This episode of NWA POWERRR has a lot of debuts as we will see The Colóns make their first appearance in the National Wrestling Alliance. Plus, the Women’s tag team titles are on the line, and Kenzie Paige will defend her NWA Women’s championship against Natalia Markova, cashing in her opportunity from The Burke Invitational Tournament at NWA 76.
As we come to you from the PowerrrStation at WEDU Studios in Tampa, FL, Danny Dealz is in the ring with Eric Smalls, Rolando, and Slade. He’s here to settle the Family Jewels Finale between Smalls and “El Jefe,” and tries to broker no funny business as he wants the stipulation to be held. Smalls agrees and states he is a man of his word.
Rolando, just like last time, is relishing the moment, and finally hits him in the nethers…and breaks his hand.
Smalls shows us he outsmarted El Jefe as he reveals a cup protector that housed his family jewels. Before he can celebrate, Blunt Force Trauma and Aron Stevens attack him from behind and show Rolando how it’s done. Stevens even reveals his deadly Mongrovian Ka-Rah-Tay punch right to Smalls’ middle and Carnage and Damage finish him off with aplomb.
As Billy Corgan steps from commentary to check on Smalls, Joe Galli and Dealz have the call and try to keep things moving along as the next match is for the…

Courtesy of the NWA
NWA Women’s World Tag Team Championship: The It Girls (Ella Envy and Miss Starr)(c) vs. Caribbean Flow (Ruthie Jay and La Rosa Negra)
Negra and Starr start and both women exchange hold for hold until the third generation Starr grabs at her ‘fro and slams her head hard to the mat. Negra gets up, only to get planted with a Samoan drop. Negra finally gets on offense with a flapjack and follows to a basement dropkick. Tag to Jay, and she hits a crossbody to a leg drop for a near fall. Jay pushes off Starr into Envy for the tag, and she unloads on the other half of the It Girls. As she rushes at her in the corner, Envy gets a boot up and viciously throws Jay shoulder-first into the ring post. That leads to…
Ads (again, why is it necessary when this is broadcast on X. I would understand it it was still on The CW or YouTube. I’d still gripe about it, but I would get it, too.)
We come back and Envy and Starr are making Jay a Five Star Athlete in Peril. She tries to fight her way out, and at one point she and Envy collide and knock each other out with double clotheslines. Jay gets her wits about her first and makes the hot tag to Negra and she has Caribbean Flow in Fuego as she takes Envy on an airplane spin. She goes up in the high-rent district and attempts her signature Cokie splash finisher, and belly flops on the way down. Before they could attempt something else, the bell rings, and that means the ref has to concede that…
Your Winners via Time Limit Draw: Ella Envy and Miss Starr
There is a “Hollywood” Haley J promo, and I’m gonna let her take the mic:
“Hollyhood” Haley J makes a statement on her presence in the NWA. Courtesy of the NWA via “X.”
“Who am I? I know that you know who I am.
I’m a Netflix superstar. I’m the Bougiest Baddie. I’m here to take over. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m already at the tippity top, because you know why?
Because I’m an international superstar. Because I’m the best of the best, and superstars don’t wait in the back of the line. They skip right on up to the front. So right after I curb stomp that hoochie mama, Kylie, Kenzie is gonna come running to save her sister, and then…oh, guess what? I’m just one step closer to becoming the NWA Women’s Champion.
You know why, because I’m “Hollyhood” Haley J. And I don’t play.”
Now May Valentine is backstage with Kenzie and Kylie Paige. She asks how she is preparing for her match this time with Markova to defend The Burke, but…oh, dear. Kenzie is feeling like her knee is hurting, as is Kylie’s. She claims the match with Markova will be called off as she feigns injury.
We’ll see later tonight how that holds up.
Meanwhile, back in the squared circle, it’s…
EC3 vs. Nick Gene
Gene is one of the stars to come out of Dory Funk’s Funkin’ Conservatory. The OverMan is wrestling circles around the big man, but Gene is no slouch.
This is all about EC3 getting over…man. After he lost the Ten Pounds of Gold to Thom Latimer at NWA 76 The OverMan has a huge chip on his shoulder. Gene manages to get a spinebuster and stage a comeback, albeit briefly. A Thesz press, followed by an Angle Slam (dubbed the “Over Slam), and finally the One Percenter ends it.
Your Winner via Pinfall: EC3
Faster than you can say “Los Matadores” it’s time for tag team action with the debut of…
Courtesy of the NWA
The Colóns (Primo and Epico Colón) vs. The Rewind Society (VHS and Samuel C)
It’s been a while since we’ve seen VHS in the NWA, and we learn from Corgan that he and Samuel are from the FTW Florida promotion, so they have some home court action. Personally, I almost thought they were utilizing Private Party’s gimmick, but…Show me what you got.
Primo is not showing any signs of ring rust as Samuel foolishly tries to dance his way through the match but does so at his peril. He and Epic give some high-octane tag team action that we haven’t seen since La Rebelion. At one point, Primo gets isolated as Samuel and VHS nail him with a double hip toss, and faster than you say “Kid n’ Play” they get some high steppin’ moved before landing with a double elbow drop. VHS is in control and sends him to the corner, and Primo unceremoniously trips him up and top rope. Epico is showing off his power on the youngster and gives him a brainbuster for a two count. Sammy gets on offense briefly but the Colóns stop that with a Backstabber, and that…that was cool.
(Apolgies to Carlito)
Your Winners via Pinfall: The Colóns
Let’s keep going as the next match is for the…
Courtesy of the NWA
NWA Women’s World Championship: Kenzie Paige(c) vs. Natalia Markova
Right as the bell rings, Markova eats a superkick and Paige is not playing around. The champ is the aggressor, but Markova manages to take control and The Crush gets her on the mat and follows with a split leg drop for a two count. Paige fights back and props her up on the top turnbuckle but Markova gets down on the apron edge and connects with her Beautiful Disaster kick and then climbs up top to nail her with a missile dropkick. Just as she sets Paige up for the end, Tiffany Nieves gets in the ring and attacks Paige. The ref sees this and to Markova’s bewilderment, we learn that…
Your Winner via Disqualification, and Still NWA Women’s World Champion: Kenzie Page
Once again, Markova’s title shot slips through her fingers. Always a contender, never a champion.
We see a debut of The Cazana’s music video, “By The Book,” and I gotta admit it’s pretty catchy. Check it out at the 33:53 mark:
It's 6:05! It's time for wrestling! It's time for #NWAPowerrr!
This episode has NOT ONE but TWO Women's World Title matches! Plus EC3 tries to rebuild on his way back to a World Title shot at NWA Samhain!
— NWA (@nwa) November 19, 2024
Also, it was announced over the weekend that the NWA introduced a new territory dubbed “NWA Texas,” as helmed by the Dogg Pound Championship Wrestling ran by Rodney Mack and Jazz. You can read more about it here.
So that means the final match is between…
Alex Taylor vs. Christian Anderson
We learn from Galli this is a non title match, and the story is Taylor wanted Anderson (who is also from the FTW promotion)as a tune-up for when he faces Jack Cartwheel to defend his NWA Junior Heavyweight championship.
Folks, it pains me to do this, but since I can smell the squash wafting in this match, I must deliver a Haiku in Review™:
Taylor is Too Hot
To Trot. Anderson flies but
Gets the Green Whistle.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Alex Taylor
Thank you for playing, Anderson, as the show draws to the credits on “X.”
Top Photo: Aron Stevens (center) and Blunt Force Trauma about to invoke Mongrovian martial arts on Eric Smalls. Courtesy of the NWA.
Final Thoughts:
I usually judge most shows by the strength of the Main Event and while Taylor has done a lot to improve his look by being allied with The Southern Six, this was not a Main Event caliber match. Had it been in the middle of the card, I would have been okay with it, but it did nothing for me. The rest of the show was fine, and the Colóns looked fantastic. I do like the direction they’re heading with Markova/Paige, especially now that Nieves is in the mix, and THAT should have been in the main event.
Alas, I’m just a humble recapper.
Until then, see ya next Tuesday!