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NWA POWERRR: Let liberty ring between The Immortals and Blunt Force Trauma

Courtesy of the NWA.

Blunt Force Trauma and The Immortals faced each other at NWA 76 in a Liberty Bell Brawl, where the winner had to ring a bell suspended in the air, and to win the team had to ring the bell three times. Odinson and Kratos got the upper hand, but the bell was rung twice due to a malfunction. Aron Stevens lobbied for a rematch and we will now see who will ring for liberty three times.

Liberty Bell Ladder REMATCH!

We come to you from the PowerrrStation in Tampa, FL. Joe Galli, Billy Corgan, and Danny Dealz have the call and the First Match of the night is…

Courtesy of the NWA.

Bryan Idol vs. Carson Drake

Idol is on offense against the younger Drake and is just getting manhandled.  He knocks him out to the floor and as Drake shakes the cobwebs, Idol connects with a baseball slide to the outside.  He sends him back in and Idol looks good until Drake trips him up on the ropes and the match turns briefly in his favor as he nails a fist drop for a two count.  Idol comes back with a sling blade and then a flying forearm turns Drake inside out.  He whips him to the corner and mounts with punches to Drake’s head.  Idol follows with a running knee to the corner and misses the mark.  Now Idol can’t place his weight on the bad leg.  Then the ref notices a wad of athletic tape on Drake’s hand.  As he turns his back to throw it out, Drake removes a foreign object from his trunks and clocks Idol to get the tainted win.

Your Winner via Pinfall:  Carson Drake

There is now a vignette of the former NWA World Heavyweight champion, EC3. He claims he could have beaten Thom Latimer at any time at NWA 76, but he rewrites the narrative that he lost so that when he challenges Latimer for the Ten Pounds of Gold, he will become bigger than the company and the sport. He states he is the living embodiment of champions’ past, and eerily notes that “OverMen can become OverLords.”


Now let’s go for something different with women’s action between…

Courtesy of the NWA.

Pretty Empowered (Kenzie Paige and Kylie Paige) vs. “Hollyhood” Haley J and “La Princesa” Tiffany Nieves

This is a brawl from the word go, and as Haley works on little sister Kylie Nieves has the Women’s champ in a bind.  There are chops in the corner and she and Haley cut the ring in half as they make Kenzie Pretty Emperiled.  Nieves has a slight adjustment of her wardrobe and goes back to work on Kenzie, but she can’t put her away.  Kenzie nails a flash cutter, but Haley comes out with a Shining Wizard.  She presses the attack but then eats a superkick By Kenzie.  Kylie gets the hot tag and she is Pretty En Fuego on Haley and Nieves. A spinning kick followed by a knee strike lays out Haley but Nieves breaks up the pin.  Kenzie goes after Nieves and Haley uses the distraction for a schoolgirl on Kylie for the pin and the win.

Your Winners via Pinfall: “Hollyhood” Haley J and Tiffany Nieves

After the match, Kenzie was a little annoyed at Kylie getting duped.  Could there be problems within Pretty Empowered?

Kyle Davis interviews The Southern Six and he discusses their title aspirations in the NWA.  Alex Taylor isn’t worried as far as anyone challenging him for the NWA Junior Heavyweight title, including Jack Cartwheel.  “Thrillbilly” Silas Mason is a little nonplussed by Davis’ insinuations that he’s not ready for a title match and gets in his grill about it.  Davis stands his ground and says he’s just asking some questions.  Mason decides he’s not worth the trouble, but Taylor and Kerry Morton blindside him.  Colby Corino comes in and tries to make the save to no avail. They strip the jacket off Corino and whip him with a belt.  

Galli says to Corgan that he should fine the Six and that he was just doing his job.  Corgan says he’ll look at the tape and then make a decision.

I mean…I saw Adventures in Carnyland.  I get Davis was portrayed as ingratiating but after that attack…I mean, damn.  That’s cold, Corgan.

But now we need to head back to the ring because the next match is between…

Courtesy of the NWA.

Boz vs. Slade (with Rolando)

Slade makes it clear to Boz that he should Fear the Gear and showcases his amateur technical prowess.  Boz is no slouch as he nails a big boot to his head and a wicked clothesline for a two count.  Slade stun guns Boz on the top turnbuckle and follows with a German suplex for a count of two.  He even connects with a gutwrench but Boz still has some fight in him.  Slade knocks him back down with a clothesline for another near fall.  Both men jockey for position and go back and forth on offense until Slade delivers the running Samoan drop to take it in three.

Your Winner via Pinfall:  Slade

Danny Dealz takes over the interview duties since Davis is unavailable.  He’s talking to the current NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Thom Latimer, and he mentions EC3 invoking his rematch clause.  What does the King of All Evil think about that?

Well, let’s hear from him:

“Guys, we did it.  Because of each and every one of you, his is ours together, okay?  But yeah, let me address the elephant in the room;  EC3, I accept your challenge. Look, you’re gonna have to bring whatever army you’ve got, whatever celestial beings or other weird, wacky stuff…Hell, bring your mother for all I care because I’m going to expose you as the fraud that you are, okay?

Time and truth, EC3…time and truth go hand in hand. And the truth is, I’m the best wrestler in the world, and you know it.  At Samhain after I kick your ass, we’ll hear those wonderful words:

I’m still NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion.”

There is a recording from when Trevor Murdoch and Joe Galli visited World League Wrestling (oh, and you can read about part of that trip from Wrestling’s Last Journeyman, Jeremiah Plunkett). They announced that WLW is the latest NWA territory, so that brings to count those promotions under the NWA banner:  Exodus Pro, Kross Fire Wrestling, NWA Southeast-Joe Cazana Productions, and NWA Chicago.  

Who knows which promotion will be next?

But let’s go back to the ring and it is time for the…

Courtesy of the NWA.

NWA World Television Title Match: Max the Impaler (c) (with Father James Mitchell) vs. Mr. Grimm

We got to see a little bit of Grim as he came to help Eric Smalls.  Either way, welcome to the NWA.  Sorry, this has to be your official debut.  As for Max, this is the fourth title defense on the way to “Lucky Seven.”  As usual, the Television title will be challenged under a 6:05 time limit.

The bell rings and Grim tries a rollup straightaway but Max doesn’t budge.  They rush to the opposite corner and Grim goes again with a quick rollup for a two count.  He goes for a deadlift suplex but Max has a high center of gravity.  A sling blade by Grim finds the mark at 4:54 as he covers for a count of two.  Max sends the Hitman for Hire to the ropes and he tries a springboard crossbody but bellyflops.  After that Max nails a spear and they take their time softening up Grim.  He comes back with a forearm shiver and the Non-Binary Nightmare beats him down mercilessly.  Max locks in a sleeper at the 3:03 mark and he starts to fade.  Grim is unable to respond to the ref as he calls it at 2:48 in the match.

Your Winner, and Still NWA World Television Champion:  Max the Impaler

There is just no stopping Max at this point.

Now for the Main Event and it is a…

Courtesy of the NWA.

Liberty Bell Brawl 2: Blunt Force Trauma (Carnage and Damage, with Aron Stevens) vs. The Immortals (Odinson and Kratos)

This is the rematch from NWA 76.

Before Kratos and Odinson can get ready BFT jumps the Immortals and this is a continuation of their feud.  Kratos and Carnage chop away in the squared circle giving no quarter, while Damage and Odinson brawl on the outside.  There is a Suplex to Carnage, and Kratos goes for a Vader Bomb but as Galli notes there is “no water in the pool.”  Odinson is laid out on the outside, as Damage comes in with a vicious clothesline.  Blunt Force Trauma takes their sweet time working over Kratos to place The Most Feared in Peril.  Now the ladders come out and Odinson gets back in the fight as he shoves Carnage to Damage, hits an Asgardian uppercut, and then uses Kratos to slam him on Blunt Force Trauma.  They try to climb the ladder but keep getting knocked down by the masked men.  Odinson climbs but Stevens pulls him down and hits a Superkick.  He climbs (since…hey, it is no-holds-barred.  Who says he can’t ring the bell?) and Kratos gets him in an Electric chair.  Stevens rakes his eyes to get away from his former tag partner but he gets sent out of the ring by the Asgardian.  Odinson climbs and Kratos goes on defense.  Odinson rings once, twice, and thrice to signify…

Your Winners of the Liberty Bell Brawl 2:  Odinson and Kratos

But just as the show comes to a close,  we get a music video by Daisy Kill and Talos titled “The Immortals.”  

I would love to show this.  I really would, but I could not find it anywhere.  So forgive me on this and keep your eyes peeled when it becomes available.

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