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Wheeler facing criminal charges in road rage incident

FTR vs Zach Nystrom and Elijah Dean at the Blue Cross Arena in Rochester, NY on September 29th, 2021. Photo by Joe Hrycych,

Cash Wheeler will be standing trial in criminal court for a traffic incident last year.

Orange County, Florida prosecutors will be pursuing a charge of aggravated assault with a firearm, a third degree felony, against the AEW superstar.

The state attorney has described the incident as “road rage”.

“He allegedly flashed a handgun at the victim,” said the state attorney during Wheeler’s initial court appearance back last August.

According to Wheeler’s attorney he has no idea who the alleged victim is.

Wheeler has plead not guilty to the charge and could face five years in prison if convicted.

Last year, the Orange County Police Department released an officer’s report on the incident.

Cpl. Mitchell Bowhay explained that he interviewed the alleged victim Daniel Matta at the scene. Matta claims he saw a Jeep Gladiator “weaving in and out of traffic honking its horn”. Matt says he moved over to let the vehicle pass.

“Matta said the jeep took the right shoulder to drive around him on the passenger side of his vehicle. Matta looked over and noticed a white male with a beard pointing a black semi-automatic handgun out of the driver’s window at him with a strong stare. Matta said he feared for his life at this time. Matta stated he slowed down to get out of the way of the firearm and ended up behind the suspect vehicle at this time,” wrote the officer.

According to police, Matta took photos of the vehicle in question and then called 911 with the license plate number.

“He explained he could not be late for work and asked an officer to meet him at his work [REDACTED],” detailed Bowhay.

Matta picked Wheeler out of a photo line-up.


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