X-Division Championship: Chris Sabin (c) VS KUSHIDA VS El Hijo del Vikingo

Kushida with a double heel kicks, sending everyone outside to ringside. Kushida then launches off the apron and wipes out Sabin, then brings Vikingo back inside and tries to work the left arm but Vikingo comes right back and hits Kushida with a Hurricanrana out of the corner. Kushida and Vikingo are at it and then Sabin chops Kushida. Kushida suplexes Sabin as he has an Ankle Lock on Vikingo.  A short time later, Kushida monkey flips Vikingo which flips Sabin somehow.

Sabin tosses Kushida out but Vikingo knees Sabin. As all men end up on the ramp,  Vikingo with a kick to Sabin in the head and then does a 450 Spleash on Sabin on the ramp. Back in the ring, Vikingo goes up to the top and Kushida takes his feet from under him and then locks a Hover Board Lock. Sabin kicks to break it up, then Kushida rolls Sabin for a pin, followed by Kushida getting Sbin in a Hover Board Lock until Vikingo stomps them to break it up, As the match break out again, Sabin with a Thrust Kick on Vikingo and then hits a Canadian Destroyer. Kushida heel kicks Sabin and then goes up top with him, but Sabin slips through and hits Kushida with a German suplex. Sabin then hits a Cradle Shock on Kushida for the win!

Winner: Chris Sabin (c)


Josh Alexander VS Alex Hammerstone

After a lock up, Alexander works the arms and legs of Hammerstone. Hammer shoves Josh down but Alexander aims for the Ankle Lock. Hammerstone pushes Josh off as he rolls outside. Alexander catches up to him and attacks Hammerstone by twisting Hammerstone’s ankle on the ropes. Alexander with a Dragon screw, then continues to twisting Hammerstone’s Ankle. Hammerstone is back up and whips Alexander across the ring, followed by a Belly-to-Belly Suplex. Alexander attempts a Ankle Lock but Hammerstone fights out with kicks.  Hammerstone with a Swinging slam.  Hammerstone sends Alexander to the corner and pounds the chest of Alexander 10 times. Hammerstone with a scoop slam. Shortly there, Alexander with an Ankle Lock but  Hammerstone breaks it as he grabs the bottom rope. Hammerstone’s left leg gives out as he hits the Nightmare Pendulum on Alexander, but Alexander rolls away from the cover.

On the apron, Hammerstone hits a Death Valley Driver on Alexander. Hammerstone follwos that up with a Missile Dropkick from the top rope and hits a TKO for a 2-count. Both men are back up and they trade strikes until Alexander hits a couple rolling forearms. Hammerstone clobbers Alexander and follows that up with a German Sit-out Powerbomb for a 2-coount. Alexander with a series of forearms to the neck, followed by a German Suplex, followed by the C4 Spike for the win.

Winner: Josh Alexander

TNA World Tag Team Championship: ABC (c) VS Grizzled Young Veterans VS The Rascalz VS Mike Bailey & Laredo Kid

Ace and Gibson start the match and then The Rascalz double team Bey until Bailey and Laredo double team Trey. Bailey with a roll up on Gibson, but everyone is in to break it up. All 4 teams have their chance and its a full on brawl in the ring. GYV with the attack on Bailey and Laredo. Drake grounds Bailey with a headlock and then Laredo hits Drake and Wentz, followed by a DDT on  Drake. ABC double teams Wentz but GYV are back in it.  Kid and Bailey are in and do a Double Thrust Kick on Wentz. Bailey gets the tag while Gibson and Kid work in the ring. Bailey flips out to the floor and Drake stops Kid.

Bailey hits Drake with a Poisonrana, then hits a Tornado kick across the ring on him. Kid takes out Gibson. Ultimo Weapon from Bailey on Drake, but Rascalz break the pin. Rascalz double kick Bailey and Wentz hits Bailey with a cutter. Rascalz double team Drake with the double stomp, but Ace breaks the cover. Bey is in and ABC finally have their moment with the Rascalz as they trade blows.  ABC hits 123 on Trey and Bey covers for the win!

Winners: AND STILL TAG TEAM Champions; ABC (c)

Knockouts World Championship: Trinity (c) VS Jordynne Grace

in the crowd we see Ash by Elegance (Dana Brooke) with the Iceman. Trinity and Jordynne start with a handshake and then a lockup. We get a classic  Test of strength right in the middle of the ring. Grace with a clothesline, but Trinity ducks. Grace with a powerslam and then Trinity avoids the Juggernaut Driver as she runs to the ropes. Trinity with a Crossbody followed by a spiking facebuster. Grace tackles Trinity, and follows that up with a Jackhammer on the floor. Trinity kicks Grace in the chest.

Both women trade slaps and Trinity sends Grace into the turnbuckle, followed by the Split Legged Moonsault for a 2-count., Grace sends Trinity hard on the mat and goes for a pin, but Trinity gets out and looks for a Starstruck, but Grace covers but Trinity is back up.

On the apron, Trinity spikes Grace and covers for a nearfall. Grace does a spinning shot, but Trinity comes right back and does a Sitout Powerbomb, then converts that to a Starstruck. Grace stands up with the Starstruck still on and does a German Suplex on Trinity., Grace with a Spinning Backfist followed by Juggernaut Driver for the win.

Winner AND NEW KNOCKOUTS ChAMPION; Jordynne Grace 

Ash by Elegance claps for the match and Grace hugs Trinity.

TNA World Championship: Alex Shelley (c) VS Moose

Moose offers a handshake to start but Shelley slaps it away. Moose shoves Shelley’s face and then Shelley spits water.  The match goes outside and Moose chops at Shelley, then backs him hard onto the apron. Moose with a Slam on the floor. Moose sends Shelley in the ring, but Shelley twists Moose’s arm in the ropes. Shelley targets the arm of Moose but Moose with Snake Eyes. Moose  with an Urinagi,m followed by some ore chops.

Shelley does a baseball slide to knock Moose into the barricade. Moose then slams Shelley on the apron. Moose puts Shelley on his shoulders, but he escapes and sends him into the post and hits a huge Shellshock on the floor. Back in the ring, Shelley with a Forearm blast. Shelley looks for a stretch but Moose gets up and hits a Powerbomb for a 2-coount. Moose charges at Shelley in the corner, but he runs right into the turnbuckle after shelley moves out of the way. Shelley avoid an Urinagi, then hits Sliced Bread for a 2-count. DeAngelo Williams, Eddie Edwards, and Bryan Myers walk out on the ramp but Sabin and Kushida are out there for the save and they fight off through the tunnel. Moose hits Shelley hard, sending him down on the ramp, but Shelley returns the favour. Back in the ring, they trade blows and Moose connects with a Headbutt, but Shelley comes right back without hesitation with a clothesline. Shelley looks for a Thrust Kick and connects. Shelley now looks for Shell Shock, but avoids it and hits a Spear for the win to become TNA champ.

Winner AND NEW TNA Heavyweight Champion; Moose

The System comes out to help celebrate  and then Nic Nemeth’s name appears on the screens. The Syetem wants to greet him at the rampm but Nemeth appears behind Moose and then attacks him. Nemeth runs to the crowd to celebrate and rips off his top shirt to reveal a TNA shirt underneath….