an INKling that Kushida will find chINKs in Gresham’s armour, lINK together some moves as quick as a blINK, and drINK from the winner’s cup with a smile and a wINK.


Tasha Steelz vs. Faby Apache vs. gisele Shaw vs. Xia Brookside

With the recent story where Shaw was getting advice from Gail Kim, it’s possible she may take the win. But we think that Xia is the next Knockout to get the rocket strapped to her back, and that continues with a win here.