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SmackDown: Madcap Moss takes the last spot for Money in the Bank

Good evening, SmackDown fans!

Tonight we open up with our Money in the Bank qualifiers: Sheamus, Drew McIntyre, Seth Rollins, Sami Zayn, Omos and Riddle. The air of male egotism was everywhere as it kept getting tighter as The Miz, Happy Corbin, Ezekiel and Madcap Moss also show up.

Because of the intensity, Adam Pearce decides to authorize a Battle Royale between all ten men as a preview as to who is mostly going to win the money case.

Good Old-Fashioned Battle Royal

Ezekiel gets eliminated first by Omos as he flips over the ropes. The Nigerian Giant dominates the battle by taking out The Miz and tries to take out McIntyre.

When Omos comes after him, Seth Rollins eliminates himself as he scurries away and cackles. Riddle decides to ‘RKO’ Rollins outside the ring. Then he sets his sights on Omos giving Drew and Sheamus the opportunity to flip Omos out.

And to tailgate what happened last week, Sheamus and McIntyre work together to attack Sami. Sheamus tries to remove The Bloodline shirt and punching Zayn as Riddle stalks Sheamus from behind.

Riddle continues to pay homage to Randy Orton as he demonstrates Orton’s best moves but it wasn’t enough to take Sheamus out the ring.

“These big son of a b*tches, so nimble!” says Pat McAfee

Corbin, of all people, comes out of nowhere, I was flabbergasted, as he flips both Sheamus and McIntyre for the win. Ewww…

Backstage, Kayla Braxton interviews Happy about his upcoming challenge issued against Pat McAfee, and I must say, he looked like he crapped his pants. I wouldn’t be shocked if he actually did.

Winner: Happy Corbin 

Footage of last week’s Ronda in disguise fiasco concocted by Natalya’s relentless onslaught to become two-time SmackDown Women’s Champion was shown. I want this girl to get back on top but seeing her behave with such unhinged tendencies makes me wonder if she’s the one who isn’t capable instead of Rousey.

We’ll have to save that for later, folks, the rivalry between Rousey and Natalya is nigh.

New Day vs. Viking Raiders  

The Raiders’ new outlook is dark and vicious since it means “no more bull” as they enter the ring and slaughter their opponents as Ivak uses his shield against Xavier Woods into a corner.

The Raiders come back together to bring Kofi into the air and smacks him onto the mat then leave with their point being made. They’re back!

Winners: Match never started

Raquel Rodriguez, Shotzi & Lacey Evans vs. Liv Morgan, Asuka & Alexa Bliss – Battle of the Brands 6-women tag team match

When I got a notification email telling me about the Battle of the Brands, at first, I was confused because I was like “What brands? Wrestling gear?” Of course, it was referring to RAW vs. SmackDown. Doh. I remember they’ve done that in the past and I always found those to be exciting. You know, healthy competition. Prior to the match starting, Becky Lynch arrives to say the fight doesn’t go on without her presence.

The match begins and we are underway. Shotzi and Asuka get into it, yet Shotzi backs into her corner as she retreats.

Liv and Alexa charge Raquel with a double kick, and leaves Morgan to battle it out on her own. After she manages to push Rodriguez into a corner, Liv runs and knees her in the face then surprises us by flipping Rodriguez over.

What perplexed me was that Shotzi all of a sudden attempts to leave the match, which angers Lacey. Morgan jump dives the both of them. Bliss spins Rodriguez dumping her on the floor.

The match gets back in order as Alexa and Raquel go for it, Bliss jump kicks Rodriguez in the chest, yet gets caught mid-air after trying to shock Raquel.

Asuka is tagged and destroys both Shotzi and sends Lacey flying too. Asuka gets Shotzi into an ankle lock that quickly turns into a German Suplex. After that, Asuka gives Shotzi one last kick to the jaw before Liv comes in and knees her in the face. Morgan goes for the cover but Raquel intervenes.

Asuka and Alexa double kick Raquel, which leaves Lacey to come in and ‘Women’s Right’ Bliss right in the jaw then comes a spinning punch from Asuka to Evans.

Since Shotzi was so consumed by anger, she got distracted long enough for Morgan to crush her face for the win.

The celebrations were short-lived though because Becky has reached her limit so she attacks Asuka with a Manhandle Slam from behind and skedaddles out of there like a wimp rather than the next champ.

Winners: Liv Morgan, Asuka & Alexa Bliss

Sonya Deville stumps her way back to Adam Pearce enraged with last week’s handicap match against Lacey Evans and Raquel Rodriguez. So, how does she get revenge? — by slapping Pearce in the face, of course. Can’t say that wouldn’t have happened either way.

Anyway, the Usos and The Street Profits are here for a “Ask Them Anything” game show segment before their championship match tomorrow during Money in the Bank Saturday. Kayla Braxton hosts the event. I’ve never seen something like this, to be honest.

How fearful are the Usos if they lose their titles and receive Roman Reigns’ reaction?

Jimmy and Jey aren’t fearful but confident they will keep their gold. Seeing as to the way they spoke so at-the-ready, that I believe them when they say they aren’t scared.

Are the Profits losing their edge? What’s this about them not getting along?

They seem to get along just fine, I haven’t seen anything else, but losing their edge? Maybe a little. Aside from that, they’re certain they’ll take the Usos’ legacy down. The champion twins actually respect the Profits for their ambition and confidence, which I can see what they mean. So, the segment didn’t end with a handful of fisticuffs. For once.

And to continue the chat about surprises. Oh my god, Max Dupri is back. Great… You know I just want this to be over quickly. Whatever it is he’s doing, do it fast, sir.

Ma.cé, whom I’ve never heard of on this planet, comes out and struts on the WWE runway. Dare I say, he looked amazing.

Next up we have, Mån.sôör. McAfee goes too far with his admiration.

Elsewhere, Ronda Rousey is here to ensure that Natalya’s inability to count by correcting her that her baby is ten months old was necessary. Rousey will give Nattie hell for last week’s… imitation party.

I’m about to rant, so bare with me, folks. WWE has the nerve to allow Logan Paul to sign a contract with them. Now, he’s a superstar, and I’m saying that with contempt. Layers upon layers of contempt. Isn’t bad enough that he weaseled his way into having one match? God!

I’m still mad that he won against the Mysterios, out of anyone, really, at WrestleMania 38. When he showed up on screen that day, I almost fell off the couch multiple times. I don’t like this man. There’s something awful radiating from him. Being fake, maybe? Empty hearted? No matter, it doesn’t matter. The only reason why he’s here is because The Miz backstabbed him at WrestleMania… so revenge. Whatever keeps drama, not real talent.

The Miz vs. Madcap Moss vs. Happy Corbin vs. Ezekiel – Fatal four-way match 

The Miz and Corbin temporarily work together as they attack Moss into the turnbuckles. Miz thought they were still building momentum as a team until Corbin does a fast close line to Miz’s face.

While Miz is down, Happy runs up to Madcap, only for Moss to move out of the way, sending Corbin right off the mat and into Ezekiel’s fists. Zeke gives hell to Corbin, punching him all the way to the timekeeper’s area.

Miz finds himself between Ezekiel and Madcap outside the ring and bumps his face on the announcement table, then Corbin comes in after rising from his knockout near the timekeepers area to push Moss into the steel stairs.

Corbin uses Ezekiel as a warning shot to Pat McAfee for his challenge, and slams Zeke on the table.  When we move on from that, Zeke is on fire. A bunch of body splashes to Moss and Miz on the turnbuckles, until Corbin attempts to stop him, but gets a knee to his jaw.

“Don’t look at me, you bum!” said McAfee to Happy.

A few back and forth running between Ezekiel and Madcap prior to Zeke performing a spinebuster onto Moss. Miz tries his go at getting Zeke but swiftly gets thrown into a barricade by Corbin. Happy goes for his End of Days to Zeke but Happy is driven into the ring post. Moss submits Ezekiel for the win. A deserved one.

McAfee laughs at Corbin calling him Bum Ass Corbin. He ain’t going nowhere.

Winner: Madcap Moss 


TOP PHOTO: Madcap Moss wins by covering Ezekiel

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