The National Wrestling Alliance is looking this Saturday with a surge of new talent wanting to make their mark in the squared circle. We’ll see some new faces as we make our way toward the NWA 312 pay-per-view coming up in a few weeks.
Joe Galli comes up and he is in the podcast studio that he and Kyle Davis and Billy Corgan do their Thirty-Three podcast to introduce the NWA USASurge of new talent, and direct us to the ring, where Kyle Davis, Danny Dealz, and Candy have the call and the First Match of the night is…
Pretty Empowered 2.0 (Ella Envy and Roxy ) vs. Jacey Love and Ruthie Jay
Envy and Roxy are more coordinated with their ring gear and their tag chemistry. We saw Ruthie Jay in action on NWA Powerrr, and Jacey Love is a relative newcomer having wrestled on AEW Dark. Love and Jay are no slouches, and they work over Envy. However, the senior Empowered member pulls on Love’s hair and she and Roxy work her over. Roxy drags her face along the ropes and gets her in the corner. She misses a splash and Jay is a Five Star en Fuego. But it’s all for naught as Pretty Empowered 2.0 deliver an assisted codebreaker for the three count.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Pretty Empowered 2.0
We come back to Joe Galli. He mentions that NWA 312 will be at the Studio One location in Highland Park, IL. The reason for this location, as he mentions, is to help the community heal from the mass shooting in that area on July 4th of this last year. He also mentions that a portion of VIP tickets purchased for the PPV, as well as the book signings between Tyrus and Madusa, will go to the families impacted by the events of that day. If you’re in the Chicago area, that might ben something you want to take advantage to help out.
But let’s go back to the ring for our next match between…

Courtesy of the NWA.
Real Drago and Chico Adams vs. Dirty South (Big Brian Brock and Dirty Devan Díaz)
Chico Adams reminds me of a younger Zack Gibson, and Drago has a pre-Soviet look and looks like a clone of Bron Breakker. Not much is known of Dirty South, other than they look like a cohesive tag team.
Adams and Brock lock up and go to work, and Brock is able to take him to the Dirty South style of wrestling. Tag to Drago he utilizes a power style of wrestling but a dropkick by the big man Diaz stops him in his tracks. Before he can really go to work, Adams tags himself back in and Dirty South make short work of the brash young man with a modified Hart Attack. They cover, but Drago breaks the count, and then Adams and Drago are in the drivers eat and they make a wish on Brock’s legs. Drago just rams Brock’s legs to the mat and he is a Dirty South In Peril. He finally escapes and gets the hot tag to Diaz and he is En Fuego and getting down and Dirty with Adams and Drago, but in the end Drago gets in and gets a slam to Brock for the pin and the win.
Your Winners via Pinfall: Chico Adams and Real Drago
Galli is back and thanks the fans that came out in Mexico for the World is a Vampire tour, and they will be doing it again in Australia in April of this year. That will be an interesting sight to see, but until then, let’s go back to ringside for the next match…

Courtesy of the NWA.
WOAD vs. Samantha Starr
According to Davis, the name WOAD stands for “Weapon of A$$ Destruction” and she definitely utilizes it in her offense. Another unique thing about her is she wears an eyepatch because he is half-blind in one eye.
in any case, Starr and WOAD are both powerful but the third-generation star is in control over the upstart, and she uses her signature face buster using her knees, but WOAD fires back with a kick to her back. She attempts a backslide, but Starr powers out. WOAD shoots her to the middle ropes and follows with a hip attack that gets a two count. She gets Starr in the corner and winds up with a hip attack. Starr evades the move and delivers a Starstruck DDT for the three count.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Samantha Starr
We get a recap of the match between Sal and Gaagz the Gymp but read here if you missed the action from NWA POWERRR
But let’s head to the Main Event between…
Rush Freeman (with Rolando Freeman) vs. Daisy Kill
I will die on this hill when I say the following: Kill has some serious “Scotty Flamingo” vibes and it won’t surprise me if Raven identifies him as a son. Also, he was the same guy we saw interfere in Trevor Murdoch’s match on Powerrr last Tuesday.
Freeman takes Kill to school. As he adjusts his bowtie and gives the Spectacular Slap, Kill comes back and nails a spinebuster on Freeman for a two count. Kill slows the tempo and taunts his Spectacular opponent’s move as he lands a reverse neckbreaker for another two count. He continues the offense and works on the taped leg on Freeman, but he returns fire and nails a belly-to-belly suplex on Kill but gets a two count. The end has Kill tie up Freeman with a small package for the one, two, and three.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Daisy Kill
Final Thoughts:
There is a lot of potential with the new talent coming in to the NWA and if this show is any indication, they will go far.
But until then. see ya next Saturday!