We got a full card and a full house for NXT this week.
Latino World Order versus OTM – Tag Team Triple Threat Qualifier
It is the battle of the acronyms. OTM attacks the LWO as they are making their way down to the ring. The official still rings the bell and allows the match to go on. Joaquin Wilde is cut off from Cruz Del Toro. The LWO battles back but the OTM is just so much stronger throwing them around like rag dolls. Price lands a cheap shot when the official ain’t looking. Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin are seen watching from the gantry above. Del Toro tags in really taking it to OTM. His momentum doesn’t last long though when he is caught in mid-air and slammed. Wilde pulls off a crazy move jumping off his opponent’s back over the top rope and onto everyone on the floor. Nima is all by himself and gets pinned by Wilde’s assisted 450 splash. The champs mock the LWO.
Winners: Latino World Order
Oba Femi is interviewed heading to the arena with his bags in tow. Out of nowhere, Josh Briggs confronts Femi. Jensen pulls Briggs back wondering why he is pissing off Femi right before their big match tonight?
Andre Chase chats with Thea in the back. He tells her that he is always there for her. Thea still doesn’t have a partner tonight. She argues that she has other friends. She doesn’t need Jacey Jayne. Kelani Jordan steps into the frame agreeing to be Thea’s partner.
Roxanne Perez takes centerstage to address the NXT universe. She is sick and tired of playing by NXT’s rules. She explains that last week was the result of a year’s worth of frustration. She claims the NXT Women’s Championship was “taken” from her. She rips into the fans for not supporting her. She doesn’t care what they think any longer. “I have won everything!” she says. She runs down Lyra Valkyria. “The only way I was going to get what I deserved was to break the rules,” she says.
She calls the fans naive and confused. “I don’t need anyone’s support or approval,” she continues. She demands that Ava strip Lyra of the title and give it to her, the person who never lost it to begin with. Ava arrives wearing overalls? She wants to wait toc see the extent of Lyra’s injuries before making any kind of decision. A crazed Tatum Paxley tries to attack Perez but is hauled off by security.
The Family has dinner together. They toast their new consigliere, Luca Crusifino. Luca says he got “that thing done” and the “other thing done” for Tony D’Angelo and says Tony’s path is clear now. Stacks admits to playing Trick Williams’ music last week distracting Carmelo Hayes. Tony explains that he made a deal with Trick before the match.

The Don and The Dragon chew the fat. Courtesy: NXT.
The champ, Ilja Dragunov shows up. He looks kind of grouchy. He congratulates Tony. Dragunov says unlike Tony he only has one focus the NXT World Championship. “Whatever happens here, The Don likes you,” says Tony. Stacks and Luca jump Dragunov from behind. The champ is taken away and locked in the trunk of a car. The Family drives off together with The Dragon as a reluctant passenger.
Lexis King versus Mr. Stone
Stone starts the match throwing his towel in King’s face and labeling him with punches. Stone splashes King on the floor but misses a high crossbody in the ring. He hits the mat hard. King knees Stone in the stomach, pulls him by the hair and calls him a coward. Booker T says Stone shouldn’t be in the ring. He is a manager.
King puts Stone in the abdominal stretch then slams him to the mat, hard. Stone fights back with some slaps. They don’t seem to affect King all that much. Stone hits the high crossbody. King kicks out. A knee to the back of the head and a Coronation pins Stone. King picks Stone off the mat but Von Wagner rushes down to the ring picking up Stone before King can do any more damage. He carries Stone away in his arms like a little kid.
Winner: Lexis King
Oba Femi is interviewed backstage. He says Jensen will not survive in HIS jungle tonight and is not ready for the big time. Dijak interrupts. He tells Femi when he is finished “goofing around” he wants to challenge him.
Ridge Holland is seen in the back chatting with his family on the phone before he returns to training. His wife tells him to maintain control.
Brooks Jensen versus Oba Femi (c) NXT North American Championship Match
“I am taking that home tonight!” shouts Jensen to Femi as both men are introduced. The fans get on Jensen’s case right away. “Oba’s going to kill you!” they chant.
A forearm knocks Jensen off the apron to the floor. Briggs is shown backstage watching the match as Oba puts Jensen in a headlock on the mat. Jensen leaps off the top rope. Oba just punches him in the stomach and stomps him into the mat. Jensen clotheslines Oba. Oba just stands right back up. Jensen manages to drop kick Oba out of the ring and land a flying elbow drop on him.
Oba picks up Jensen dropping him over his knee twice for a two count. Briggs is shown leaving the backstage area all pissed off. Briggs comes to ringside. He starts pounding on the apron to rally Jensen.
Oba laughs at Briggs as he destroys Jensen. A flurry of offense from Jensen but a backdrop ends that quickly. Oba gives Jensen a Snake-Eyes and just hurls Jensen across the ring twice. Jensen cannot even get to his feet. Booker yells for the official to stop the match after Oba powerbombs Jensen. Oba powerbombs him again, taunts Briggs and finally pins Jensen. Briggs heads into the ring to assist his buddy.
Winner: …and still NXT North American Champion…Oba Femi.

It is a looong walk home for Dragunov. Courtesy: NXT.
Dragunov is driven to a deserted bridge. Tonys says Dragunov should never have come into his restaurant unannounced. “I can end everything with the snap of my fingers,” promises Tony. Tony wishes Dragunov a nice walk back. Dragnov: “What you will find out about me is I always find a way.” The Family drives off.
Gigi Dolin versus Arianna Grace
Grace gets ticked off when Dolin whacks her in the face. Grace bails out of the ring when she is punched in the face once again. Dolin drop kicks Grace into the ropes but misses a charge into a corner. Grace stomps the crap out of her. Dolin blocks a suplex and sends Grace over. “You are going to be a princess!” shouts Grace. Grace kicks Dolin in the “lower abdomen” as the official wrests her crown out of her hands. An angry Dolin low-blows Grace in front of the official. She is disqualified. Dolin will now get a makeover from Grace whether she wants one or not. That sh0uld be really interesting to say the least.
Winner: Arianna Grace
Karmen Petrovic congratulates Sol Ruca on her big return to NXT. Karmen says the women’s locker room has turned to crap since she has been gone. Lola Vice wanders in. She calls Petrovic a “little karate girl”. The two butt heads. Ruca tells them both to calm down and save it for the ring. Brinley Reece somersaults into the scene. She praises Ruca for not letting things get out of hand. She is dragged away by her friends.
Kiana James and Izzi Dame versus Thea Hall and Fallon Henley
Before the match can start Kelani is mysteriously attacked in the back. Thea must head to the ring alone. As Thea is surrounded by the heels, Fallon Henley runs to the ring to even the odds. Fallon takes it to Izzi until she is dropped on the top rope. James is tagged in. She hits Henley with a running stomp. Izzi holds Henley while Kiana lays in some haymakers. Izzi chokes Henley over the top rope. On the apron, Thea is fit to be tied.
Out comes Jacy Jayne just in time for Thea to be hot-tagged in. Fallon clotheslines Izzi over the top rope. On the floor, Jayne pulls Henley out of the way of Izzi’s kick. Izzi kicks Thea instead. Kiana pins Thea with Bankrupt.

Thea kicks Jacey to the curb. Courtesy: NXT.
Thea demands to know what is up with Jayne. “I thought you were my best friend…I changed myself for you. Through this friendship you have become a more rotten version of yourself. I idolized you. I thought you were my sister. I was wrong. I don’t want to be anything like you. The old Thea Hail is back bitch!” says Thea. as she begins running around the ring like a lunatic. Jayne walks off in a huff.
Winners: Kiana James and Izzi Dame
The No Quarter Catch Crew mock Riley Osborne in the locker room. Axiom and Nathan Frazer give Osbourne some back-up. The Crew says they will still be holding onto the Heritage Cup after Stand and Deliver. Axiom says he is still friends with the first guy who held that cup. Frazer and Axiom wonder what happened to that guy.
Spoiler: The Heritage Cup holder was A-Kid (Carlos Ruiz) who is Axiom.
The Good Brothers cut a promo. They believe their experience gives them the edge in NXT. They promise they will win the tag belts at Stand and Deliver. Hank and Tank have been watching elsewhere. They feel they are being underestimated. Bron and Baron show up. They rile up Hank and Tank to beat the OC. Hank and Tank go mental and rush off like maniacs.
Ridge Holland versus Shawn Spears

Spears is proud of his handiwork. Courtesy: NXT.
Spears drags Holland around the ring, slapping him in the face telling him to let out his anger. Spears chops and punches Holland in a corner and then in another. Holland charges right through Spears. Spears low-bridges Holland over the top rope. Spears pulls Holland by the hair. Holland pounds on Spears on the floor. Holland stops himself before he runs Spears into a steel post. Spears smashes Holland into it instead.
“You should have done it!” laughs Spears promising to teach Holland a lesson.
The commentators claims Holland wants to be a “family man” not a Brawling Brute.
Spears ties Holland in the ropes. Spears says Holland has let everyone down…including his wife.
Holland starts to choke and head butt Spears. He throws Spears over the top rope. Holland throws Spears into the barricade and shoulder tackles him. Spears is tossed into the ringside steps. Holland shifts the stairs to the announce desk before he clears it off.
“You wanted this!” Holland growls at Spears before chokeslamming him through the announce table.
Holland grabs the chair Spears’ brings to the ring. The official takes the chair away from Holland and drops it into a corner. Spears hits Holland with a C4 onto that chair for the pin.
“I did it!” says Spears congratulating himself on the floor.
Winner: Shawn Spears
Trick Williams addresses the NXT fans. Williams is struggling to find the words he wants to say. He feels betrayed by Melo. He calls him his brother and would do anything for him.
“Melo, why?” he asks.
Williams says that Melo inspired him to do better and take a chance on himself. He doesn’t understand why Melo couldn’t be happy for him as Williams was for him for two years.
Williams says that Melo lied to him over and over.
“What hurts the most is you lied about being my brother,” Williams says. “I had your back and you stabbed me in mine.”
Williams challenges him to a match at Stand and Deliver.

Williams and Legend lock lips. Courtesy: NXT.
Meta-Four steps out. Dar says Williams deserved to be betrayed. He tells Williams he is a crybaby after losing his friend while Dar moved on after losing the Heritage Cup. Dar says he is here to “steal his heat”. Dar enters the ring to knock out Williams. He calls Williams a “paper tiger”. Williams takes out everyone but he and Lash Legend share a kiss in the middle of the ring. A confused and angry Meta-Four confront Lash on the floor.