At the top of the National Wrestling Alliance, Kenzie Paige sits atop the women’s division, holding “The Burke” for over 527 days since defeating Kamille at night two of NWA 75 in 2023. “Hollyhood” Haley J is making a case for why she is the Bougiest Baddie and how she will take the title from the Pretty Empowered one.

But Paige has a few things to say to the challenger as we kickstart The Looks That Kill signature event from the Dothan Civic Center in Dothan, AL.

With that said, Joe Galli and Danny Dealz have the call and your First Match of the Night is a tag team match-up between…

Courtesy of the NWA.

Size Matters (Eric Smalls and Sam Stackhouse) vs. The Colons (Primo and Epico Colon)

According to Galli, Dothan gave a standing ovation to Smalls and Stackhouse.  Either way ya slice it, a lot is going on with this tag team.  Or, another way to put it; it’s the little things you can enjoy in a big way.

Now that we have that low-hanging fruit of a quip out of the way, Primo and Smalls start and he avoids the Half Pint Punk’s attack on his southern region.  Primo knocks around Smalls and is feeling good about his chances until he encounters Stackhouse in the ring and he gives the elder Colon a splash to corner and Smalls follows with a Bronco Buster (or is it a Pony Ride?)

I digress.

Epico tags in, and Smalls gives him a basement dropkick, followed by a running bulldog.  He nails an inchworm into a leg drop to cover until Primo stops the count.  Smalls is getting manhandled by The Colons, and he is a Half-Pint Punk in Peril.  Epico hoists him up with a delayed suplex and a cover but pulls up Smalls at the two count because he and Primo aren’t don’t.  Their cockiness gets exploited as Smalls hits a Jawbreaker followed by an enzugiri.  He crawls to his corner for the hot tag to Stackhouse and he is large and in charge against The Colons.  He takes off his shirt, climbs up the middle turnbuckle, and goes for a twisting moonsault but misses the mark on both men.  They dump Stackhouse out of the ring and focus on Smalls, delivering a double-team backstabber to make a statement.

Your Winners via Pinfall:  The Colons

Backstage earlier, Kyle Davis spoke with Big Strong Mims on Mr. Grim’s challenge for his NWA National title, so let me have the big man speak:

Kyle Davis talks to NWA National Champion Big Strong Mims (right) on facing Mr. Grim. Courtesy of the NWA via “X.”

“What we’re gonna do here in Dothan, Alabama is cash another check. I’m gonna go in. I’m gonna beat somebody up.  Mr. Grim, this time I’m gonna get paid.

Let’s talk about how we get paid [and] how pay works here.  People like Mr. Grim;  athletic, great wrestler. That’s great. You have to pay to get a shot at this type, right?

People like Kyle Davis here, they get paid to stand here, look stupid, and put the microphone up to the real star’s face. People like me, I get paid to come in here, beat people up, do it while looking good. And that’s exactly what I’m gonna do tonight.”

So time to head to the ring for your next match for the…

Courtesy of the NWA.

NWA National Championship: Big Strong Mims (c) vs. Mr. Grim

Mims is without BLK Jeez in his corner but arrives at the ring more svelt and focused than ever before.  

They lock up, and Mims gets the upper hand and goes to work on the Philly native.  But Grim nails a dropkick and goes for a waistlock but Mims elbows out of the hold.  The challenger clubs him in the back, and Grim proceeds to slingshot his head on the top rope to snap back.  Mims is no pushover as he picks up the big man and slams him to the mat for a two count.  The champ is in control as the Hitman 4 Hire is seeing stars, but Mims can’t quite put Grim away.  He attempts a powerbomb and Grim reverses with a double leg takedown into a jackknife cover, but Mims kicks out of the hold.  He gives him a belly-to-belly suplex for another near-fall.  Mims whips Grim back and forth hard into the turnbuckles with authority and cinches him a bear hug but the Hitman breaks out of the hold.  Shoulder tackles by Grim drop Mims and then he nails a flying tackle but can’t capitalize.  Clutching his spine, Grim goes to the corner and Mims rushes at him but misses the mark.  He drills Mims with a springboard neckbreaker to cover and Mims gets a toe on the bottom rope in the nick of time.  Grim comes back with a deadlift German suplex and sets up for a high-risk maneuver.  After finding his balance, he launches for a 450 splash and belly flops as Mims moves out of the way.  He finally ends things with a newly dubbed “‘Nuff Said” heart punch and then a Big Strong Slam concludes things with a pin and a win.

Your Winner, and Still NWA National Champion:  Big Strong Mims

Davis is backstage with the NWA Women’s Tag Team champions The It Girls, Ella Envy and Ms. Starr. Envy tells Davis to shut up as she lets us know they’ll be putting up the titles against Kenzie Paige and a mystery partner (guess her sister sibling Kylie is out of action).  Starr punctuates the point by adding that they’ll stack ’em up and knock ’em down.

Courtesy of the NWA.

It’s the Main Event and Haley J gets the mic before Davis can give the ring introductions.  Haley thinks otherwise so let’s hear from the Bougiest Baddie:

“What we’re gonna do is we’re gonna go ahead and say, ‘It’s about damn time!’

Don’t you think, finally, the NWA has a real superstar on their roster.  An international superstar, the one who can go toe to toe with the meanest of the mean and the baddest of the bad, and the one who’s gonna put an end to this Kenzie Paige era.

That isn’t it, that isn’t it. That’s just the beginning of my NWA takeover tour. Because guess what? After I get this Burke tonight, oh yeah, I’m going to the territories. I’m checking your title, Kylie [Paige]. I’m checking your title, Tiffany [Nieves], and I’m gonna come to come back here and be the first one to ever hold every single woman’s title that the NWA has to offer damn time.

Because I’m ‘Hollyhood’ Haley J and I don’t play!”

Never let it be said that Haley was ever demure, as the champ comes to the ring and it is time for the…

Courtesy of the NWA.

NWA Women’s World Championship: Kenzie Paige(c) vs. “Hollyhood” Haley J

The bell rings and the champ immediately rocks Haley.  As she begs off, she manages to grab Paige’s shirt and drop her on the middle rope.  Haley follows with a running leg drop and then sends her crashing down with a neckbreaker to the concrete floor.  Paige rolls in and gets more of a beating from the Bougiest Baddie as she chops her chest between the ropes and then whips her to the corner followed by a back elbow.  Haley adds the exclamation point with a superkick and a cover for a count of two.  She goes to choke Paige and then bounces her head off her mat.  Haley tries to pull her up to her feet and Paige catches her off guard with an inside cradle for a near fall.  She comes back with a mafia kick and Haley takes her time softening up the champ with a snapmare to a kick and then double knees followed by a Shining Wizard, but it garners her a two count.  Paige fights up to a vertical base and catches Haley with a European uppercut.  Yet the Queen of the Burghetto unloads some bombs on the champ and catches her flush in the face with another superkick but can’t make the most of that move.

Both women face each other and go back and forth until Haley lands a spin to a clothesline takedown, but she can’t put the champ away.  She goes to the high-rent district and Paige nails her with a roundhouse kick.  They battle up top and Haley slips out and drills Paige with a modified Alabama slam and follows with a curb stomp.  She coves for the count of one, two…no chance.

Frustrated, Haley goes to her corner and grabs her loaded sock weapon.  The ref is having none of that as she pulls it away from her and sets it back in the corner.  As Haley pitches a fit, she fails to see until it is too late Paige delivering the Kenzie Cutter and she covers for the count of one, two, and three.

You’re Winner, and Still NWA Women’s World Champion:  Kenzie Paige

Paige chalks up another win as she successfully defends the Burke in Dothen to draw the show to the credits.


Top Photo:  The NWA referee holds back NWA Women’s champion Kenzie Paige (left) and “Hollyhood” Haley J.  courtesy of the NWA via “X.”

NWA Powerrr - 02/04/2025

Final Thoughts:


This is a good way to start The Looks That Kill signature event and Haley/Paige made the most of that main event.  Mims is looking sharper in his heel role, and even seeing Size Matters was a fun twist of a tag match, held together by the prowess of The Colons.

Until then, we’ll see ya next Tuesday on “X.”