Brad Blum, WWE’s Chief Operating Officer, has quit the company.

Blum tendered his resignation May 1st.

In his profile on the WWE’s official site it states: “As COO, Blum reports to Nick Khan and currently oversees Corporate Strategy, Marketing, Corporate Communications, Creative Services, IT & Technology, Insights & Analytics, Real Estate & Facilities, and Corporate Travel.”

Blum was one of the previously unnamed individuals within the January 2024 complaint by Janel Grant against the WWE, Vince McMahon and John Laurinaitis. He was revealed to be WWE Corporate Officer No. 1.

Grant has accused them of facilitating and covering up her exploitation by McMahon.

In her filing she stated:

“Following Ms. Grant’s messages to McMahon on March 9, 2021, McMahon summoned Ms. Grant to his condo that evening for a conversation during which McMahon confirmed that WWE Corporate Officer No. 1, indeed, knew exactly who she was, as McMahon had met privately with WWE Corporate Officer No. 1 and WWE Corporate Officer No. 2 and advised these individuals of McMahon’s connection to Ms. Grant.”

“McMahon continued this conversation by detailing to Ms. Grant that they had expressed concern but were ultimately supportive. McMahon also advised Ms. Grant that one or both of WWE Corporate Officer No. 1 and/or WWE Corporate Officer No. 2 inquired whether Ms. Grant could be trusted, and that McMahon offered assurances that Ms. Grant would not do something to hurt the WWE.”

“Knowledge on the part of WWE is further illustrated by the multiple meetings Ms. Grant had about initial hiring and subsequent position changes, including a number of such meetings with WWE Corporate Officer No. 2 and a voice memo McMahon sent Ms. Grant the following morning, on March 10, mentioning the names of both WWE Corporate Officer No. 1 and WWE Corporate Officer No. 2 in connection with the new role. It’s unusual for the Executive Chairman and CEO to name-drop two of the company’s highest-ranking officers in connection with a coordinator’s first job promotion—especially as there are Human Resources partners assigned to each department.”

“WWE Corporate Officer No. 1 and WWE Corporate Officer No. 2 continued to assist in maintaining a position at WWE, as well as advancement opportunities, for Ms. Grant after being told of McMahon’s relations with her. Upon further information and belief, other employees were forced to resign or were let go if they knew of McMahon’s exploits and failed to assist, support and/or facilitate them, such as former WWE employee, WWE Corporate Officer No. 4.”