As The Looks That Kill signature event is coming around the bend the president of the National Wrestling Alliance, William Patrick Corgan, will have an announcement at the end of this NWA Powerrr on two matches following recent events. Also, The Slimeballz are going up against Jay Bradshaw and Wrecking Ball Legursky, The Fixers in a tag team main event, and one can help but wonder if this is the match where Sage Chantz and Tommy Rant get turned into a slime stain in the center of the ring.
We will find out as we come to you from the PowerrrStation at the WEDU PBS studios in Tampa, FL. Joe Galli, Billy Corgan, and Danny Dealz have the call and your First Match of the Night is between…

Courtesy of the NWA
“Thrillbilly” Silas Mason vs. Mr. Grimm
I will say this if I haven’t already: Grimm looks like a smaller version of Viscera/Mabel. As for Philly native’s chances against Mason, the Southern Six member takes Grimm to the wood chipper and it is clobberin’ time. Also, a quick…
(Author’s Note: That’s a reference to Ben Grimm from Marvel’s Fantastic Four comics, not a dig at CM Punk)
Mason whips him to the corner and rushes at him, but Grimm gets away briefly until he’s nailed with a flying shoulder tackle to cover for a two count. He comes back at Big Daddy Thrill with an enzugiri and forearms to his back, but Mason picks up the big man for a Powerbomb and it gets reversed to a Victory roll-up for a count of two. Grimm tries to follow up with a running boot and misses the mark while getting hung up in ropes. Mason connects with a high back body drop suplex and a clothesline for a near-fall. Grimm goes back with a High-risk maneuver but Mason catches him in the act, picks him up on his shoulder, and drills him with a running powerslam but cannot put him away. They run the ropes and Grimm comes back with a flying clothesline. Mason ain’t having it and says it’s “time to meet the Reaper” but Grimm reverses with a forearm and a corner splash, and then connects into a Death Valley Driver for just a one count. Mason decides it’s time Grimm goes on a Thrillride and that ends it decisively.
Your Winner via Pinfall: “Thrillbilly” Silas Mason
We get a vignette with the newest addition to the NWA roster, Lili “La Pescadita” Ruiz. She speaks about pursuing her dream of professional wrestling and is excited by the opportunity of facing “Hollyhood” Haley J later in the show.
I hope that’s still the case after the match. For now, it’s time for the women to shine in tag team action between…

Courtesy of the NWA
Pretty Empowered (Kenzie and Kylie Paige) vs. Caribbean Flow (Ruthie Jay and La Rosa Negra)
Right from the bell, Jay is taking little sister Paige to school and then she and Negra combine forces and hit her with an assisted splash for a cover of two. Negra kicks Kylie while she’s down and then gives her snake eyes in the corner. She follows with a flying clothesline and then afterward pokes Kenzie’s eye in the corner to add insult to injury. Negra nails a springboard back elbow and covers Kylie, but Kenzie breaks the count. She gets upset and goes after the elder Paige, but the distraction allows Kylie and Kenzie to pull some shenanigans to upend La Abusadora and they land a double back elbow to Negra and an elbow drop with flair for a two count. Negra is feeling her Caribbean Flow is in Peril as Kylie hits a hip attack in the corner for a near fall. The fans get behind her chanting, “Rosa” as she reverses and sends Kylie face first to the bottom turnbuckle and a spinebuster wipes out both women. Negra crawls to her corner to get the hot tag and Jay is a Five Star wrestler en Fuego. It becomes pandemonium in the ring until Kylie pushes Negra into Jay to knock her off the ring and she rolls up La Abusadora for the pin and the win.
Your Winners via Pinfall: Pretty Empowered
After the match, Jay shows frustration and gets in Negra’s grill about the loss. Negra ain’t putting up with that and grabs her wrist. Jay assures her that she’s cool until she attacks Negra from behind and Caribbean Flow is collapsing before our eyes.
The was a vignette where May Valentine spoke with both Big Strong Mims and BLK Jeez, as well as Burchill. Burchill feels like he got the shaft after losing the opportunity at the NWA Natiopnal Title at NWA 76, and Mims and Jeez counter that he whines a lot. Guess we’ll see them lock up in the future.
Now for more tag team action between…

Courtesy of the NWA.
Daisy Kill and Talos vs. The Miserably Faithful (Judais and Gaagz the Gymp)
This is the first time we’ve seen Judais in a while and he’s sporting a chrome down instead of his usual dreadlocks. He and Talos kick off the match and it is the proverbial “unstoppable force versus immovable object” showdown between the big men. The Priest of Punishment gets sent to the corner where Kill tags in and tries to get some offense going to no avail, and he quickly gets his man Talos tagged back in. He and Kill find a way to cut the ring in half as they batter down Judais. At one point, Talos picks him up and nails a sidewalk slam. He whips Judais to the corner and goes for a splash but the Priest manages to get a boot up. Now there is a tag to Gaagz and it’s been a while since I wrote the words Gymp-a-mania is running wild in Tampa. Gaagz attempts to unzip his mask but gets blocked by Kill. Gaagz reverses and delivers the Gaagz Reflex but Talos achieves a blind tag during the finisher to make him the legal man. Judais is not putting up with this as he drills Kill with the crucifixion bomb. Talos uses the opportunity to send the Priest of Punishment out of the ring. As Gaagz unzips the mask, Talos is right there to deliver a choke slam with authority to end the match.
Your Winners via Pinfall: Daisy Kill and Talos
Kyle Davis is at ringside with Mike Mondo and he wants to discuss his goals. I’d normally summarize, but I gotta say the former Spirit Squad member cut a very interesting promo, so I’ll let him talk:
“You know why I’m pissed off? Because it’s about damn time the NWA recognized greatness. And now I’m here, and I’m here to stay.
Let me give you a little history lesson about myself. Everywhere I go, every place that I go, Kyle, I study the roster top to bottom. I identify everyone’s strengths, and I see everybody’s weaknesses. Well, I…I have a special person in mind. I know this man from a long time ago. We traveled up and down the road together. We shared many locker rooms together, and if this little pissant even recalls, we’ve even shared the ring together a time or two.
Well, Kyle, I got a message for this person. I know who you are, and you will find out exactly why I’m here.
Because it’s my time. It’s Mondo time! It’s Gut Check time!”
I like this version of Mike Mondo, and can’t wait to see what else the NWA has in store for him.
But let’s get back to the ring for…

Courtesy of the NWA
“HollyHood” Haley J vs. Lili “La Pescadita” Ruiz
This is the debut singles match of the “little fish” from NWA Chicago and she faces a big test against the self-proclaimed “Bougeist Baddie.” There’s a little dance-off between the two until Haley shuts it down. Ruiz comes back with a shoulder tackle and a hip toss and adds a few chops to her chest. She is on a roll and goes for a baseball slide to the outside of the ring and Haley traps her in the ring apron and proceeds to beat her down so she can get back in control. She gives Ruiz running knees to the back of her head followed by a Shining Wizard to cover for a two count. Haley grabs her pigtails and Haley tries to tie them to the ropes. She keeps fighting back but Haley stays in the driver’s seat. She cinches a sleeper hold but Ruiz gets up to a vertical base and connects with jabs. She gets a little too cute with her footwork and Haley makes her pay with a throat chop. La Pescadita manages to shake it off and nails her with a spinebuster for a near fall. It’s all for naught as Haley clips her leg with a chop block and a curb stomp finishes off Ruiz in three.
Your Winner via Pinfall: “HollyHood” Haley J
Now for the Main Event, and it is between…

Courtesy of the NWA
The SlimeBallz (Sage Chantz and Tommy Rant) vs. The Fixers (Wrecking Ball Legursky and Jay Bradley)
Right the bell, Dealkz points out The Fixers are all over Rant and Chantz “live a cheap suit.” Once the dust settles, Chantz tries and fails to knock down Bradley but with an assist from Rant he gets a poke to the eye and an assured spinning DDT drives him to the center of the ring. Legursky tags in and he and Rant battle it out. When that fails the Slimeballz go back to their double-team offense to knock him down but Legursky bowls through them like a wrecking ball, naturally.
Bradley comes back in the ring and he pulls Rant halfway out of the ring and hammers away at his chest. Now Chantz chops down Legursky and attempts a crossbody but ends up getting caught midair. Rant trips him up for Chantz to cover and now the smaller Slimeball gets a little overconfident and pays for it with a Legursky splash. The fans get behind the Slimeballz even when Chantz is nailed by Legursky’s diving splash and Bradley adds the punctuation mark with a knee drop. Once again, Chantz deserves the Spike Dudley bump award as The Fixers just throw him around like a rag doll. He tries to get Legursky in a guillotine choke but Chantz just can’t get the submission cinched in and and gets thrown off. Back to Bradley with a big boot to Rant and he and Legursky just squash Chantz in the center of the squared circle with a double splash. Rant comes back with a chop block and baits Legursky and Bradley to chase him out of the ring. Before more damage can be done, Carson Drake in the ring, pulls Chantz’s arm to drag him out and the ref calls the match. The reasoning we get as Davis gives the official verdict is because Drake had “contact” with Chantz during the official match and as a result…
Your Winner via Disqualification: The SlimeBallz
Legursky and Bradley are tossing chairs over that ticky-tacky call. Drake celebrates with fist bumps to Chantz and Rant and you can bet this will be far from over.
We finally hear from Corgan from a pre-taped announcement about what fans can expect from the upcoming Looks That Kill signature event in Dothan, AL. I’m gonna let the boss talk to close this out from “X”:
“There comes a time in this company where I must make the right decision. There comes a time in this company where I must restore order. What we’ve seen from Thom and EC3, your NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion and your former NWA World Heavyweight Champion, is not something I can abide by.
So in Dothan, AL, we’re not going to have just one cage match. We are going to have two.
EC3 [and] Thom Latimer for the NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship, but also Tiffany Nieves [and] Natalia Markova. This must end, and it will end in Dothan.”
Final Thoughts:
Another odd ending to this NWA Powerrr and while I am curious about the pairing of Drake with The Slimeballz, I can’t help but wonder if this is going to take away Chantz’s and Rant’s babyface momentum. Guess we will see, won’t we?
Otherwise a solid show, and Grimm and Ruiz do have some potential. We’ll see if that translates to a push down the road.
Until then, see ya next Tuesday on “X.”