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NXT No Mercy: Giulia debuts, sets up Roxanne showdown

Giulia debuts at NXT No Mercy.

Giulia debuts at NXT No Mercy.

NXT was live in Denver, Colorado for No Mercy. Five title matches and one grudge match were announced for the show. The most intriguing was the matchup of Joe Hendry versus Ethan Page. Joe Hendry, a TNA contracted wrestler, competing for a WWE title was not a moment any of us saw coming a few months ago.

Vic Joseph and Booker T opened the show next to the ring. The first match was for the Tag Team Title.

Chase U vs. Nathan Frazer and Axiom – NXT Tag Team Title

Ridge Holland used a front headlock, lifted Frazer up and swung him around. Like Cesaro’s big swing. Frazer and Axiom bumped their tails off early. They made Ridge look like a star.

Joseph had to explain to Booker that Chase U is named after Andre Chase. He is the worst announcer in wrestling.

Axiom did a dive where he was about a foot short of Andre Chase. Then Frazer also did a dive and was a foot short of Ridge. Really bad looking.

The crowd started a “This is awesome!” chant. It is such a meaningless chant. This has been okay. Sloppy at times, but they chant this is awesome. Okay.

Axiom kicked Frazer accidentally. Ridge took advantage and he and Andre hit a powerbomb into a codebreaker. Axiom kicked out of the move, which is one of those modern wrestling moments that kill suspension of disbelief.

Axiom hit a Spanish Fly and Frazer did a flippy splash and pinned Andre Chase.

Winners: Axiom and Nathan Frazer

Ridge Holland went crazy afterwards and turned on Chase U. Thea Hail did some of the worst acting you will ever see. She was trying to make herself cry but made the whole scene unbelievable.

Holland dropped Andre on the announce table. The crowd started chanting “one more time.” Then the stretcher was out seemingly instantly.

Thoughts: An okay match with lots of flips and moves off the top rope. No clear heel or face meant no real heat.

I am not a fan of the Chase U gimmick. Especially, Andre Chase wrestling in khakis and a sweater vest. There are two physical specimens on the team, so I am not sure why he is not exclusively a manager.

Between the crowd, the medical crew, and Hail they made this angle a joke. No fault on Andre Chase or Ridge Holland.

Wrestling promotions are now reaping what they sow. The constant no-selling and obvious fakeness has led them to be beholden to blood thirsty fans who chant for flips and tables and not for heels or babyfaces. They have made the job of the wrestlers harder. It is also on the wrestlers as well.

Wes Lee vs. Zachary Wentz

They did one of those sequences where they did not hit a move, because they “knew each other so well.” It ended with them staring at each other and the crowd clapping. Guerrero-Malenko without the execution or intensity.

Joseph got really upset talking about how often Wentz answered the phone when Lee needed him. Or how he returned all of Lee’s text messages. I am not kidding.

Lee took a ridiculous looking bump. Wentz kicked him in the face (well near the face because it missed) and Lee did a backflip to sell it. The kick looked awful, which made the bump hilarious.

Another “This is awesome!” chant for a light-hitting match with lots of missed moves. They set up a table spot, but the table broke before they did anything. Wes Lee then jumped off the top rope near Wentz’s head. He landed on his feet. What was that supposed to be?

Lee was going to use a chair, but Trey Miguel grabbed it. Wentz, who was unconscious a second earlier, popped up and brought Lee into the ring. He hit something called a UFO cutter, which may be the fakest thing they did in a match full of bad looking spots.

Winner: Zachary Wentz

Thoughts: A bad match that popped the crowd inexplicably. It will garner some stars as well.

Everything they did looked soft and cooperative. That leap off the top rope to the floor was the worst of it. He clearly landed with his feet on either side of Wentz’s head. They even replayed it, and it was more obvious. I know he was trying to not injure Wentz, but jumping off onto your feet seems dangerous. Why do the move at all? It looked bad. The no-selling was typical of modern matches.

Wentz and Lee had one of the worst segments in wrestling history on Tuesday. If you like unintentionally hilarious segments, seek it out. It was middle school play level in setup and execution. They followed that up with this poorly executed match.

Kelani Jordan vs. Wendy Choo – Women’s North American Title

Wendy Choo came out with a sleep mask and a pillow. On the preshow, they pushed Kelani’s athletic background as a gymnast.

They did a series of reversals and counters that was better than Wentz and Lee’s version. They both looked aggressive even if some of it looked a little wonky.

The crowd is dead for this match. During Jordan’s comeback, the crowd began to perk up. Jordan hit a nice frog splash for a near fall.

Choo tried to run up to the top rope but fell on her backside and Kelani did not know what to do so she just fell off next to Choo.

Choo got the Cobra Clutch on, but Jordan got out of it. Kelani Jordan hit the split-legged moonsault for the win.

Winner: Kelani Jordan

Tatum Paxley jumped out of the crowd looking like Wednesday Adams and choked out Choo. She then stood next to Choo and wiggled slowly over and over. They stayed with the shot so long it got awkward.

Thoughts: Decent match. I liked this a lot more than Lee-Wentz. The crowd did not agree, though. Wendy Choo is one of the worst gimmicks of all time. Orange Cassidy is a close second. Having said that, she looked okay here.

Kelani is working as a traditional babyface. I like her and for her level of experience, she looks good in the ring.

Oba Femi vs. Tony D’Angelo – North American Title

Tony appeared to turn his ankle coming off the ropes. They replayed it, but live it caused the two wrestlers to stop whatever move they were planning. So, I think he really did turn his ankle.

Oba Femi dominated the action. His offense is throwing or smashing against his opponent. There is nothing fancy and there should not be.

The crowd was quiet for a long portion of the match, but they woke up for D’Angelo’s comeback.

Both men went to the floor. Oba began bullying Tony’s two henchmen. One of them had a crowbar in his jacket. I laughed. Tony used the distraction to takeover.

Tony kicked out of an Oba powerbomb. The finish had Oba hit two powerbombs and won.

Winner: Oba Femi

Thoughts: Good match.

Oba Femi lacks experience, but you would never know it watching him. This looks like a guy who will headline WrestleMania one day. He is already a good worker and has had good matches with a variety of opponents. His promos are there as well. Oba is the total package and as close to a “can’t miss” prospect as you will get.

Tony was the right opponent here. Oba selling for a guy with Tony’s size looked realistic. It also made Oba look like a beast when he threw Tony around. The D’Angelo Family gimmick is over with the crowd and has grown on me.

Roxanne Perez vs. Jaida Parker – NXT Women’s Title

Parker did one of those walking promos before her entrance.

Perez escaped Jaida’s head scissors and did a curtsy. Parker returned the curtsy moments later. That was good.

Perez did a dive and Parker caught her. She carried Perez back to the ring steps, but lost control of her and Perez dropped her on the steps.

Roxanne mocked Parker’s high stepping.

She then tried to kick Parker in the face, but Parker caught her, lifted her up, and dropped her on the mat.

Late in the match, they crashed through the ringside barrier. Roxanne hit Pop Rox on the floor. They got back in the ring and Roxanne hit Pop Rox again for the win.

Winner: Roxanne Perez

After the match, Giulia debuted. She and Roxanne had a stare down as the announcers wondered if she was the one to dethrone Roxanne.

Thoughts: Best match on the show.

Roxanne is the most polished women’s wrestler in NXT. She is better than 75% of the main roster women. Her facials, body language, and overall, in-ring smoothness are star level. The one thing that will hold her back is her size. Internet fans will scoff, but subliminally the audience will not see her as a star on the main roster.

Roxanne is levels better than Parker, but with her size Parker has a bigger upside. Jaida has great size, a good look, and high-level athleticism. I would get her different ring gear, but she has a lot of tools to be a future main roster player.

Giulia looked nervous when she came out and who could blame her? That is a large crowd and a big spot. She has a stunning look, and I am looking forward to seeing her work.

Ethan Page vs. Joe Hendry – NXT Heavyweight Title with Trick as referee

Ethan Page did a walking promo before he entered. The new production team has used that a lot lately.

Trick established his authority early by pulling the two wrestlers apart when they had each other tied up in the ropes.

The crowd was into Hendry. Every offensive move he made, popped the crowd. In turn, they despised Page. He is very unlikable.

Hendry did the most unconventional dive I have ever seen. He ran up to the ropes, jumped sideways and landed on Page’s shoulder.

Joe hit a chokeslam, but Page had his leg under the ropes. Ethan then pushed Joe into Trick. A second ref counted a near fall. Ethan hit the second ref and as Trick was checking on him, Ethan low-blowed Hendry and hit Ego’s Edge for the win.

Winner: Ethan Page

Pete Dunne attacked Trick after the match. After he laid Trick out, Dunne just stood there looking at him. Awkward.

Thoughts: Good match. The finish was convoluted, but everything was well executed.

Booker was especially annoying when Trick entered. I do have to say, he has not been as annoying tonight as he usually is.

Hendry looked nervous and was breathing heavy early in the match. This was the biggest match of his career to this point.

If this was a job interview for Hendry, he certainly passed. Ethan Page has grown on me. He comes off real. Nothing he says or does invites someone to cheer him. He does not seem to be doing a wink-wink type of heel character either.

Overall thoughts: I recommend the show. It was a lot of fun. The Wentz-Lee match was sloppy and skippable, but the rest of the card delivered. Roxanne and Jaida had the best match on the show. If Roxanne could grow five inches, she would be on the main roster already. Oba Femi continues to look like a future headliner.

If you have Peacock, check out the show.

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