The King Bees are on top of the National Wrestling Alliance after beating Pretty Empowered for the NWA Women’s Tag Team belts. But now all three members want revenge, and the Bees get an ally tonight in the form of The Crush, Natalia Markova. Also, Anthony Andrews isn’t finished with The Country Gentlemen as he’s looking to exact retribution on his little cousin, KC Cazana, for taking his spot in the group.
Joe Galli provides more context on what’s at stake in this episode of NWA POWERRR on The CW.
We come to you from the PowerrrStation. Joe Galli and Danny Dealz have the call, as we kick off with your First Match of the Night for the…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
NWA US Tag Team Championship: The Immortals (Odinson and Kratos)(c) vs Daisy Kill and Talos (with Aron Stevens)
Yep, you read that right. Stevens has lent his managerial services (and is suffering from “stitches” to his heavily bandaged left hand), but the question is to what end?
We might find out later, as Odinson and Kill start the match and he easily shoves the ukelele player to the mat. A quick tag to Talos and he wants The Most Feared. Odinson obliges and Kratos and Talos tie up but the big man powers The Immortal to the corner and gives him a shove. Kratos whips him to the ropes and gets shoulder-tackled. From there, keep him isolated in the corner and Kratos is an Immortal in Peril. He manages to fight his way out, gets the hot tag to Odinson, and is an Asgardian En Fuego giving Asgardian uppercuts to anyone in his path. He knocks Talos off the ring and goes crashing into the commentary desk on the outside. It’s a Pier Four brawl in the ring and as the ref futilely attempts to restore order, Stevens hits Odinson with the bandaged loaded hand, and Kratos goes on the warpath attacking his former tag team partner. Kill and Talos make the save, and it is chaos as the ref calls the bell, making this match a…
No Contest via Double Disqualification.
Kratos goes after Stevens and sends him backstage to catering as he batters him within an inch of his life. Kill and Talos stare at him, and Kratos dares them to fight. Kill says they don’t care about Stevens; they just want the US Tag Team belts and then back off. Kratos asks where his boys are, and just like that Blunt Force Trauma enters the picture and they work over Kratos until Odinson makes the save.
Thrillbilly Silas Mason makes the case that he is the longest reigning NWA National champ, and The Southern Six aren’t gonna stop until they conquer the NWA. Also, they got a big announcement on next week’s POWERRR and they have something cooking.
“Thrillbilly” Silas Mason (center) along with Kerry and Ricky Morton (from left) says they have an announcement on next week’s NWA POWERRR.
But let’s head back to the ring and it’s…
Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
Taylor Rising vs. Missa Kate
Kate and Rising provide some nice chain wrestling and both bring out the ring awareness early in the match, so no one has the clear advantage. They go to a Test of Strength, and Kate overcomes and pins her shoulders. Rising doesn’t stay pinned and monkey flips her, but neither one lets go and they make pinning attempts to no avail. Rising comes back with a head scissors takedown, then she follows with an arm drag into a front forward victory roll for a two count. She drapes Kate on the middle ropes and goes for a tiger feint kick that gets blocked by Kate. Now she hesitates and then slingshots Rising throat first into the ropes. Kate is showing more aggression as she stomps away until the ref pulls her off and gives a warning. Rising gets back and connects with a forward facebuster for two, and then transitions to a submission until Kate gets to the ropes. The Kick-Fil-A misses but Kate comes back and connects with a flatliner to her arm and then elbows Rising to the ground. She pulls her up in a seated position, then kisses Rising’s forehead and the Kick-fil-A finds its mark.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Missa Kate
It’s safe to say Kate has found her edge, and heaven help her next opponent.
Kyle Davis is with “Five Star” Ruthie Jay and “La Princesa” Tiffany Nieves. Nieves isn’t impressed and promises to snap her arm. Aron Stevens and Blunt Force Trauma interrupt and make the women scurry off. Stevens claims that The Immortals committed the crime of putting their hands on him so he makes this deal with them: he will put up the NWA World Tag Team titles on the line with his team of Blunt Force Trauma, but they have to relinquish their NWA US Tag titles at Hard Times for a shot at the big time.
Oh, snap. The game is set.
Aron Stevens (center) lays the gauntlet down for The Immortals to face Blunt Force Trauma.
Vampiro talks to someone about power, and how he takes from him again and again. But he will show him what true power is and then we get a shot of Mecha Wolf nodding along.
Ominous, but let’s head back to the ring, and we have a grudge match between…
Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
“White Lightning” KC Cazana (with Joe Cazana) vs. Anthony Andrews (with Austin Idol)
Nothing fancy here, folks, as “White Lightning” is taking it to his cousin. KC is in the driver’s seat until Andrews trips him up and he lands face first on the bottom turnbuckle and then follows with a huge uranage. The size advantage of Andrews plays heavily to his favor, and as he distracts the ref, Idol cheap shots KC, much to Joe’s chagrin. Andrews goes back to the beatdown in front of Poppa Joe, and he is livid. KC fires up and gives a powerslam to The Thoroughbred and then follows with a crossbody to cover, and he kicks out at the two count. KC climbs back up top and Andrews trips him up again. A walking power slam later finishes off one-half of The Country Gentlemen.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Anthony Andrews
After the match, Andrews continues to beat down until Joe gets in and starts throwing haymakers. Joe is held back by the refs and he still wants a piece of the Thoroughbred. You know this fight is far from over.
It’s time for the Main Event and it’s a…
Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
Six Women Tag Team Match: The King Bees (Charity King and Danni Bee) and Natalia Markova vs. Pretty Empowered (Ella Envy, Kenzie, and Kylie Paige)
Galli lays out the stipulation for tonight’s match: If the team of The King Bees/Markova wins, they will lay a title shot for The Burke. But if the Pretty Empowered wins, they will make themselves the number one contender again for their tag titles.
Bee and Kylie start and the younger Paige is not feeling Pretty Empowered at the moment. King tags in and misses a senton, and Kylie quickly tags Envy and finds herself bouncing off King. She gives Envy a slam and now finds the mark with the senton and covers for a count of two. Markova tags in and whips her to the Pretty Empowered. Kenzie tags in and the NWA Women’s champ stares down at the number one contender for The Burke. They’re throwing bombs and Markova gives a judo throw to a knee strike to cover Kenzie, and Envy breaks the count. Markova goes after the champ and a distraction by Envy and Kylie makes sure the numbers go Pretty Empowered’s way.
They isolate Markova and the Crush is in Peril, as Kylie and Envy connect with a double hip attack in the corner. Kenzie goes back to work until Markova lands a flash cutter for a two-count. She hits the ropes, but Kylie pulls her hair, and it’s more shenanigans from the Pretty trio. Kylie tags in and she and Markova nail each other with flying crossbody maneuvers and are laid out on the mat. Markova manages to crawl to her corner and a hot tag to King and she is buzzing with fury at Pretty Empowered. It’s pandemonium in and outside the ring, as the ref tries to restore what little order he can. Amid the fracas, Envy rolls up King with a handful of tights but the ref does not see as he counts her shoulders down for one, two, and three.
Your Winners via Pinfall: Pretty Empowered
Once again, Pretty Empowered has found a way back to reclaim a shot at the tag team titles as the show goes to the credits.
NWA POWERRR: 03/12/2024
Final Thoughts:
Seeing Stevens insert himself in not one, but two tag team pictures is an awesome sight to see. This is going to build to something big when the Hard Times TV tapings come to The CW. Pretty Empowered is the female equivalent of The Fabulous Freebirds, but The King Bees/Markova are great foils to play off against and I wanna see more.
Until then, see ya in seven on The CW!