Effy is on top of the world. At an unforgettable event for so many reasons, Effy defeated his former friend Mance Warner to become the GCW World Champion at The People Vs GCW.

Both men decided to throw punches immediately. Effy was all over Warner until he belted him with the championship in the face. The match went to the floor where Effy suplexed Warner on the floor. He then whipped him off the ring post and the steel barricade. Effy threw chairs into the ring hitting Warner with chair after chair.

Effy atomic dropped Warner on chair but missed after soaring off the ropes hitting a chair on the way down. Effy set up a row of chairs delivering a TKO right through them and then a Tombstone Piledriver on another chair. Warner leapt off a steel chair only to be caught by Effy and spinebustered through a door in a corner. Effy stomped Warner’s face into a steel chair. Warner DDT’d Effy through a door for a two count.

Warner nailed Effy with a series of punches until he fell to the floor. Warner raised his hands in victory happy to take the count-out win. Effy was back in by ten. A furious Warner smashed a chair over Effy’s back. Warner hit his running knee. Effy kicked out at one.

Warner pulls a screwdriver out of his boot. Effy spears Warner and picks up the screwdriver. Effy nails Warner in the head with it. Warner kicked out of being slammed through a door.

Warner strolled over to where a live band played earlier in the night swiping a guitar. Cole Radrick came to the aid of Effy pulling the guitar out of his hands as he was about to strike him. Radrick looked to his brass ring and pondered cashing it in. He handed the guitar to Effy. Effy broke the guitar over Warner’s head and pinned him with Sack Ryder.

The People vs GCW 2025 Results

Kick-Off Show

Mr. Danger vs Marcus Mathers vs Fuego Del Sol vs Rich Swann vs Blake Christian vs Manders – GCW Scramble Match

The crowd begins cheering “GCW!” as the bell rings. Christian crotches Mr. Danger on the top rope. Swann puts him to the test though with a spin kick that knocks him out of the ring. Swann delivers one to Fuego knocking him off the apron. Christian returns to spear Swann. Now it is Christian’s turn to knock Danger off the top rope. A powerslam on Fuego sends him out and Christian has been holding the ring for quite some time. Manders gives him a back body drop but everyone enters the ring super kicking the big man in the face.

Christian yells out: F–k ECW! Everyone else super kicks him in the face.

Christian spears Danger on the apron then leaps onto Manders, Sol, Swann and Mathers. Danger follows suit with a springboard moonsault taking out everyone. Manders powerbombs Mathers as he suplexes Swann. Sol then goes Coast to Coast on Manders. Everyone is down.

Sol spikes Christian with a DDT. Christian rolls out of the ring. As Manders holds Sol in an Electric Chair Mathers leaps off the top rope hitting a destroyer on Sol. Manders absorbs Mathers’ running knee strike to drive Mathers down with a Canadian Stampede. Manders pins Mathers with his Lariat.

Winner: Manders

Rating: 7 / 10

Kick-Off Rumble

PCO smashes the TNA DIgital Media Championship. Courtesy: GCW and Triller TV.

JCW’s The BackSeat Boyz entered the Rumble with Violent J and 2 Tuff Tony and the final participant was…PCO! PCO starts throwing bodies over the rope. Jessicka Havok head scissors Sam Stackhouse over the top rope to the floor. Shane Mercer just power presses her out of the ring onto everyone who is left on the floor. It is just PCO versus Mercer now. PCO and Mercer end up battling on the apron. PCO chokeslams Mercer to the floor.

PCO says he is going to do something he has wanted to do for a long time. He calls for his “tools”. PCO puts the championship belt he came to the ring with on a steel chair. It looks like the TNA Digital Media Championship. He smashes it with a sledgehammer as the crowd chants his name.

“I sold out the biggest house in TNA history! I have sold more t-shirts in one night than any TNA….”

The feed cuts away. What could it all mean?

Winner: PCO

Rating: 6 / 10

GCW owner Brett Lauderdale hits the ring. He hypes GCW being the only indie promotion to run Hammerstein. He claims GCW sold more tickets than any promotion has in the last 30 days in the The Hammerstein Ballroom. What could it all mean?

He also talks about people stabbing the promotion in the back yet they were there for them when they needed them.

“We did this without a corporate television contract. We did this without a billion dollar safety f—–g net,” he says thanking the GCW team, the GCW locker room, fans in attendance and fans around the world.

Matt Tremont vs Matthew Justice vs Drew Parker vs John Wayne Murdoch vs Brandon Kirk vs Dr. Redacted vs Rina Yamashita vs Ciclope vs Maki Itoh (Extreme Champion) – GCW Extreme Ultraviolent Championship Unification – TLC Match

The belts are hanging above the ring. Murdoch grabs the microphone. He says Maki doesn’t deserve to be in the match. Maki drops to her knees and starts crying. Everyone attacks him for being such a jerk. Maki puts a ladder on her shoulders. She spins around taking down people until Justice clobbers the ladder with a steel chair. Maki sets up a huge ladder in the ring. She dives off with a crossbody on those below on the floor.

Justice readies Redacted for a ride to the floor. Courtesy: GCW and Triller TV.

Redacted and Rina work together. They climb to the top rope with trash cans in opposite corners. They put the cans over their heads, leap off the ropes hitting Tremont and colliding with each other. Ciclope and Rina suplex a ladder onto Redacted. Ciclope suplexes Rina off a ladder in the ring. They crash through a table on floor. Parker leaps off of another ladder inside the ring onto Maki and Murdoch putting them through a table with a swanton bomb. Justice puts himself and Redacted through a table on the floor with a Death Valley Driver off a ladder inside the ring. Parker puts Kirk through a ladder with his Psycho Driver. The ladder breaks in half.

Tremont and Murdoch wage war on top of a ladder for the belts. Tremont stabs Murdoch in the head with a fork over and over until he lets go of the ladder. Tremont retrieves both belts.

Winner: …and new Unified GCW Extreme and Ultraviolent Champion…Matt Tremont.

Rating: 8 / 10

Effy vs. Allie Katch – Winner to take on GCW Champion Mance Warner later tonight

Katch dives onto Effy on the floor minutes into the match. After landing her ankle is at an awkward angle under her. She lays screaming in pain. Effy and the official check on her. Medical officials are called in. The show comes to a halt until Mance Warner arrives hitting Effy again and again with the GCW Championship. He then chokeslams him through a table. Warner poses with the belt in the ring.

Winner: Effy 

Rating: N/A

Homicide, Grim Reefer and The Amazing Red vs. Tony Deppen, Kerry Morton and Griffin McCoy

Morton thinks he, Deppen and McCoy deserve a standing ovation. He is disappointed in the fans in attendance. They call themselves “Real F—–g Pros”.  Very, very long promos here probably due to the premature ending to the previous match. Morton refuses to hand the microphone over and start the match.

The card is put on hold as the NYC Athletic Commission demands that another ambulance be on site before the event can continue. The pause lasts about 15 minutes or so.

The Pros decide to leave the show. Homicide rips on them from the ring.  They return to the ring and the match is finally started.

Amazing Red wins the match for his team with Code Red. He is then inducted into the Independent Wrestling Hall of Fame for 2025 and given his plaque.

The fans chant: You deserve it!

Winners: Homicide, Grim Reefer and The Amazing Red

Rating: N/A

Violence Is Forever (Dominic Garrini and Kevin Ku) (c) vs. The Gahbage Daddies (Alec Price and Cole Radrick) – GCW Tag Team Championship Match

Violence is wearing Hart Foundation inspired gear. Things break down early on with everyone brawling in the middle of the ring. The Daddies double team the champions until Price is given a brainbuster on the apron. Violence work over Cole. Garrini kicks Price off the apron so the double team can continue. Cole fights off both men until he can finally tag in Price. Price gives Garrini a pop-up drop kick and a blockbuster to Ku for a two count. Ku turns a backslide into an assisted, stuffed piledriver with Garrini on Cole. Cole kicks out at the very last second. Ku drops Price with a brainbuster on a turnbuckle.

Price gives Garrini a leaping kick to the head and a super kick to Ku. Cole hits a stunner and Price clotheslines Ku down to the mat. Prices leaps onto Garrini on the floor. Ku is pinned by the Garbage Disposal as Garrini is too late with his save.

Winners: …and new GCW Tag Team Champions, The Gahbage Daddies.

Rating: 8 / 10

Richard Holliday vs Charles Mason – Steel Cage Match

Charles Mason lines up Holliday from the top of the cage. Courtesy: GCW and Triller TV.

A segment of Charles Mason escaping a police van by beating a cop with his own nightstick after being accused of murder by Holliday plays as they erect the steel cage. Nicely done.

Mason arrives in a prison jumpsuit and a Hannibal Lecter mask. He removes the jumpsuit to reveal his usual attire. Holliday immediately tries to climb out of the cage. Mason rams Holliday’s head off the chain link steel cage over and over. Mason tries to strangle Holliday with his belt. Holliday counters with a cutter. He smashes Mason’s head into the cage. Mason no-sells it and just smiles.

Holliday is halfway over the cage. Mason pulls him back in. They throw hands on the top rope. Mason bounces Holliday’s head off the top bar of the cage. Mason falls back into the cage. Mason leaps off the top of the cage with a flying elbow smash.

Parrow arrives. He enters the cage and throws the official into the cage. Parrow chokeslams Mason in the middle of the ring. Mason kicks out just before the official calls three. Parrow sets up a door in a corner.

Here comes Slade! He climbs into the cage spearing Parrow into the door. Parrow and Slade brawl on the floor and into the crowd.

Holliday wraps a chain around his fist. Mason blocks it with a steel chair beating Holliday with it. Holliday punches Mason in the “lower abdomen”. Holliday confesses he snitched on Mason. “I f—–g hate you!” snarls Holliday before super kicking Mason and then spitting in his face. Mason kicks out at one after Holliday 2008. Mason gets a two with a Death Valley Driver. Mason escapes 2008 to put Holliday in a sleeper hold. Holliday reaches for the steel chain. Mason wraps it around Holliday’s throat. The official calls the match.

Winner: Charles Mason

Rating: 8 / 10

El Hijo del Vikingo vs. Sydney Akeem

Vikingo goes to drop kick a fallen Akeem on the apron. Akeem leaps up and Vikingo goes underneath. Akeem takes him out with a twisting corkscrew. A missile drop kick almost sends Akeem out of the ring. Akeem goes flying after being on the receiving end of a tope to the floor. Vikingo gets a two count with a frog splash from the top rope. Vikingo hangs Akeem in the ropes for a double stomp and a two count. Both men counter their finishes then kick each other in the head. The official begins a double count. Akeem flips 200 times in the air and nails Vikingo with The Final Act. Vikingo kicks out! Vikingo leaps off the top of a steel post drilling Akeem into the ring apron with a destroyer but literally just pops back up? Akeem pins Vikingo with another Final Act for the win a few seconds later?

Winner: Sydney Akeem

Rating: 6 / 10

Yoshihiro Tajiri, Super Crazy and Little Guido versus Los Desperados (Gringo Loco, Arez and Jack Cartwheel)

Someone needs to tell Super Crazy it is 2025. Courtesy: GCW, Triller TV.

There are competing Gringo Loco and Super Crazy chants. Cartwheel poses after taking Guido down. Guido fires back with his own cartwheel and arm drag.

The fans hilarious chant: Holy shit!

Tajiri is tagged in. The fans chant his name. Loco offers his hand to Tajiri. They shake hands but Tajiri lands a buzzsaw kick. Loco gets more kicks when he gyrates like Rick Rude. Crazy is tagged in. He receives lots of love from the fans. Arez and Crazy shake hands. Arez attacks Crazy from behind. Crazy gets triple-teamed after the official loses control for a bit. Cartwheel misses his Sky Twister Press. Crazy takes all three men down on his own.

Tajiri hits his handspring elbow on Los Desperados. Tajiri and Crazy pair off with Tarantulas on the competition while Guido locks in another submission inside the ring on Cartwheel. The fight goes to the floor and into the crowd. Super Crazy climbs up to one of the balconies. He leaps onto everyone on the floor. Taiji smiles. The crowd chants: You still got it!

Tajiri accidentally sprays the official with his mist. Arez spits red mist into Tajiri’s eyes. Loco pins Guido with a split-legged moonsault.

Winners: Los Desperados (Gringo Loco, Arez and Jack Cartwheel)

Rating: 7 / 10

Josh Barnett vs. Tom Pestock (FKA: Baron Corbin) – Bloodsport Match

This is Pestock’s first match outside of WWE. Pestock takes Barnett down quickly. Barnett edges out of a heel hook and puts Pestock in a headlock. They get back to their feet. Barnett takes Pestock down with an arm lock. Pestock puts on a cross arm breaker. Barnett reverses that punching Pestock in the stomach. Pestock tries for a LeBell Lock. Barnett flips things into a headlock on Pestock. Barnett holds his arm to stop a cross arm breaker from Pestock. They get back to the feet throwing punches and kicks. Pestock clotheslines and suplexes Barnett. Pestock though taps to a leg lock. The crowd boos.

Winner: Josh Barnett

Rating: 4 / 10

Megan Bayne vs Atticus Cogar 

Cogar comes out mocking Bayne with his attire including a headdress. Bayne spears him out of nowhere to begin the match. She tackles Cogar in the corner. A butterfly suplex and a sliding clothesline gets Bayne a two count. Cogar shoves her off the top rope to the floor. Cogar drapes Bayne over a barricade and splashes her from the apron. The barricade collapses with Bayne’s arm under it. Cogar gets a two count with a draping DDT inside the ring. Cogar kicks a chair into Bayne’s throat. Cogar misses with some skewers. They get stuck in the turnbuckle. He pulls out some more skewers lodging them into turnbuckles. Cogar slaps her face. Bayne gives him a fallaway slam into a steel chair in a corner. Cogar goes for an Air Raid Crash on the apron but he misses and they fall to the floor in a heap and into a barricade. Bayne grabs some skewers out of a corner. Atticus’s brother Otis races to the ring. He plants her with a slam. Otis hits a moonsault. Bayne still kicks out. Otis climbs up for another moonsault. Someone in a hoodie on the floor sprays mist into his eyes. Otis falls off the apron and through a table.

The person in the hoodie is Sawyer Wreck. She tasers Cogar. Bayne pins Cogar with the Tombstone Piledriver.

Winner: Megan Bayne

Rating: 7 / 10

Masato Tanaka vs. Joey Janela

Janela bows to Tanaka before the match begins. They then shake hands. Both men challenge each other to hit each other with shoulder tackles. No one budges. They trade forearms in the middle of the ring. Tanaka sends Janela head over heels with a clothesline. Janela punches and chops Tanaka on the apron. He drops Tanaka with a Death Valley Driver on the apron. Janela grabs some plunder from under the ring. He sets up two tables on the floor. Tanaka is whipped into the barricade. Tanaka back drops Janela over the barricade then clocks him with a steel chair in the head. Tanaka lays Janela on one of the tables. From the top rope Tanaka splashes Janela through one of the tables.

Tanaka slides multiple chairs into the ring. Janela DDTs Tanaka. Janela takes a swinging DDT onto the steel chairs. Janela answers with a brainbuster on the chairs. Janela powerslams Tanaka off the apron and through a table. It looks like Tanaka has splinters in his back after that. Tanaka blocks a powerbomb through the chairs. Tanaka gets a two count with Diamond Dust. Janela is laid across four chairs. Janela catches Tanaka on the top rope. Janela suplexes Tanaka through the steel chairs. He kicks out at two. Janela hits Tanaka with a steel chair. Tanaka shrugs it off. Janela slides a door and a table into the ring. Tanaka sends Janela into a table with a spinning DDT from the top rope. The table does not break. Ouch!

Tanaka suffers a Death Valley Driver through a door leaning in a corner. Both men drop their chairs after a duel in the middle of the ring and resort to forearm smashes. Both men take each other out with rolling elbows. Janela pins Tanaka with a Package Piledriver on a steel chair.

Janela does great job of getting the crowd to acknowledge and cheer for Tanaka.

“You are a f—–g legend, sir!” says Janela as he bows and shakes Tanaka’s hand.

Sabu interrupts Janela. Courtesy: GCW, Triller TV.

Sabu appears behind Janela. Janela says that if Sabu wants a match at Spring Break it will be his retirement match on April 18th.

Winner: Joey Janela

Rating: 8 / 10

Matt Cardona vs. Tommy Invincible

Cardona says he is the reason why GCW has made the strides it has. To whomever walks through the curtain and accepts his open challenge will get “squashed”. Invincible kicks out of an immediate Radio Silence. Invincible does his version of Five Knuckle Shuffle. The crowd isn’t impressed. Cardona kicks Tommy in the “lower abdomen” and pins him with Radio Silence. Cardona wants another match. He wants the “biggest” and “baddest” GCW has to offer.

Winner: Matt Cardona

Rating: 2 / 10

Matt Cardona vs. Micro Man

Cardona gets on his knees for Micro Man. Micro slaps him across the face. Hits him with a 619, a stomp and a micro bomb. Broski Jimmy Lloyd pulls the official out of the ring. Cardona punches Micro Man in the “lower abdomen” and pins him.

Winner: Micro Man

Rating: 0 / 10

Matt Cardona vs. Jimmy Lloyd

Cardona invites someone else to try and dethrone him. Lloyd steps up. He is done being Cardona’s sidekick. Lloyd pins Cardona in short order. Lloyd says he is back. Cardona is stunned.

Winner: Jimmy Lloyd

Rating: 0 / 10

Effy Vs Mance Warner – GCW World Championship

Winner: …and new GCW World Champion, Effy.

Rating: 7 / 10


GCW show paused due to injury

PCO explains belt-smashing tirade

Allie Katch medical update


The People Vs GCW

Honestly, the most well-rounded, best GCW show I have seen to date. The ECW nostalgia wasn’t as overpowering as I thought it would be. GCW’s own shone brightly in perhaps one of the most surprising events of the year. The talent really came together to bounce back from the awkward pause due to Katch’s injury. The regained that lost momentum although the show ran a bit long for my tastes. They could have cut down Cardona’s nonsense as well as the Bloodsport match. Neither was needed at all.