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NWA POWERRR: ‘X’ marks the spot for NWA 76

Courtesy of the NWa. Credit: Hiban Huerta

Welcome to another episode of NWA POWERRR, and ‘X’ marks the spot for new content for the National Wrestling Alliance.


After a whirlwind few days of leaving The CW app for the social media platform, we will see NWA 76, and they kick things off hot with Thom Latimer challenging EC3 for the Ten Pounds of Gold in the Main Event. It’s a bitter rivalry that has finally comes to a head. Will The King of All Evil finally beat EC3, or will the OverMan continue his dominance since he is over…man?

We will find out tonight as we come to you for the historic 2300 Arena in Philadelphia, PA. Joe Galli and Danny Dealz have the call and Kyle Davis is in The ring with William Patrick Corgan, and I’ll let him speak for himself:

“I proudly stand before you as the man who had just a few weeks ago was playing a sold-out Citizens Bank ballpark with about 45,000 of my closest friends here in Philadelphia. I also stand before you at 57 years of age, expecting my third baby. But I’m just as proud that seven years ago, I took the leap and I bought the National Wrestling Alliance.

As many of you know, the NWA is the spiritual home to so many legends: Dory and Terry Funk, Ric Flair, Harley Race, Ricky Steamboat, a little guy named Dusty Rhodes (you might know him around here).  Mildred Burke.

So many legends, because this is the oldest wrestling brand in the world, 76 years and counting.

Let me say that one more time; 76 years of continuous operation in the professional wrestling game. Pretty impressive. And Adam Pierce when you’re ready to come back, come be in an NWA ring one more time.

Ladies and gentlemen, as many of you know, 30 years, almost to the date, a young and talented man took the National Wrestling Alliance World Heavyweight title, and he threw it into the dustbin of history in this building, right in this spot, literally 30 years ago today. And listen, we are about history in the National Wrestling Alliance, so I must acknowledge that that is a pivotal moment in wrestling history.

Yes, he swept aside the National Wrestling Alliance, but he ushered in a whole new era, which was a little extreme.

This line brought out the “E-C-Dub” chants in the Arena.

“So full disclosure, I offered that same man to stand in this ring with me tonight, in front of all of you, and he declined.  Now I’m not a mind reader, but I think I know why that same man who threw the NWA into the dustbin of history is not here with us tonight.  Because all great champions don’t want to admit they’re wrong.  And how do we know that? Is it the 100 NWA talent and personnel in the back putting on the show for you tonight? Is it the over 150 episodes of NWA Powerrr? Is it the first significant television deal that this company has had in over a decade? All of that is important, but here’s how I know he was wrong, because you are here with us tonight, each and every one of you.

So let me say one more thing:  This ring is always open to that man at any time, any place, because he deserves his respect, and I certainly respect him, but I think he should have been here tonight to face all of you.  So here’s the finish on my message. I bought this company to bring it back to the top, and we are going to do that because as long as I own the National Wrestling Alliance, we aren’t going anywhere.

We can’t be stopped. We are wrestling history. We are wrestling as it’s meant to be. And if any man wants to come out and try to take the NWA from me, he’ll have to do it, or she’ll have to do it out of my cold, dead hands.”

Not a bad little speech.  Not sure if there was anything to announce, other than certain Franchise players weren’t in the building.

But hold on, fans, the Blue World Order is taking over as local favorite The Blue Meanie comes out to pop the fans. Davis asks why he is out here, and Meanie says, “Meet my neighbors.” He tells Corgan he is not here to pry the NWA from him, but as a fan and a Philadelphian, he wants to say, “Thank You.” It calls for a celebration in the form of a Blue Meanie dance. Corgan refuses, but Davis jumps in with gusto.

Kyle Davis does the Blue Meanie dance at NWA 76. Courtesy of the NWA/X

After much prodding, Corgan finally gets into the spirit to pop the crowd.

Billy Corgan does the Blue Meanie dance at NWA 76. Courtesy of the NWA/X

Now much substance, but a fun little filler, all the same.

Now we start the show with Corgan joining at commentary, and your First Match of the Night is for the…

Courtesy of the NWa. Credit: Hiban Huerta

NWA World Tag Team Championship: Mike Knox and Trevor Murdoch (c) vs. The Southern Six (Kerry Morton and Alex Taylor)

Galli acknowledges Taylor is carrying some hardware around his waist in the form of the NWA Junior Heavyweight title.  If only there was a way to see that match since we can’t have nice things on The CW.

Oh, wait!  Hang on a tick.  You can see it here:

Now you know the rest of the story.  Don’t say I can’t be a nice guy when it comes to stuff like this.

Anyway, back to the match, as security comes out to block the ramp to prevent Mason, Smalls, or anyone else from interfering in this match.  As Knox and Murdoch take off the belts, the Six jump them from behind and are off to the races.  Things are getting extreme in the 2300 Arena as Taylor and Morton light Murdoch up.  They go back in the ring and attempt a double team, but Murdoch gets out of the corner, and that miscommunication stuns Morton.  Knox and Murdoch get into their stance until Taylor pushes him out of the way so they cannot execute the high/low finisher.  Murdoch gets back in control and he and Knox take turns on Taylor making him see stars, stripes, and everything else in between.  Morton tries to make the save but to no avail, as he gets the worst of the beating.  A Southern Six shirt is thrown around Murdoch’s neck and as he goes to confront Taylor about his choice in tops, he yanks him down hard to the ground and then…

Ads (well, It’s ads promoting the NWA live events in Tampa, FL, this weekend.  Beats the other political ads I’ve been seeing on The CW.  Also, I would like to state that The CW is dead to me, just like when STARZ dropped HEELS from its lineup.  Why do I do this?  Because I am that petty!)

Anyway, we come back and Murdoch is a Badass in Peril as Morton and Taylor cut the ring in half.  Things look dire for one-half of the tag team champs until Taylor mistimed a move and Murdoch gets the hot tag to Knox, and he is running roughshod over The Southern Six.  Taylor displays some power as he picks up the larger Knox in a firemans carry and he and Morton nail the Six Speed and cover, but Murdoch breaks up the pin count.  They brawl to the outside of the ring for a while, but then Knox and Murdoch get back in the ring and drop Morton with the high/low for the pin and the win.

Your Winners, and Still NWA World Tag Team Champions:  Mike Knox and Trevor Murdoch

Earlier that day, May Valentine spoke with Thom Latimer about the opportunity to face EC3 for the Ten Pounds of Gold.  He cut this promo reflecting on everything leading to this moment:

“Will I be forgiven? Will I be redeemed? You see, it’s no revelation the sort of checkered history that I’ve had. Every time I was given an opportunity, I squandered it. Every time I was handed the ball, you best believe I’d kick it away.  If there was a big red button, Thom Latimer would be the first one to mush it down, watch everything burn.

You know why I did that? ‘Cause I thought I was a man. I thought that’s what a man does.  But deep down inside, I was just a scared little boy, worried no one would want him, and I surrounded myself with ‘wrestling friends,’ guys like EC3.  Guys that want you doing good, but not as good as them, guys that like to keep you in the box.

I stand here today, no longer a boy. I stand here today a man; a man who’s learned from my past, learned from my mistakes.  A man that is begging for the ball. See the scales have fallen off my eyes now. I see though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. I see the light. I want the light. I go to the light because my journey has been different. Every time I take a step, I take two steps back. But that’s okay, because eventually…eventually I get there.

The NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship. It’s not the end, it’s not the finish line, it’s not my final judgment day. It’s a day that I’m washed clean. A day that I’m forgiven.  A day that I start on new tonight. After it’s all said and done, and I stand there your new World Heavyweight Champion, then I am redeemed.”

Thom Latimer tells May Valentine he wants to be redeemed at NWA 76. Courtesy of the NWA/X.

Now for the rebuttal,  Valentine now has the World Heavyweight champion, EC3.  She inquires of The OverMan if he is worried about facing Latimer and…Well, here’s what he had to say to his oppenent:

“You don’t need to look to X or IG or Facebook to hear what I am saying. I say it boldly. I say it proudly, and I mean every word.  Put me on top of the mountain for I will hold this championship for years.


Good question. Because this company does not need a great wrestler. Yes, I’ve said it before. Thom Latimer is a great wrestler. He’s one of the best wrestlers in the world. But this company needs something more.

It needs a hero, and I have been that hero for over an entire year.  For over seventy title defenses, I have put my name in the ranks with the absolute best: the Flairs, the Funks, the Races, the Rhodes.  Because I’m a leader, because I’m up there with the Alexanders, the Caesars, the Napoleons, the Washingtons.

So this day, NWA 76, Thom Latimer, despite our history, It has already been written.

I’m Over…Man!”

EC3 Tells May Valentine and everyone he will still be over…man. Courtesy of the NWA/X.

Now it’s time for the Main Event, and it is for the…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

NWA World’s Heavyweight Championship: EC3 (c) vs. Thom Latimer

Latimer comes to the ring bearing trunks that not are reminiscent of Rocky’s USA-style shorts, but also bear the image of the three lions you see on Great Britain’s football crest.  EC3 comes out looking cocksure, and those at commentary discuss if he’s looking past Latimer, which would be a detriment.

We get boxing style intros by Davis.  Once the bell rings, they stare each other down.  Latimer is focused but EC3 tries getting to rent space in his head to psyche him out.  They lock up and release to a draw.  Another lock-up and a shoulder tackle by Latimer to the champ, and EC3 rolls out to rethink his strategy.  He goes back in and shoves Latimer and he shoves back.  EC3 connects with a tackle, but Latimer gets the better of him again, and once again the champ rolls back outside and the Philly faithful give their opinions on The OverMan.  He tries to make Latimer come out to face him, and the challenger obliges, but EC3 quickly gets back in the ring.  Latimer smiles a knowing smile as if to say he’s not going for it (or to use the parlance of merry ol’ England, ‘He ain’t taking the piss’).  The King of All Evil gets back in and gives a reverse atomic drop and a running back elbow, followed by a suplex leaves EC3 reeling.  The champ gets out on the apron, and as Latimer closes in EC3 tackles between the ropes into his midsection and hits him with the One Percenter on the apron edge and Latimer tumbles to the floor  He rolls back in as the ref starts the count and then…

Ads (again, not as annoyed since the ads last less than a minute.  But still, maybe have those moments before or after a match, not in the middle for the championship, eh?)

We come back as Latimer gets back in the squared circle to beat the count, but gets dropped again with another One Percenter.  EC3 toys with him as he beats him down, but Latimer shows no signs of quitting.  He gives the challenger a kick to the mush and a clothesline to lay him out.  EC3 stalks his prey and whips him to the corner followed by a Stinger splash.  He punctuates with a  TKO variation that drives his knee to Latimer’s face and he clotheslines him out of the ring.  Latimer shakes off the cobwebs and gets back in, but EC3 is there to connect with a Twist of Fate, and once again throws him out of the squared circle like garbage.

EC3 rolls out and is a little overconfident about his chances to put away the challenger, and that proves to be his undoing as Latimer reverses his offense and rams him to the post and then connects with a backdrop to the apron edge.  Both men are lying on the concrete floor of the 2300 Arena as the ref starts the count out both men. EC3 gets in in time and as Latimer attempts to cross between the ropes, he gets a hangman DDT but the champ doesn’t capitalize right away. EC3 goes for a Thesz press but it gets countered by a flapjack and Latimer follows up with a spin heel kick.  Both men are spent as the fans cheer on.  EC3 stands up bolt-right with a crazed look in his eyes.  He starts to bounce Latimer’s skull off the mat. Undeterred, he screams, “F*** you!” to EC3, and he continues dribbling his head on the canvas.

Latimer gets his second wind with not one, but two German suplexes.  He goes for a hat trick and EC3 paws at the ref.  He then takes a page out of The Dirtiest Player in The Game© and gives Latimer a mule kick right in the…errr, little evils.  Once Latimer recovers he gives a discus lariat that drops The OverMan, and Latimer goes outside to finish the job. EC3 gets back in the ring, and uncharacteristically dives to the outside on The King of All Evil.  He sends Latimer back in and sets up for another One Percenter and Latimer counters with a backdrop and then the Velvet Noise (flatliner).  He goes up to the middle ropes for a splash and belly flops in the center of the ring.  EC3 with a One Percenter.  He starts to feel extreme as he rolls out for a steel chair.  Once in the ring, he raises the chair…and then opens it and sits down in the ring and berates Latimer, saying among other things that he will never be at his level.  As the ref goes to put away the chair, Latimer returns the receipt to EC3 with a low blow and delivers a pop-up powerbomb, and then another.  Sensing victory is in his reach, he covers and the ref counts the one, two, and three!

Your Winner, And New NWA World Heavyweight Champion:  Thom Latimer

After numerous attempts and trials and tribulations, Latimer finds himself redeemed.  EC3 is beside himself, as Latimer soaks in the adulation of the Philly crowd, but this post from X sums it up better than I could.

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