Happy Monday everyone. Heading into this week’s Raw there is a lot of excitement surrounding the WWE, last week’s show saw The Wyatt Sicks make their long awaited debut.

Michael Cole was trying to address how Raw went off the air last week when Drew McIntyre came through the crowd and into the ring. McIntyre quit the WWE last week, but that clearly did not last too long. On Smackdown last week in Chicago, McIntyre attacked CM Punk and left him a bloody mess.

McIntyre said he prayed for this and he is now done with all the people that chant his name because that is just the memory of him now. He then sent a message to Punk, saying he hopes he is in pain and being fed through a straw because he put him there. He did not just take his dignity, but he also took Punk’s bracelet that a fan made for him. That bracelet is priceless to Punk because it has his wife and dog’s names on it. He wears it as a way to take his family with him on the road so he is not alone, but he is now more alone than ever.

Drew with his new bracelet. Credit: WWE

He also announced that he will be entering the Money in the Bank ladder match to win the contract while Punk watches on in pain. Everyone accepted Punk even though McIntyre told everyone about the type of man he is, which made McIntyre feel alone. However, McIntyre is no longer alone because he put Punk’s bracelet on and said he now has his family in his corner. He will win Money in the Bank and become the World Champion with Punk’s family by his side.

Chad Gable has arrived at Raw, he was one of the people that was brutally attacked by The Wyatt Sicks last week. Cathy Kelley attempted to get a word with Gable, but his locker room was protected by security. As the night went on, Adam Pearce was in Gable’s locker room and he told us that despite Gable being shaken up he is cleared to compete tonight. As for the story about The Wyatt Sicks, Pearce said that is Gable’s story to tell.

Bron Breakker vs. Ludwig Kaiser

After trading some strikes, Breakker ran the ropes faster than I’ve ever seen and trampled Kaiser. He continued with plenty of shoulder checks, but Kaiser then delivered a thumb to the eye to get himself back in the match. He hung Breakker on the second rope and hit a running dropkick to send him to the floor. However, Breakker then put a halt to Kaiser’s offence when he dove from the apron clotheslining Kaiser over the announce table.

Breakker continued with a brutal back elbow, a release German suplex and a beautiful avalanche hurricanrana. Kaiser now rolled to the outside and Breakker took a run at him, but Kaiser side stepped him and Breakker flew into the steel steps. Kaiser then attempted to run at Breakker and he was cut off by Sheamus causing a disqualification. Sheamus wanted to powerbomb Kaiser through the announce table, but as he lifted him he was hit with a spear from Breakker.

Winner: Ludwig Kaiser via DQ

The Intercontinental Championship match for Money in the Bank. Credit: WWE

Following this disqualification, Breakker rushed to Adam Pearce’s office to tell him how sick he is of people getting involved in his business. He can beat all these people and he is trying to get a shot at Sami Zayn’s Intercontinental Championship. Zayn then showed up to tell Breakker he is standing right in front of him with no interruptions, so make the challenge. Breakker said Zayn versus himself at Money in the Bank for the Intercontinental title. Zayn happily accepted the challenge and Pearce made the match official.

The Judgement Day’s locker room is looking better than ever and that is because of all the gift Liv Morgan is getting for Dominik Mysterio. Damian Priest was questioning why Dom is accepting all these gifts and Dom got what seemed to be a risky text from Morgan that left him speechless. Priest told Dom he needs to end this with Morgan before Rhea Ripley comes back and he’ll have to deal with her.

Money in the bank Triple Threat Qualifying Match: Lyra Valkyria vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Kairi Sane

Valkyria heading to MITB. Credit: WWE

Baszler got things started quickly with a running knee and facebuster, but Sane then sent both of her opponents to the outside and dove onto them from the top rope with a crossbody. Despite the early offence from Sane and Baszler, Valkyria got into it with a missile dropkick and fisherman buster to Sane. She was then drilling Baszler with a flurry of kicks and dropped Sane with a gutwrench powerbomb. Valkyria saw her moment and capitalized when she hit Sane with Night Wing to punch her ticket to Money in the Bank.

Winner: Lyra Valkyria

Drew McIntyre was arguing with Adam Pearce because he wants in the Money in the Bank ladder match, but Pearce said he needs to qualify. Pearce doesn’t believe McIntyre deserves it, but McIntyre made his case and told Pearce he trusts he will make the right decision. Because if he doesn’t he will come find him.

The Women’s World Champion, Liv Morgan has arrived at Raw and she is looking for Dirty Dom. She hopes he likes all his presents and the text she sent him, once he realizes she is what he wants she can give him so much more. Rhea Ripley never cared about Dom the way she does and she wants Daddy Dom to come out to the ring so she can give him one more gift.

However, instead of Dom she got Zelina Vega, who wants to shut Morgan up. Vega doesn’t understand Morgan’s obsession with Ripley’s sloppy seconds and she is here to get that Women’s World Championship. Morgan assured she did not forget about her title because it is the most important thing in her life. Vega thinks Morgan is too focused on having fun and she schemed for her opportunities while she works for her opportunities. She then challenged Morgan for her championship, but Morgan said that can wait because she is here for Dominik.

Daddy Dom has made his way out and he unfortunately did not like the gifts and text from Morgan. He told Vega that if she is going to fight for the championship he wants to help because her and Ripley had their differences, but he’d rather see anyone but Morgan with the title. Vega does not want Dom’s help and when she raised her voice at Dom, Morgan had no choice but to attack Vega. This led to a brawl between the two women that Rey Mysterio rushed the ring to break up. When Rey lifted Morgan off Vega, Dom shoved his dad to the ground. What a weird segment.

Liv and Dom forever. Credit: WWE

Morgan thanked Dom for protecting her backstage and gave him a very big hug, but Dom quickly got away from her. R-Truth then came to chat with Morgan and she saw an opportunity. She tricked Truth into giving The Judgement Day a chance at the World Tag Team Championships, she is working harder than ever to get into Dom’s good books.

Money in the bank Triple Threat Qualifying Match: Braun Strowman vs. Bronson Reed vs. Chad Gable

As Gable was making his entrance he asked the fans if they believe in miracles because even though he was left for dead last week Chad Gable cannot be killed. He said in an act of true bravery he has decided to face two more monsters this week in order to win that contract to become “Master” in the Bank.

The monsters were throwing Gable around once the bell sounded as Reed launched Gable to the floor and then took out both of his opponents with a suicide dive. Gable then tried to use his quickness to overcome his much bigger opponents, but he ended up being taken out by a big boot from Strowman. Strowman then ran around the ring with his signature train attack wiping everyone out. Gable now showcased some of his own strength by dropping Reed with a German suplex and Strowman then Powerslammed Reed on the floor. The Judgement Day now attacked Strowman from behind, they have had lots of issues recently and they removed him from this match.

Back in the ring, Reed was still taken out because of Strowman and Gable dove from the top rope with a moonsault to get the victory. Shockingly, Gable is heading to Money in the Bank.

Winner: Chad Gable

As Gable was celebrating his win, all the lights went out and The Waytt Sicks were back to get their hands on him. The ring filled with smoke as Nikki Cross crawled in and Gable rolled to safety retreating to the back. Cross walked over to Michael Cole with a box addressed to Pat McAfee and left it on the announce desk for him before leaving through the crowd.

McAfee is not at Raw tonight, so Cole opened up the box and inside he found a VHS tape that said play me. He sent the tape to the production truck and we were able to see the contents of it:

After Gable’s scare he ran to the back to find the Alpha Academy and he said last week his life flashed before his eyes. When he thought his time was up all he could think about was Otis, Akira Tozawa and Maxxine Dupri. Gable apologized to them and said families fight, he wanted them all back on his side. Otis felt bad about what happened to Gable, but he said he meant it when he said they were done.

A new Alpha Academy? Credit: WWE

Otis and Tozawa went back into the locker room, but Dupri stayed to say she is really glad that he is okay and Otis just needs some time. Dupri then joined Otis and Tozawa in the locker room when Gable was approached by The Creed Brothers and Ivy Nile, the cameras cut as he was telling them he needs help.

Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn vs. Kayden Carter & Katana Chance

Carter and Chance were flying around the ring and the Women’s tag champs could not keep up with them. That was until Dawn caught Chance with a brutal kick and then with Fyre they hit their finishing move to get the victory.

Winners: Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn

Following the match, Damage Ctrl rushed the ring and attacked all four women. Iyo Sky hit both members of the tag champs with an Over the Moonsault. Damage Ctrl is trying to get themselves back to the top.

Priest went back to the Judgement Day locker room to get his championship, but he was greeted by Liv Morgan when he walked in. Priest walked in to see that just Finn Bálor was inside, so Priest had to question what was going on in there. Bálor swore there was nothing going on, Morgan was just there to say she got Dom a match with his dad next week and Bálor and JD have a shot at the tag titles tonight. Morgan is really going out of her way for J-Day, but does her alliance lay with Dom or Bálor?

Damian Priest is set to defend his World Heavyweight Championship against Seth Rollins at Money in the Bank and tonight he wants to address his challenger. He said he understands why Seth sees himself in him because they both have stood as champion while always rising to the occasion. Priest sees in Seth somebody that he never wants to become because he is better than him in every way possible.

MITB just got more interesting. Credit: WWE

He promised that as long as he is the champion, Seth will never see the mountain top again. That brought Rollins out to the ring, he told Priest this is still his show and Priest just wants to run his mouth. Rollins doesn’t believe in Priest’s confidence and the people don’t believe him as the man. Priest claims to not want anyones help, but without people helping him he wouldn’t be the champion right now. Priest agreed with Rollins, but he never asked for the help people just got involved.

Priest looks at Rollins as a sign of the past, but Rollins still respects Priest. Despite that respect he doesn’t like to be one-upped and that is what Priest did to him last week, so tonight he wants to one-up Priest. Rollins wants to sweeten the pot at Money in the Bank, he said if Priest beats him then as long as Priest is champion he will never challenge for the title again. However, if Rollins wins, Priest will have to leave the Judgement Day and stand on his own two feet. Rollins believes we will then find out if Priest can walk a mile in his shoes.

Gunther is coming for gold. Credit: WWE

Priest said he is the champion, so J-Day needs him a lot more than he needs them. With that bold statement, Priest accepted Rollins’ offer. They then shook hands to lock in the deal when they were interrupted by the King of the Ring, Gunther, who is set to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship at Summerslam. Gunther fully understands all that is on the line between Rollins and Priest and he cannot wait to see their match. The better man will win, but at Summerslam the better man between them two will be the lesser man against him. What a mic-drop from the Ring General.

Kofi Kingston vs. Karrion Kross

Kross planted Kingston with a backbreaker early, but Kingston battled back with a diving crossbody and a Boom Drop. Kingston was then preparing for Trouble in Paradise when live footage from the back aired of The Final Testament beating down Xavier Woods. With that distraction, Kross hit Kingston with the Final Prayer to steal the win.

Winner: Karrion Kross

World Tag Team Championship Match: Awesome Truth (The Miz & R-Truth) (c) vs. The Judgement Day (Finn Bálor & JD McDonagh)

J-Day tried to isolate Truth early on, but he was not backing down as he hit Bálor with a scissor kick and tagged Miz in for a double-elbow. The champs then dropped Bálor with a double face-buster and they were rolling. However, Liv Morgan now made her way to ringside and if tonight has showed anything she is definitely going to get involved.

Following Morgan’s arrival, J-Day was able to get control in the match and JD was choking Truth on the ropes. Despite the two-on-one, Miz was finally able to get into the match and take out both members of J-Day. With the champs in control Dom and Carlito now came out to ringside as well. Even with them there, Miz stayed in control as he planted both JD and Bálor with a spike DDT.

Miz now planted JD with a Skull Crushing Finale, but Carlito put JD’s foot on the ropes to break the pin. Braun Strowman rushed to the ring and chased J-Day out of the arena to get even from earlier on. With things now even Truth hit Bálor and JD with a double Five-Knuckle Shuffle. With Truth closing in on the win, Morgan got up on the apron to hug Truth and while JD distracted the referee she hung Truth on the ropes.

New Tag Champs. Credit: WWE

Bálor then hit Truth with his shotgun dropkick and the Coupe de Grace to get the victory and J-Day has regained the Tag Team titles! Liv Morgan is the reason that Bálor and JD are the World Tag Team Champions.

Winners: NEW World Tag Team Champions, Finn Bálor & JD McDonagh