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Tons of tag team Territories action on NWA POWERRR

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

Tonight, as the NWA is still Back to the Territories, we will get the chance to see ten-person mixed tag team action in the main event, as well as see who will be the number one contender for the NWA US tag titles between The Slimeballz against Jax Dane and Baron Von Storm

We come to you from the Karns High School in Knoxville, TN. Joe Galli and Danny Dealz have the call as we kick off the show with Kyle Davis in the ring with Joe Alonzo to air his grievances. We haven’t seen a lot from “Mr. NWA” or the NWA Junior Heavyweight title in a while. He claims he is a valuable asset in the NWA and is annoyed he has to put up his title against a guy he already beat, and he wants to know from Billy Corgan why this has to be a priority.

Enter the Acting CEO, Matt Cardona, and he tells him he may be the future of the NWA, but has a big mouth and does not like him disrespecting his broski, Corgan. So he proposes a Junior Heavyweight scramble. Alonzo ain’t having it and starts to walk away.  Cardontells him that the match is starting now, so your First Match of the Night is an…

NWA Junior Heavyweight Scramble

Alonzo faces down Sodapop Hendrix among others at the ramp entryway.  Pretty soon, all the men are fighting outside the ring, and Alonzo gets back in the safety of the squared circle.  That doesn’t last long as he comes face to face with Camaro Jackson, wrestling out of the World League Wrestling promotion in St. Louis.  Jackson gets some strikes in, but Alonzo goes for a springboard crossbody and gets caught.  Jackson shows off his power with a military press and tosses him out to the brawling men outside the ring.  Now Damien Fenrir comes in and he sends Jackson out and he dives out to the remaining men on the floor.  Next, Jaden Newman and Tyler Franks (wrestling out of Kross Fire Wrestling)  enter the ring, and Franks hits a springboard-spinning neckbreaker variation for a two count.  Now Ashton Day is in from the Exodus Pro promotion, and he tosses out Franks and gives a wickedly high back suplex to Newman.  Then Kintaro from the NWA Chicago promotion comes in to dump out Day, and Hendrix is in and gives suplexes to any that cross his path. He gives a blockbuster to Kintaro and it looks like Hendrix over-extended on the landing, and then Jackson comes back with raw power with a delayed vertical suplex to Hendrix.  That leads to…

Ads (I’m not gonna complain because I needed a breather just watching all that high-flying.)

We come back and Alonzo is taking it to Jackson and he unloads a huge lariat to the champ.  Before he can capitalize, Fenrir comes in with a standing Spanish Fly to Jackson.  Newman is back and drops him on his head for a near fall.  Everyone is utilizing their finishers and going from broke, but can’t quite get the job done. There are high spots a-plenty in this demolition derby of a match, but the end comes with Jackson drilling Fenrir with a spinebuster, but Alonzo snaps his head back and then delivers the Joey Special to Fenrir for the tainted win.

Your Winner, and Still NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion:  Joe Alonzo

Joe Galli gives a backstage interview with EC3 & Thom Latimer hyping up their title match for the Ten Pounds of Gold at NWA 76, and I’m just gonna let both men talk.

Considering next week we are going to see the matches from NWA 76, I am excited to see how this turned out since all reports indicate it was a sold-out house.

Backstage Davis is with The Southern Six. They have strong words and they are gunning for Knox and Murdoch and their NWA  World Tag Team belts.  They will face them at NWA 76 in a hardcore match. Alex Taylor brings it home and emphasizes, “When you’re hot, you’re hot. When you’re not…!” 

Aww sorry, Kyle.  He’s never considered hot, and I cannot fathom why.

Now for your next match to determine the…

Number One Contender for the NWA US Tag Team Titles:  The SlimeBallz (Sage Chantz and Tommy Rant) vs. Jax Dane and Baron Von Storm

Before we get started, allow me an…

(Author’s Rant:  You can smell it, too, right?  That scent of a squash match is in the air.  I’m trying to understand the appeal of The Slimeballz, but they do seem to get the glorified jobber roles of late.  I would normally Haiku the hell out of this, but I’ll be charitable and just cut to the chase.)

Storm almost gets the Slimeballz in the Iron Claw but they get away before he can inflict real damage.  Dane is in, and he does the lion’s share of the match, with Rant and Chantz bumping like pinballs.  They manage to double team, and that is when Godzilla wakes up as Dane pops the trunk and sends Rant to Trap City.

Your Winners, and New Number One Contenders:  Jax Dane and Baron von Storm

Thanks for playing, Slimeballz.  Next time, take a left at Albuquerque instead of going straight to Trap City.

Now it’s time for the Main Event, and it is a Territory Tussle in a…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

Five on Five Mixed Tag Team Match: The Southern Six (“Thrillbilly” Silas Mason, Kerry Morton, and Alex Taylor) and Reka Tehaka and Tiffany Nieves vs. The Country Gentlemen (AJ and KC Cazana, with Cazana), Burchill, Taylor Rising and Big Mama

Folks, that is a metric ton o’ humanity standing in the squared circle.  I will do my best to cover this car crash of a match.  Nieves starts off against Rising, and both women are getting personal with hair pulls.  Rising gets the best of La Princesa and sets her up in the corner, but Nieves escapes a hip attack and tags in Morton. He and Taylor are smitten by Rising and demand she kiss them both at the same time.  She obliges and tells them to close their eyes and then Rising ducks away as The Six kiss each other to their embarrassment and the delight of the fans (not that there’s anything wrong with men doing that these days). Tag to Burchill and The Ripper runs roughshod on two-thirds of The Southern Six.  Now AJ and Mason step into the squared Circle, and the Tennessee fans get treated to an old-fashioned hoss fight.  AJ lands a backdrop and KC comes in for some double-team fun.  The younger “White Lighting” KC nails an impressive leaping springboard crossbody on Big Daddy Thrill, but then Mason reciprocates by drop-kicking him.  Taylor tags in to take advantage and then…

Ads (Again, not aggravated since a lot is going on in the match.   It’s nice to grab a beer and then get back to the action.)

We come back and KC is a Gentleman in Peril.  Things do not look good for the younger Cazana until he somehow makes a blind tag to Big Mama, and she is a One Woman Revolution en Fuego.  Mama talks trash at Nieves on the outside and then Tehaka makes her eat a big boot.  Rising comes in, sends Tehaka out the hard way, and dives to the outside.  Now the men get back in the mix, and this has devolved into a Pier Ten brawl, with KC flying onto the men on the outside.  Nieves gets back in with a branding iron, and Papa Joe takes it away from her. Tehaka stares down the Cazana patriarch and gives him a head butt that knocks him down on the floor.  Big Mama comes back in and lays out Nieves, but Mason sends her on a Thrill Ride and drapes Nieves to cover for the one, two, and three.

Your Winners: The Southern Six, Reka Tehaka, and Tiffany Nieves

They laud their victory as this show goes to the credits.

NWA POWERRR - 09/24/2024

Final Thoughts:


That was a lot in such a short amount of time, but it was still a good show.  I wish more time was spent on the Junior Heavyweight match and knowing more about the men facing Alonzo, but such is life.  Now I am aware Alonzo is no longer with the NWA, and he dropped the title between the time of Back to the Territories and NWA 76.  How that will get addressed, if at all remains to be seen since next week we are going straight to Philadelphia.

Otherwise, a on of tag team action was had.  Until then, see ya next Tuesday for the start of NWA 76!

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