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Forged in Excellence ushers in a new, promising era for MLP

Mike Bailey vs Konosuke Takeshita at Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling at St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario, on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

Mike Bailey vs Konosuke Takeshita at Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling at St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario, on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

The road to Forged in Excellence has been a rocky one for veteran Canadian wrestling promoter Scott D’Amore. He was let go by TNA Wrestling in February, a brand he helped grow and evolve since 2003.

“If anything, I look at the announcement, the show of support, the number of people who reached out. That was truly overwhelming and humbling. I’m not a guy who’s easily humbled because that’s not a word that is often associated with me. It was truly touching, and it lets you know that people appreciate what you’ve done and the efforts you’ve made. That made me feel great. It was one of the greatest unexpected gifts that I’ve ever had, in the sense that letting that many people reach out to let me know that I had touched their lives was like hundreds and hundreds of text messages and DMs. It was awesome,” D’Amore told Sports Illustrated today.

Tonight’s event, card is a reflection of that support and respect for D’Amore which crosses borders, boundaries and hemispheres.

One of the best things about the show was that it was just tremendous to hear Mauro Ranallo back on the microphone calling pro wrestling again. He was a bit rusty at the start but he got his flow back in no time. Don Callis was the perfect heel commentator spitting out zingers with extra snark. The team worked very well together. Look out Samantha Irvin as Sam Leterna hit all the right notes handling all the ring announcing duties. The icing on the cake though was Sheldon Jean from Big Brother Canada bringing both of my worlds together again.

Mike Bailey vs Konosuke Takeshita at Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling at St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario, on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

With wrestling being a live show, live theatre, mistakes and unforeseen circumstances do happen. There were a few audio, musical miscues. Beyond that things went really smoothly except for ML, except for Gisele’s Shaw’s troubles. During Shaw’s match with Miyu Yamashita, her low cut top began having issues slipping open more than it should, here and there. At times you can see into her top and not much was left to the imagination. Shaw kept fiddling with it for the rest of the match which must be distracting but she just soldiered on, never missed a beat despite it all. Now, that’s a professional for you.

Other shortcomings included presenting a weak tables match despite all the hype before and during the show and a main event which suffered from “everyone kicks out of everything to the point of absurdity” nonsense which should have ended long before it did. Also, a lot of matches featuring “outsiders” were predictably booked.

The crowd chanted “Holy shit!” as the bell rang for the main event of Mike Bailey against Konosuke Takeshita. Both men shook hands. Takeshita hits a big boot to the face. Bailey flips Takeshita out of the ring and sweeps him off the apron. A triangle moonsault from Bailey has Takeshita writhing in agony on the floor. Bailey hurls Takeshita into the barricade. Bailey knocks Takeshita to the mat with his Speedball Fury kicks. Takeshita turns things around with a Death Valley Driver on the apron.

“Mama Mia!” shouts Ranallo.

A lariat off the ropes turns Bailey inside out. Takeshita violently snaps Bailey’s neck twice. Bailey starts to slump as Takeshita puts him in a sleeper. Bailey flips Takeshita right into a corner smashing his head and neck into a turnbuckle. Bailey gets a two count with a Shooting Star Press. He tries it a second time. Takeshita just pushes him off. Takeshita suplexes Bailey over and over on his injured neck. Bailey lands on his feet after another German Suplex. A standing moonsault with double knees knocks the wind out of Takeshita.

Mike Bailey vs Konosuke Takeshita at Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling at St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario, on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

Takeshita dead lifts Bailey off the apron into a forearm smash which flattens him. Takeshita misses a running knee strike, goes over the ropes and lands on the floor. Bailey dives on Takeshita. Takeshita just throws Bailey over his back. Bailey flies head-first into a turnbuckle. Bailey still gets a two count with a Liger Bomb. Bailey gets another two count with a shooting star leg drop.

Takeshita falls through the ropes to the floor after a Canadian Destroyer by Bailey. Bailey attempts to pick up Takeshita and throw him back into the ring. The dead weight won’t move at first. Takeshita forearm smash him off the apron. Bailey sends Takeshita back into the ring with a Frankensteiner from the top rope. A Blue Thunder Bomb is a two count for Takeshita. Takeshita’s clothesline spins Bailey over and over in the air. The crowd is on their feet.

“Holy shit, indeed!” says Ranallo.

Bailey wipes out Takeshita with Tornado Kick. He just grazes Takeshita with the Ultimate Weapon. Bailey kicks out of the Inhuman Driver which is not very plausible. Takeshita rolling elbow knocks Bailey’s mouth guard out and a running knee strike only a two count? Takeshita puts Bailey down for a three count with Raging Fire.

Once the match is over Josh Alexander comes down to the ring getting in Takeshita’s face.

MLP Forged in Excellence Results – Night One

Josh Alexander, El Phantasmo and Stu Grayson vs. Alex Zayne, Trevor Lee (Cameron Grimes) and Rocky Romero

Josh Alexander, El Phantasmo and Stu Grayson with a tribute to Bret Hart at Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling at St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario, on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

A quickly paced tag team match that only veterans can put together. While everyone in the match is a big name by this point, Alex Zayne deserves far more credit. I cannot believe that he hasn’t been signed by any of the big three in North America. It boggles my mind that kind of talent is being left on the table.

Alexander and Romero start things off. One chop from Alexander drops Romero. Big cheers for “Stu” as he enters the ring against Lee. Lee bails on Grayson so that ELP and Zayne can lock up. Zayne get caught up in a bow and arrow. Zayne isn’t impressed. He forearms ELP in the face as the crowd cheers the Canadian’s name. ELP leaps off the top, middle ropes and right over Romero to toss Zayne over. ELP, Alexander and Grayson put their opposition in stereo Sharpshooters. Zayne and Romeo take down ELP after those shenanigans. Lee trips up ELP so that Zayne can steal a two count. Romero, Lee and Zayne cut ELP off from his partners. ELP finally shoves Lee into Zayne so he can tag in the Walking Weapon.

Don Callis hopes Alexander suffers some sort of injury to make his match against Takeshita all the more difficult tomorrow night. Although he is in a sleeper by Romero, Alexander suplexes Zayne over in a great feat of strength. Alexander pins Romero after a powerbomb and C4 Spike.

Winners: Josh Alexander, El Phantasmo and Stu Grayson at 14 minutes and 24 seconds.

Rating: 7.5 / 10

Mike Bailey is interviewed backstage. He admits he is intimidated to face Konosuke Takeshita in the main event but he has the home court advantage and will make Canada proud.

Bret Hart narrates a look back at the history of Maple Leaf Wrestling and the “passing of the torch” to the new generation. “It is time to reignite a wrestling dynasty,” he says.

Mauro Ranallo and Don Callis on commentary at the debut of Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling at St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario, on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

QT Marshall vs. Bhupinder Gujjar

Marshall is accompanied by Harley Cameron. Cameron says that ring announcer Laterna has only one brain cell. Marshall deliberately pisses off the crowd in attendance with his red, white and blue coloured robe. Marshall rips on Gujjar. Gujjar doesn’t deserve to be in the ring with him. Gujjar is wearing a Team Canada jersey. Marshall schools Gujjar on a couple of arm drags. He smiles and rests in a corner as the crowd states unanimously that he sucks. Gujjar stuns Marshall with a drop kick. Gujjar clotheslines Marshall to the floor and dives on top of him. Marshall pulls Gujjar off the ropes and then stomps him before setting him up in a corner for a haymaker to the jaw. Marshall trash talks Gujjar mocking him and his family. A flying forearm smash and a spinebuster shuts Marshall up. Marshall gets a two with a pop-up haymaker and a powerbomb. Marshall makes the sign of the Diamond Cutter but he is thwarted. Cameron stops Gujjar from going to the top rope by grabbing his leg from the floor. Gujjar jumps off the second rope and gets a punch to the face for his efforts. QT wins with a Diamond Cutter.

Winner: QT Marshall at 8 minutes and 13 seconds.
Rating: 7 / 10

A hyped Kylie Rae says in an interview she flew to Canada three months ago as soon as her match was announced. She praises the other women in her match. It is going to be an honor to lock up with them tonight.

Kylie Rae vs. Laynie Luck vs. Aurora Teves vs. Taylor Rising

Mauro praises Rae for her sobriety and being a new mother. It is no surprise that the crowd is totally behind Rae. Rae shakes everyone’s hand. Rising punks her out though. Rising leaves the ring allowing the others to batter each other senseless. Rising takes out Rae in a corner punching and kicking her down to the mat. Rising paint-brushes Rae. Rae blasts her with a series of right hands to the face. Mauro says Rae has “postpartum aggression”. Rising misses her dive to the floor. The other women manage to catch her as she falls short. Luck splashes everyone from the top rope. Luck puts Teves down. Rae though super kicks Luck in the face falling on Teves for the win.

Winner: Kylie Rae at 6 minutes and 41 seconds.
Rating: 6 / 10

Josh Alexander chats backstage. He is proud to be back in Canada. Alexander is happy to see a promotion that spotlights Canadian talent.

There is a promo for tomorrow night’s AEW International Championship match.

Kushida and Kevin Knight (c) vs. Aiden Prince and El Reverso vs. Rohit Raju and Sheldon Jean vs. Brent Banks and Johnny Swinger – IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Title Match

Too much action to call. Swinger punches Jean and Raju in the “lower abdomen”. He is crotched seconds later. Raju almost pins Knight. Kushida makes the save. Kushida gives Swinger the basement drop kick. Knight leaps off the top rope with a cross body as Kushida hits a neckbreaker on Swinger.

Winners: …and still IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, Kushida and Kevin Knight at 16 minutes and 10 seconds.
Rating: 6 / 10

Rohan Raja at Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling at St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario, on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

Rohan Raja vs. Jake Something – Champion’s Grail Match

I must admit I didn’t do my homework. I am not sure what the “grail” is exactly but we are crowning a new champion tonight.

Raja doesn’t like being pushed back into a corner. He comes out fighting with a punch to the face. Something runs off the ropes knocking Raja down four or five times. Something tries to chokeslam Raja off the top rope. Raja slings one of Something’s arms over the top rope and starts working on that arm. Something cannot even execute an Irish Whip. Raja wraps Something’s arm around the top rope cranking down on it. Something cannot regain the momentum he had at the start of this match. The crowd starts cheering Something on to get him back into the bout. Something finally blocks Raja and clotheslines him with his good arm. They battle on their knees. Something dares Raja to slug him and again. Something grabs Raja by the head slamming him into the canvass.

Something raises his arm to the sky. He chokeslams Raja for a two count. Something cannot execute the Something Bomb. His arm fails him. Something stands on Raja’s foot so he cannot run off the ropes. A forearm strike and a one-armed powerbomb results in a two count. Something pops his arm back into shape using the ropes. A backstabber and a brainbuster by Raja only results in another two count. He puts Something away though with his Seek and Destroy. The crowd boos and boos. Rohan Raja has been very impressive throughout the match though. This guy has definite talent.

Winner: and new Grail Champion…Rohan Raja at 13 minutes and 31 seconds.
Rating: 8 / 10

Rohan Raja is interviewed by McKenzie Mitchell after the match. Raja says he always ascends to the top. He is going to take the championship all over the world and defend it.

Bully Ray and QT Marshall double team Raj Dhesi at Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling at St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario, on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

Bully Ray vs. Raj Dhesi (Jinder Mahal) – Tables Match

Backstage Ray says he is the reason everyone is here tonight and the show sold out and everyone is watching it on Triller TV.

“I have zero freaking clue why you would ever, ever sign up for a tables match against the mothertrucking tables master. I make you one guarantee, you washed up former world’s champion, you will never ever, ever put me, Bully Ray, through a table,” he said.

Bully shakes hands with Don Callis before heading to the ring. Leterna only announces Bully as being a WWE Hall of Famer.

“How many Hall of Fames am I in, toots?” Bully asks Leterna when he gets into the ring.

“A lot,” she answers shrinking away from Bully.

“How many Hall of Fames am I in?” Bully asks again.

“Two,” she says.

He demands she announce the other one that she forgot. Leterna does. Bully then demands she announce him as one half of the greatest tag team of all time. She does. He also gets her announce him as a “damn handsome man”.

Dhesi smiles and taps a table as he heads to the ring. An unimpressed Bully stands in a corner. He calls on Leterna to join him. “Tell them all to sit down and shut up. I have one more thing to say,” he tells her. Leterna once again follows his instructions. Bully takes her microphone away. The crowd start competing “Bully Ray!” and “Maharaja!” chants.

“If they keep chanting your name I swear to God I will go back to my car and drive back to the United States,” Bully threatened. Dhesi encouraged the crowd to chant even more and even louder.

Bully gets into Dhesi’s face. He once again says Dhesi will never put him through a table. As Bully goes to hand the microphone back to Leterna, Dhesi clocks Bully. A fist fight begins.

A big knee stuns Bully Ray. Dhesi throws Ray to the floor and smashes his head off a steel post. Ray pulls Leterna in front of him. He sneak attacks Dhesi hitting him in the head with a microphone. Ray gets in the face of Scott D’Amore’s mother at ringside. Dhesi batters Ray. Ray whips Dhesi with a kendo stick and drives it into Dhesi’s head and throat.

“D’Amore’s mom! Sit down you old bag!” yells Ray from inside the ring before he kicks Dhesi in the “lower abdomen”.

Ray shoves the official. Dhesi belts him with the kendo stick and slams him to the mat. Dhesi instructs the official to climb to the top rope. He does. He gives Ray the “What’s Up!” head butt to the “lower abdomen” as Dhesi holds him wide open. Dhesi sets up a table in the ring as Ray rolls around holding his testicles. Ray shoves Dhesi into the official. Dhesi slams Bully through a table but the official is out. QT Marshall attacks Dhesi with a chain from behind. Marshall puts Dhesi onto of the broken table. The official comes to, sees Dhesi and declares Bully the winner. After the match Marshall hands Ray a chair and holds Dhesi. Music plays and out comes Bhupinder Gujjar to run the heels off. It is such a shame that such bluster and hype didn’t result in a bloody hardcore match. Ugh.

Winner: Bully Ray at 9 minutes and 29 seconds.
Rating: 7 / 10

We see a commercial for TNA’s Bound for Glory and Ranallo hypes AEW Dynamite which is very interesting indeed.

Gisele Shaw didn’t let her wardrobe issues stop her momentum at the debut of Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling at St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario, before on Saturday, October 19, 2024.

Gisele Shaw vs Miyu Yamashita

If Yamashita wins she will join tomorrow night’s RoH Women’s Championship match with Shaw herself and champion Athena. Miyu and Shaw chain wrestle counter for counter to start things out. Callis says about Shaw growing up in Yellowknife that it “doesn’t get any tougher than that”. Shaw gets caught up on the top rope. Miyu kicks the crap out of Shaw knocking her to the floor. Shaw dumps Miyu on the floor. Miyu runs across the apron giving Shaw a PK kick. Shaw stomps Miyu in a corner. Shaw nails a springboard cutter for a two count. A flatliner doesn’t pin Miya either. They begin trading forearm smashes. Shaw wins with her running knee strike.

Winner: Gisele Shaw at 12 minutes and 10 seconds.
Rating: 6 / 10

Mike Bailey vs. Konosuke Takeshita – AEW International Championship Match

Winner:…and still AEW International Champion, Konosuke Takeshita at 24 minutes and 40 seconds.

Rating: 8.5 / 10


Brad McFarlin’s MLPW Forged in Excellence Night One Photo Gallery

Maple Leaf Pro Wrestling makes a great opening statement

Alexander, Takeshita, Bailey, ELP are the MVPs of MLP’s Forged in Excellence Night Two


Forged in Excellence Summary

A very promising debut for the returning Canadian promotion. The main event was phenomenal…except for so many false finishes. That brought the bout way down. The not-much-of-a tables match was disappointing considering that Bully Ray was involved. It did set-up tomorrow’s match but was lame as far as hardcore matches go. Still, the show pretty much went off without a hitch and matches like Rohan Raja vs. Jake Something were impressive and pleasant surprises. Let’s do it all again tomorrow night, folks. See you there!

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