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TNA Impact: Hendry does double duty going into Sacrifice

Thursday night’s episode of Impact Wrestling was the final stop before Friday’s Sacrifice event. But there was no coasting on momentum – and certainly not for World Champion Joe Hendry, who not only had to defend the title against one mystery opponent (the returning Hammerstone), but a gate-crasher (Ryan Nemeth) as well. The show also saw a strong Knockouts tag team match, and an excellent promo segment between Mustafa Ali and Mike Santana whose simmering feud will come to a boil tomorrow night.


Match 1: Eddie Edwards (w/ Alisha) vs. Leon Slater

The winner of this match will earn his team an advantage for the ten-man steel cage match tomorrow at Sacrifice. As that match will be contested like WarGames, the advantage is that the ordering of the competitors will give their team an extra man advantage for a few minute each round.

The story of this match was Eddie working over Slater’s arm after wrenching it hard and whipping him shoulder-first into the ring steps. He worked over the arm with various submission holds, and every time Slater tried to mount a comeback, Eddie would go back to the arm, punishing Slater before hitting a power move.

Leon kept fighting, though, and even got some 2-counts. But after Eddie dodged a running attack in the corner, Leon’s shoulder hit the cornerpost with huge impact. When he staggered back into the ring, Eddie nailed him with Boston Knee Party and covered Slater for the 1-2-3.

Good opener. It wouldn’t make sense for Leon to win, given the stipulation, as the psychology of giving the good guys the man advantage wouldn’t really make sense (though, it’s been done in the past). What may have been a bit surprising is the definitiveness of the win.

Winner: Eddie Edwards

Sami Callihan was cutting a promo in the back, delivering a warning to Mance Warner for their match tomorrow at Sacrifice. Steph DeLander and Warner interrupted him, but they have a no physical contact ruling on them from Director of Authority Santino Marella. Steph and Mance tried to goad Sami into hitting him, but Sami wouldn’t take the bait.


Match 2: Wes Lee (W/ Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe) vs. Laredo Kid

They did some gymansticals early – though not as much as you might think, and nothing that looked blatantly choreographed. Lee hit the first big move with a High Cross Body for a near-fall. Lee ultimately took over, including hitting a Brain Buster, and then used some smart tactics by grounding the high-flyer Kid. But Kid still had some fire, and nearly got the win after some Moonsault combos.

But Lee side-sepped a move, and hit some quick moves, incuding a Cardiac Kick that put the Kid down for the pin.

Winner: Wes Lee

After the match, the Rascalz and Ace Austin came out to the entrance ramp and mocked Lee, Tyson, and Tyriek, and said they would beat them at Sacrifice.

Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat) barged into Santino Marella’s office and complained about being attacked by Ash and Heather by Elegance’s stooge George Iceman when A&H were supposed to be their personal concierges for the day. The Elegances and the stooge then barged in. Marella made a handicap match at Sacrifice with Spitifre taking on Ash, Heather, and the stooge, who was terrified at the thought of him having to wrestle. So now he knows how the audience feels about having to watch him wrestle.


Match 3: Xia Brookside vs. Rosemary

Rosemary tried to out-muscle Xia, who used some technical skills to counter. But Rosemary eventually caught her with a huge Lariat and took control, keeping Brookside grounded and even taking her to the UpsideDown.

But Xia caught Rosemary going for an aerial move and tripped her up, and followed that up with a Tilt-a-Whirl HeadScissors and her Broken Wings double knee strike. Brookside hit a flurry of moves, and a desparate Rosemary hit the floor, where she went under the ring to grab a chain.

Xia caught Rosemary coming into the ring and stole the chain away. She wrapped the chain around her first and debated using it on Rosemary. But she hesitated to pull the trigger, and Rosemary blasted her in the face with the nasty green mist.

This was right in front of the referee, who immediately called for the disqualification. This was short and sweet.

Winner, by disqualifciation: Xia Brookside

In a video package, Steve Maclin was writing in a journal. Eric Young came and sat down beside him and they shared a drink. Maclin told him that if the Northern Armory is in Young’s corner, he can’t be. Young said he understood, and suggested they go their separate ways. They agreed that if their paths ever cross again, they will continue to respect one another. They parted with what appeaed to be mutual respect – but the look on Young’s face after Maclin left makes you wonder how long that will last.


Match 4: JDC vs. Deaner

During his introduction, Deaner brought a mic with him. He basically said that a year ago his personal life was a noine, but his professional life was a two (and Baba Booey to y’all if you get that reference). But since he’s put his choices in the hands of the people, he’s been having the most fun in wrestling that he’s ever had.

JDC took the mic and said that the people don’t care about Deaner (they said “Yes we do”) and all JDC cares about is the ten-man match at Sacrifice. JDC suggested Deaner simply forfeit the match rather than take the beating JDC will give him. Deaner asked the crowd if he should forfeit or punch JDC in the face ten times. The crowd chose the latter.

He punched JDC once and the bell rang. Before he could complete the circuit, JDC stopped him with a battery of strikes and hard shots. Deaner fought back and tried again for ten punches and finally got them, but JDC kicked out of the pin attempt. Deaner went for the DeanerDT, but JDC shoved him off. Deaner stopped short from being knocked into the referee, and the positioning blocked the ref’s view from seeing JDC thumb Deaner in the eye, blinding him. JDC hit the Falcon Arrow, and that was all she wrote.

This was a short, quick win by JDC, which was expected. Deaner hasn’t been used at all in a long time, and this new gimmick will likely keep him as a jovial babyface who keeps losing.

Winner: JDC


Match 5: Tessa Blanchard and Cora Jade vs. Lei Ying Lee and Masha Slamovich

Miss NXTNA Arianna Grace joined the commentary team for this one.

Tessa got an early move on Masha, but then the Knockouts Champ went into Berzerker mode and Tessa scrambled out of their in fright. Jade kept trying to avoid being in there with Masha, who she challenges for the title on Friday, so a lengthy sequence saw Jade and Tessa isolate Lee in their corner and beat her up, while Masha could only look on from her corner.

Lee finally broke free and tagged in Masha, who was on fire, beating up Blanchard in a fast and furious fashion.

A cheap shot by Jade on Masha brought Lee back in, but she got the worst of it, eating a huge Magnum by Blanchard.

Lee and Jade fought on the floor, leaving Blanchard and Masha in the ring to slug it out, and they exchanged haymakers. Masha looked to end things, but an eye rake by Blanchard left her exposed. Blanchard went for the Buzzsaw, but Lee ran in and hit her in the face with the Thunderstruck Boot to the Head. As Lee and Blanchard fought, Jade sneakily rolled back in the ring with the Knockouts title and blasted Masha right in the head, knocking her silly, and rolled right back out. Blanchard came back in the ring, picked up a dazed Masha, and finished things with the Buzzsaw.

This was good. With Tessa getting the pin on the champ, look for her to challenge next. Which, in theory, suggests that Masha retains over Jade on Friday. But Masha and Tessa doesn’t need to be about the title to be a banger of a feud. So does that mean Cora could win? Nah, still not likely to happen. The crossover has been great, but still not sure they’d pull the trigger and give an NXT star one of TNA’s major titles.

Winners: Tessa Blanchard and Cora Jade


Mike Santana and Mustafa Ali summit

Tom Hannifan hosted a summit between Mike Santana and Mustafa Ali, who was flanked with his Cabinet the Good Hands and Tasha Steelz. Ali and Mustafa meet tomorrow at Sacrifice. Ali sarcastically said that he has no issue with Santana. But that he is looking to make history in TNA, to take the company to new heights. Ali said that he is able to handle the pressure to do that, but he doubts Santana can.

Santana refuted that view, saying that he has dealt with pressure his whole life, both personally and professionally. Including going through the entre System and in making Josh Alexander say “I quit.” Ali rebutted with a lecture, saying that Santana would likely buckle under the pressure if he won the World Championship. He said that Santana’s past addiction problems show that he’s not a leader.

Santana said that Ali isn’t in it for TNA, but rather for his own self. Santana said that he is indeed an addcit. But he is an addict for the people, for this company, and for being true to himself. And he’s shown that every addict can hit bottom and rise back up.

Ali suggested that they break the tension, and suggested they all have a drink, mocking Santana’s past demons. Ali said that Santana will lose at Sacrifice and then break, and then will fall off the wagon and go on a downward spiral, and let everyone – including himself – down. He said that Santana will break his daughter’s heart, and with mention of his family, Santana snapped.

He attacked Ali and shoved Tasha, but then got double-teamed by the Good Hands and pummeled to the floor. Ali then poured a glass of wine and left it beside Santana’s body, telling him that was for when he woke up. Ali and his Cabinet left, and Santana woke up and glared defiantly at the glass.

Good segment, with both of them playing their part well. Santana’s intensity was excellent here.


Frankie Kazarian joined the commentary team for the main event.

Joe Hendry came to the ring to find out who wlil be the mystery opponent against whom he has to defend the World Championship. He called out Santino Marella to make the announcement, but before he could, Ryan Nemeth’s music hit and he walked out to the stage.

Nemeth said that his brother Nic returns tomorrow at Sacrifice. But before that, Nemeth said that Nic had gifted him his contractually-obligated champion rematch, and Ryan was going to take that opporutnity now.

Santino’s expression made it clear that none of this was true, but he let the match happen.


Match 6: Joe Hendry (c) vs. Ryan Nemeth – for the World Championship

Nemeth got in the ring where he was immediately caught by Hendry, who hit the Standing Ovation for what might have been the shortest title match in TNA history.

Winner, and still World Champion: Joe Hendry

Santino then confirmed that Nemeth wasn’t supposed to be the opponent. But if Hendy were willing, he would take on the originally-intended opponent. Hendry agreed, and Santino announced Hendry’s opponent would be Hammerstone.


Match 7: Joe Hendry (c) vs. Hammerstone – for the World Championship

The commentators noted that this is Hammerstone’s return match after coming back from injury – and that he looks like he’s even bigger now than he was before. That size advantage let Hammerstone knock down Hendyr early on and even block a Suplex attempt and whip Hendry hard into the corner, sending the champ crashing to the floor. Hammerstone followed him and dropped Hendry hard onto the ring apron, hurting the champ’s back.

Hammerstone beat up Hendry for a bit, but the scrappy Hendry had no quit and kept on fighting, and with the crowd urging him on, Hendry was even able to reverse a Nightmare Pendulum attempt and drop  Hammerstone with the Stalling Suplex.

Hendry hit an impressive Fallaway Slam, but wasn’t able to follow up before Hammerstone heaved him across the ring and followed that up with a Powerslam for two. Hammerstone hit a German Suplex and a Powerbomb and transitioned that into a Boston Crab, forcing Hendry to get to the ropes to force the break.

Hendry countered another Nightmare Pendulum attempt and impressively threw and slammed the big man. He followed that up with a Standing Ovation, and retained the title with the pin.

This was good, and as news broke this past week that Hammerstone is no longer with TNA, the definitive win made sense. Even if visually it seemed a bit implausible.

Winner, and still World Champion: Joe Hendry

After the match, the System and the Colons rushed the ring and swarmed Hendry. But then the Hardys, Elias, and Leon Slater ran in for the save. They all brawled inside and out of the ring – where Kazarian had bodies dumped on him a couple of times – and the show ended with the fight still raging on.



TNA Impact - March 13th, 2025

Full Sail University - Orlando, FL

The Knockouts tag team match and the Santana-Ali promo were the two best segments of the show. But the rest of the show was also good in building up for Friday night’s Sacrifice event. With even seeds planted for Kazarian to possibly cash in his Call Your Shot trophy at the end of that one, having taken some shots at the end of the show. So in terms of building intrigue for that show, this episode was pretty effective.

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