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Big debuts and a bigger tag team main event on NWA Powerrr

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

The National Wrestling Alliance not only has great tag team action but also men who are at the upper tier of their sport like Tim Storm, Jax Dane, and Trevor Murdoch. Burchill wants to be considered among those names and they will meet in the Main Event.

But let’s dive in a bit deeper into the aforementioned wrestlers, as narrated by Joe Galli:

Three Champions Meet A New Challenger

Now we come to you from the Skyway Studios in Nashville, TN. Joe Galli and Danny Dealz have the call, and we start the action with your Firat Match and it is for the…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

NWA Television Title Match: Big Strong Mims(c) vs. Carson Drake

Drake, one of the many Exodus Pro wrestlers making their debut, starts talking smack to the fans.  As always the match is contested on the Television title rules with a 6:05 time limit.

As the bell rings, Mims is big and strong and easily overpowers The Golden State God.  He nails a bodyslam at 4:36 remaining and Drake rolls out to recover.  Mims goes after him and Drake yanks on his arm against the top rope and starts the beat down at 4:10, following with a single-arm flatliner.  He continues to focus on the bad wing and forces Mims down with a top wristlock at 3:30, but Mims powers up to a vertical base, and he gives a headbutt to Drake, followed by a tackle and finishes it up with a  flying clothesline at 2:50.  Mims reaches and Drake stuns his arm again, however, he manages to deliver the Big Strong Slam at 2:24 to end it decisively.

Your Winner via Pinfall:  Big Strong Mims

It’s another victory for Mims, and another moment he’s closer to reaching the Lucky Seven wins to cash in a title shot for the Ten Pounds of Gold.

At The Podium with Kyle Davis is “Thrillbilly” Silas Mason. He brings out Devan Dixon who’s traveled with him in the past. Mason says he helped him when he snapped his leg and got him back on his feet. He mentions he has three goals; to make money, to get gold (which he has in the form of the NWA National Championship), and not only to get Dixon in the NWA but also to give him a shot at the NWA National title on NWA Powerrr. Dixon appreciates it, and tells Mason, “It’s on, baby, and I’m coming to win.” 

“Thrillbilly” Silas Mason (left) gives Devan Dixon a shot at his NWA National title.

They both shake hands and I believe this will be a Thrillride.

But let’s head back to the ring for tag team action, and it is an intergender match between…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

Thom Latimer and Kamille vs Bryan Idol and Natalia Markova

Huh.  So, no longer “Mercurio?” “That’s his cousin,” explains Dealz on commentary.

Okay, then, I’ll play along.

Markova and Kamille reignite their feud from NWA 75 until the men step in to break it up.  Now Latimer and Idol tag in, and Idol gets the better of the King of all Evil with a sling blade and a knee strike and follows up with a nice vertical suplex.  He and Markova double-team on Latimer as they send him to the ropes, but he pumps the brakes and tags back in Kamille.  She gets ready to face Markova, but then she punches Idol.  The ref tries to control the parties involved, and then Latimer snaps Markova back to the mat by her hair to allow Kamille to pin for a two count.  Tag and Latimer goes for an elbow drop that misses the mark.  Kamille tags in and resumes the offense as Markova is a Crush in Peril.  There is miscommunication between Latimer and Kamille that allows Markova to crawl to her corner and get the hot tag.  Idol is in the ring is en Fuego with a springboard moonsault for a two count, and it’s a Pier Four Couples Brawl.  Once the dust settles, Latimer attempts an inside cradle on Idol for a two count.  He comes back with a suplex to a neckbreaker on Latimer, and Markova follows up with a missile dropkick to the Beautiful Disaster kick in the corner.  She covers Latimer, but the ref did not see her tag.  Once again, the ref tries to restore order but Kamille punts Idol in his nethers and gives a rollup to a distracted Markova for the pin and the win.

Your Winners via Pinfall:  Thom Latimer and Kamille


For Part Two of Big debuts and a bigger tag team main event on NWA Powerrr Click The Link Below


Backstage, May Valentine is with Joe Alonzo.  Obviously, he did not develop any humility over the holidays and he does not want to face Alex Misery. Doesn’t need anything fancy except his handsome face and promises on the next NWA Powerrr he will take him out of his misery.

We come back to “Who Wants to Be A Spectacular?, with Billy Corgan sitting in with Rush and Rolando Freeman on (mostly Rolando) picking Tyler Midas for their team, and the disastrous loss. All three men agree he was not a Spectacular and say thanks to Midas and good luck in his future endeavors.  As for the other participants, they all gave their notice they did not want to be considered as alternates.  So who does that leave?

Corgan offers Slade, who gives Walking Weapon vibes, and he wants to turn The Spectaculars into winners. Rush is high on him, and Rolando isn’t sure. But, it’s the only option they got, since Corgan says they gotta win or they are out.

(Author’s Note:  Yeah, I know there’s a “reducing roster” joke in there, but I prefer to go above low-hanging fruit like that.)

Now let’s get back to ringside for women’s action between…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

Tiffany Nieves vs. Ruthie Jay

This is the debut of La Princesa on POWERRR after the Samhain pre-show facing the Five Star Athlete, and she is not impressed.

Jay has the upper hand early in the match but it’s not long before Nieves yanks her arm and gives it a single-arm flatliner.  Jay comes back with a drop toehold, but Nieves continues to target the bad arm and gives her a hammerlock slam on the mat.  Jay tries to stage a comeback and nails a Northern Lights suplex but cannot hang on due to the bad wing.  Both women go to a series of near-fall reversals, but Nieves kicks her off and Jay falls face-first into the middle turnbuckles and cinches a deep armbar.  Jay tries to get to the ropes but finally taps out from the pain.

Your Winner via Submission:  Tiffany Nieves

Nieves definitely has a lot of promise, and it’ll be interesting to see her development in the future.

Valentine is now interviewing with The Slimeballz. They will face The Country Gentleman next week on POWERRR but they send a message to AJ and KC Cazana they will learn that once they get in the ring with them… it’s Slime Time.

Nice catchphrase.  Let’s see if their wrestling skills are also up to par.

At The Podium with Davis is the NWA Women’s World Champion, Kenzie Paige.  She talks over the boos of the Nashville crowd on her upcoming match with Samantha Starr. She addresses “Sammy” and doesn’t think she’s quite a star in her eyes.  Paige lets it be known that she will have her Pretty Security accompanying her at ringside and she will bring hell to Starr in Sarasota, FL.

Now for tag team action in the Main Event with…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

Tim Storm and Jax Dane vs. Trevor Murdoch and Paul Burchill

It should be noted that Mike Knox is not with Murdoch at ringside, but Burchill is fighting alongside the former NWA World Champion.  Curioser and curioser.

Storm and Murdoch start out with nice standing switches as Murdoch displays his technical prowess.  Storm is able to take down the big man and Murdoch takes a powder outside the ring to reassess the situation.  He gets back in the squared circle to knock Storm down to the mat.  Now Burchill tags in and he proceeds to stomp his arm, but Mama Storm’s baby boy fires back and gives Burchill a vertical suplex.  A tag to Dane and he and Storm double-tackle him as badly as the Titans defensive line.  Burchill is more than equal to the task of facing The Dane Event as he gets back in the driver’s seat and gives Dane a Saito suplex.  Dane quickly gets up and nails Burchill with a Samoan drop for a two count and then he pops the trunk with his Dane Event clothesline.  He locks Burchill in the Trapped City submission, and Murdoch attempts to make the save as he kicks in his head. Dane shrugs it off again, and Murdoch goes out and grabs a steel chair.  The ref tells him to drop it, and Murdoch shoves him away.  That leaves him no choice but to call for the bell and the ref declares…

Your Winners via Disqualification:  Tim Storm and Jax Dane

After the match, Murdoch walks away in disgust, as Dane and Storm corner Burchill.  They offer him their hands and Burchill shakes them both.  With that, you can welcome Burchill to the NWA as the show goes to the credits.

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