Due to technical difficulties, the new episode of NWA POWERRR broadcasted late in the evening. So this will be an abbreviated recap of the matches that took place for the National Wrestling Alliance, which will feature a Masterlock Challenge between Aron Stevens attempting to escape the hold made famous by Chris Adonis.
This looks to be the final set of matches from StudioOne in Highland Park, Il, and your First Match of the night is…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
Blake “Bulletproof” Troop (with Chris Silvio, Esq.) vs. Talos
- This had a David versus Goliath feel as Troop was in the new role of “little man” against the larger Talos.
- The MMA fighter was overpowered at every turn by the big man Talos
- Troop gets a triangle choke at one point, forcing him down, but Talos was too powerful, and he powerbombs him to the mat.
- Troop takes a breather on the outside to confer with Silvio. As Talos grabs Troop by the ears to bring him back to the ring, he stun guns the big man on the top rope
- Troop takes advantage and uses his arsenal to knock the big man down, and puts him away with a Figure Four variation for the win.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Blake “Bulletproof” Troop
Next up is a championship match for the…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
NWA Tag Team Championship: La Rebelion (Mecha Wolf and Bestia 666)(c) vs. Magnum Muscle (Big Strong Mims and Dak Draper)
- This is the rubber match for Magnum Muscle after their tainted loss from the NWA 312 PPV.
- La Rebelión rock Mims and keep him isolated in their corner making him a Muscle in Peril.
- Mims slugs away and finally gets the hot tag to Draper to be a Magnum en Fuego.
- The numbers game catches up with Draper, and as they attempt the Mark of the Beast finisher, Mims trips up Bestia on the top rope and Magnum Muscle delivers with a double-team pendulum slam on Mecha Wolf and Draper covers for the win.
- Magnum Muscle celebrate their new titles, however, NWA Owner William Patrick Corgan comes out and says the ref made a mistake as Draper apparently didn’t pin the legal man in Bestia 666. Due to a technicality, La Rebelion retains the titles, and the match is declared a…
No Contest
Next up is…
Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
Kerry Morton vs. Jeremiah Plunkett
- This is billed as a catchweight exhibition, as Plunkett wasn’t able to cut weight to be considered for a Junior Heavyweight match.
- Morton yanks hard on Plunkett’s arm on the top rope to displace it.
- He uses the ropes and Morton continues to show off a more aggressive attitude to Plunkett
- Plunkett tries to attack back, but Morton keeps the Tater Peeler down.
- A quick haymaker shot by Plunkett knocks the Future Legend down and he covers for a two count.
- He nails a spinebuster to Morton and still gets another two count.
- Plunkett attempts a piledriver, but Morton blocks and gets a codebreaker to his bad wing.
- Morton misses the Kiss It Goodbye running knee, and Plunkett attempts to lock him in a sleeper hold.
- Morton torques the bad arm and delivers the Showstopper finisher for the pin and the win.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Kerry Morton
Finally, your Main Event is a…
Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
Masterlock Challenge: Aron Stevens vs. Chris Adonis
- Stevens strolls into the ring with his crushed velvet suit jacket and silk ascot
- The goal is Stevens must break the Masterlock applied by Adonis to win
- Adonis cuts a promo on Stevens and reminds him he said “I Give Up” when he locked him in his signature submission
- Stevens gets on the mic and says Adonis is not the man he once was and will prove it as he breaks the hold
- Stevens uses every excuse in the book to prevent the lock, including accusing Adonis of grabbing his ascot.
- Stevens finally runs out of excuses and he succumbs to the Masterlock. Therefore,