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NWA POWERRR: Paige takes The Burke to the Max on NWA 76

Courtesy of the NWA

Things in Philadelphia are getting interesting as Max the Impaler cashes in her NWA Women’s Television title for a chance at The Burke, currently held for the better part of the year by Kenzie Paige.  Paige didn’t fare well last year at Night One of the NWA 75 pay-per-view when she defended the Television title last year against The Warrior of The Wasteland.  But Paige has grown in her role as the current women’s champion.

The only true question is: who will rule the women’s division of the National Wrestling Alliance?

We’ll find out in the historic 2300 Arena in downtown Philly. Joe Galli, NWA owner Billy Corgan, and Danny Dealz have the call, and your First Match of the Night is a…

Courtesy of the NWA

Liberty Bell Brawl: The Immortals (Odinson and Kratos) vs. Blunt Force Trauma (Carnage and Damage, with Aron Stevens)

The stipulation for this match is that one team must climb a ladder and ring the “Liberty Bell” three times to win.  On commentary, Corgan states he went to the Vince Russo playbook while devising a match between the two teams to be held in Philly.

Me, personally? I probably woulda shelved admitting to taking a page from Russo, lest you incur the ire of the hardcore faithful. But that’s me, and you do you, Corgan.

The Immortals are in the ring, and as BFT walks down the ramp to their introductions, Kratos launches himself from the squared circle to get the strike, and that fires up the crowd in the 2300 Arena.  Odinson follows soon after with a cannonball to the outside and this is a slobberknocker hearkening back to the days of extreme.  Kratos grabs a ladder from under the ring and Stevens runs interference. He stalks his former tag team partner until Carnage attacks from behind.  Odinson is laid out and now BFT focuses their attention on Kratos.  They set up the ladder between the ring and the guardrails, and they throw him face-first into it.

Back in the ring, Odinson tries to fight the masked men off but then BFT utilizes a double hip toss as they send him back first to the ladder in the corner.  The Asgardian is still in the fight (Witness!) as he gives a DDT to Carnage on the apron edge.  Now Damage and Kratos stand in the ring and it is the immovable force meeting an unstoppable object.  Damage rushes at him, and Kratos uses his velocity to hit the turnbuckles and then he nails a snap suplex.  Damage returns the receipt, but Kratos comes back and connects with a high knee lift.  He goes for the kill but Carnage takes him out to save his partner.  BFT set up a ladder and Stevens helps with another on the outside. The Immortals get in the fights and four men are in the ring jockeying for position.  Kratos climbs but Carnage comes from behind and drills him with a powerbomb.  Damage attempts to ascend the ladder and Odinson stops him a side Russian Legsweep from the top rung.  Damage grabs a steel chair but Kratos dropkicks him in the face.  He grabs the weapon and gets ready to swing until Stevens swipes it away. He goes to use it but Kratos ducks out he accidentally clocks Carnage. As Stevens realizes the mistake he made Odinson gives him an Asgardian Pounce.  Now Kratos climbs the ladder and rings the bell, but the pulley comes apart the second time.  Commentary wonders if that is not valid since it requires three rings, but Kyle Davis gets on the mic and announces…

Your Winners of the Liberty Bell Brawl:  Odinson and Kratos

Apparently, there is a bit of controversy on the decision that will be revisited at a later time.

We get plugs from Corgan, NWA Heavyweight Champion Thom Latimer, and Kenzie Paige for Samhain II, which will be held this year at the Robarts Arena in Sarasota, FL., on October 26th.  After the hurricanes that came through these last few weeks, I hope that will still be the case.

May Valentine is backstage with Father James Mitchell on living…err, dying for moments like what Max the Impaler’s chances will be against Kenzie Paige, and I’ll let him speak:

“That’s right! For one year, Kenzie Paige, Max the Impaler allowed you to live a lie.

That lie being that you were undefeatable, but that all comes to a stop. The truth has now floated to the surface like a corpse in a lake. Max the Impaler is going to decimate you, Kenzie Paige, like a twister in a trailer park. And speaking of trailer parks, I hope that you flew your parents in from your pre-manufactured homestead and got them a front row seat because I’m going to take sadistic pleasure in watching them as they helplessly watch you get destroyed by the Komodo dragon that is Max the Impaler.

Max the Impaler is going to slowly and methodically rip you from limb to limb and eat you alive. And there’s nothing that low-rent stick-up man you call a father or your mother ‘Meth’any can do to prevent Max the Impaler from becoming the NWA Women’s World Heavyweight Champion.”

Father James Mitchell explains what Max the Impaler with do to Kenzie Paige at NWA 76.  Courtesy of the NWA via X.

Now we head back to the ring, and this is a…

Courtesy of the NWA

Fatal Four Way Elimination Match for the NWA National Championship: Burchill vs. Carson Drake vs. Big Strong Mims (with Blk Jeez) vs. Bryan Idol

We will see which of these four men will be crowned the NWA National title after it was vacated by Thom Latimer so he could become the NWA World’s champion.

(From left): Burchill, Bryan Idol, Big Strong Mims, and Carson Drake vie for the NWA National Championship.  Courtesy of the NWA via X.

We also hear Kyle Davis introduce the full name of “Carson Bartholomew Drake.”

Heh, clever.

As the bell rings, Drake tries to make friends, and the rest of the competitors see to it that he becomes a great punching bag.  Then Burchill and Idol team up on Mims and Drake, and now they go to work exchanging holds.  As he resets, Drake pulls Burchill out, and that allows Mims to show his power on Idol, while Drake manhandles The Ripper outside the ring.

Mims Has Idol in a fireman’s carry, but he elbows his way out and then proceeds to light up Mims and Drake with chops, followed by a sling blade to Mims.  Burchill plants Idol wih a future shock DDT and he is eliminated first.  The Ripper hits the ropes and Drake trips him up and gets aggressive on Burchill.  He’s no pushover and sends him out,  only to turn around and and have Mims connect with a belly-to-belly suplex for a two count.  Burchill gets back in control, sets Mims up the top rope, and nails an impressive avalanche fisherman’s suplex.  Drake gets ready to pick them off until Jeez gets on the apron and makes a deal with young Bartholomew.  He sees the lights and grabs Burchill’s arms from behind and Mims takes advantage with a heart punch for the second elimination.  Mims gets his hands up, but Jeez talks to Drake to have a confab and gives him his card.  Mims has his guard up and Drake gives his hand in a show of sportsmanship.  All of a sudden Drake starts to cramp up and has a “Charley horse” which allows Mims the pin and the win.  Therefore…

Your Winner, and New NWA National Champion: Big Strong Mims

Oh, how far Mimshas has fallen to seek gold in the NWA.

The Nerve. The Audacity.TheGumption.

Valentine now speaks to the NWA Women’s World Champion, Kenzie Paige, on her thoughts facing Max The Impaler.  The champ has this to say:

“Everyone else wants to cower down when it comes to Max the Impaler. But what is there to fear?

Is it death? Are you gonna kill me, Max?

You’re looking at a woman who watched the patriarch of her family die right in front of her. I watched him take his last breath. I touched his cold, clammy hands, and you want me to fear death? Kenzie Paige fears nothing. I have no friends outside of Kylie Paige.  I need nobody else.

Who do I curl up to every single night?  The love of my life, The Burke.  The greatest love there ever was.”

Kenzie Paige does not fear facing Max the Impaler at NWA 76.  Courtesy of the NWA via X.


It’s time for the Main Event, and this is for the…

Courtesy of the NWA

NWA Women’s World Title Match: Kenzie Paige (c) vs. Max the Impaler (with Father James Mitchell)

It wasn’t that long ago at Back to the Territories when Max Heeded Mitchell’s advice and decided to cash in the Women’s title for a shot at the Burke rather than take their chances with Natalia Markova.

Davis gives the boxing style intros, and once the bell rings Paige shoves Max.  Max shoves back, but Paige is not the same competitor as she was last year as she keeps coming back for more.  Max sends her across the ring and gives a forearm shiver to send Paige out.  Max stalks her to the outside and Paige dives onto The Warrior of the Wasteland.  She attempts another dive but gets caught by Max.  They get ready to toss her until Paige wriggles free and pushes Max to the ring post to leave them dazed. Paige gets back in the ring as the ref starts the count.  Max makes it back and Paige goes back on offense.   Max gives the champ a front suplex and things look dire as Max toys with her like a cat with a mouse, which then leads to…

Ads (Sigh!)

We come back to Max just throwing around Paige like a rag doll.  They climb up for a Vader bomb but Paige manages to reverse and get a powerbomb, but does not get all of it.  Now the champ is getting her second wind and lands a huracanrana, but then Paige gets cut in half by a spear from Max.  They’re exhausted but both competitors get up to a vertical base and Max is throwing bombs.  Paige attempts a Kenzie Cutter but gets blocked and Max sends her to The Wasteland and covers for one, two…nope.  Max talks to Mitchell outside, and Paige uses the distraction to superkick but to no avail.  She goes for another, and now Mitchell is on the apron to distract the champ. Paige jawjacks at The Sinister Minister until Max grabs her hair from behind. They wind up for the clothesline and clocks Mitchell as he drops to the concrete floor.  As Max stares on at their mentor,  Paige now delivers a Kenzie Cutter but it does not faze The Warrior of The Wasteland. Two more cutters finally do the trick as Paige covers for the one, two, and three.

Your Winner, and Still NWA Women’s World Champion:  Kenzie Paige

Paige holds her head high and The Burke aloft as she avenges her loss at NWA 75 and walks to the back confident in her win as the show draws to a close on X.

NWA POWERRR: Part Two of NWA 76 - 10/8/2024

Final Thoughts:


Solid matches overall, and Paige is truly becoming a fighting champion in her own right, especially with Max The Impaler.

The story is not Big Strong Mims earning the National title, but how he did it with Jeez and Drake forming an alliance, and that will have legs with Burchill and Idol, among others, wanting a crack at the belt.

Blunt Force Trauma and The Immortals? More, please!

For now, tune in next Tuesday from X.

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