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NWA POWERRR: KC Cazana faces The OverMan in the main event

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

We are starting to see the competition in the National Wrestling Alliance come up the ranks as new faces square off against established talent on this NWA POWERRR. Case in point, Joe Cazana is used his prestige as the owner of the NWA Southeast JCP promotion to get his young son, KC Cazana in a title match with EC3.  Can “the young “White Lightning” become the youngest man to overcome The OverMan for the vaunted Ten Pounds of Gold?

We will find out later in the show as we come to you from the PowerrrStation in Tampa, FL. Joe Galli and Danny Dealz have the call as we kick off the show with The First Match of the Night with a …

Four-Way Match for the NWA Junior Heavyweight Championship: Joe Alonzo(c) vs. Rolando Freeman, vs. Soda Pop Hendrix vs. Eric Smalls

Alonzo is not taking any of his competitors seriously, especially as Smalls goes right after Freeman. Alonzo lounges in the corner while Hendrix ponders what is going on.  That leads to Alonzo attempting a roll-up of Hendrix for a near fall.  Then he and Hendrix battle in the ring until Freeman tries to interfere.  Hendrix overcomes his shenanigans and sends out The Spectacular with a tilt a whirl head scissors that sends him out of the ring.  Now Smalls gets into the fray and he gives a back body drop on Hendrix to make him roll out, and then the Half-Pint Punk climbs the top turnbuckle and dives on all three men.  Smalls rolls Freeman back in to get a pin but Alonzo pulls him off before the ref can make a count.  Smalls isn’t too pleased with that, and he lands a punch square in his…err, little Alonzos.

Freeman takes advantage and punks out Smalls from behind, but that leaves him wide open for a blockbuster by Hendrix.  He then attempts a delayed vertical suplex but Freeman upsets the balance and gets Hendrix in a rollup for a two count.  Now Smalls comes back in and hits both Hendrix and Freeman with bronco busters (I still say “pony buster” is more apt, but…whatever).  Smalls lands a moonsault to Hendrix, and then a vertical suplex to Freeman.  He then goes for The Worm (again, “inchworm” might be appropriate here, because I’m all for the low-hanging fruit), until Alonzo sneaks up from behind and delivers an elevated Joey Special to Smalls on top of Freeman. He covers the Half-Pint Punk for the win.

Your Winner, and Still NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion:  Joe Alonzo

Now it’s time for the Dane Effect as the next match is between…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

Jax Dane vs. Anthony Catena (with Chris Silvio, Esq.)

It’s been a while since we last saw Catena in the NWA, but his new representation in Silvio might show a change in his favor.  Also, Silvio is still peeved at his former client Dane, but he is not alone as Baron Von Storm is standing like a statue on the outside.

As for the match itself, Catena is getting manhandled by The Megalo-Dane.  He foolishly pie faces Dane, and then ducks between the ropes before he can give the receipt to the youngster.  Catena tries to get some offense in but only succeeds in getting clotheslined out of the ring.  He is soon face to face with Storm as he threatens to cinch The Iron Claw.  He scampers away into Dane’s hands, and he brings Catena in the hard way via suplex from the outside.  Catena is in the corner and Dane attempts a corner tackle.  He dodges at the last second and now Catena takes control of a stunned Dane by dropping him throat first on the top rope and follows with a slingshot senton.  He connects with a guillotine leg drop on Dane and makes an effort to submit the big man.  When that fails, Catena tries to whip him in the corner, but Dane pumps the brakes and suplexes him to the center of the ring.  He tries another comeback with a springboard tornado DDT on Dane, and instead of going for the pin, Catena goes up top for the elbow drop, but he misses the mark.  Dane pops the trunk and then sends Catena on a one-way trip to Trap City to end the match.

Your Winner via Submission:  Jax Dane

Kenzie and Kylie Paige are on the mic and they cut a promo on how they are the owners of the Kross Fire Wrestling promotion (one of the recent territories in the new NWA, which Paige’s dad, Tommy Henrie runs), and she says they are here to give the edge the NWA needs. But they need to step over Tiffany Nieves and Reka Tehaka, and not only are they at the top of the women’s division, “we are the dam division.”

Strong words from the NWA Women’s World Champion.

Speaking of which, Kyle Davis has Reka Tehaka and Tiffany Nieves. La Princesa rebuts their claim and tells the fans that she doesn’t get stuck in the past, but focuses on the future, and the future of the Paige sisters, especially Kenzie, does not look good. Tehaka adds that Kenzie and Kyle are “about to Reka-nize.”  They’ll face them next week on NWA Powerrr.

Another vignette for OnlySlams plays.  If you’ve never seen it before, take a gander:

I’d like to say this is the comeback vehicle for Val Venis, except this comeback (or clapback) is better.  As for the teasers…guess we’ll have to wait and see.

As for things to see and believe, here is your next match between…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

Baron Von Storm vs. Boz

Dane is out in street clothes cornering for Storm.  While he does not have a manager’s license to be out at ringside, we’re told by Galli that he has a medical license to oversee Storm’s “well-being.”  If you think that is a far-fetched idea, I’ve heard of worse excuses for getting medicinal marijuana.

Not that I know anything about that, nor would I *ever* endorse it.


Moving along, Boz tries to lock up but can’t get a hold of the Baron.  This is a one-sided affair as Storm lays on the offense to Boz.  He hits the airplane spin and then the clamps on The Iron Claw as Storm delights in the pain. He drives Boz down to the mat and the ref counts the pin.

Your Winner via Pinfall:  Baron Von Storm

After the match, Dane drapes the robe over his eyes to calm down the maniacal Storm and he is returned to a more sedate space.

Kyle Davis now has The Kidz, Alexander Lev and Jackson Drake, alongside “Magic” Jake Dumas.  They will face Carson Drake and The Slimeballz next week on NWA Powerrr.  Dumas talks trash about Drake and how he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth whereas he drank harder stuff than his “mimosa-sipping Momma.”  Lev says he and the Carolina Reaper will make sure to put an end to Tommy Rant and Sage Chantz and kick them back to Slimeball City, along with the rest of the loser fans.

Now for the Main Event and it is for the…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

NWA World Heavyweight Championship:  EC3(c) vs. KC Cazana (with Joe Cazana)

The bell rings and right away EC3 overpowers the younger to corner. Cazana tries to push the champ to the other but EC3 shows that veteran savvy and turns him around.  He gets a headlock takedown on the young challenger into a head scissors.  He breaks free, and as EC3 offers his hand in sportsmanship, Cazana shakes it but then gets whipped to the ropes for a shoulder tackle and The OverMan shows he is playing human chess toying with his opponent.  Cazana comes back with a shoulder tackle of his own and then goes for a backslide for a two count, followed by an arm drag.  They both go tit for tat, but the OverMan is still a step ahead of Cazana because he is over…man.

A dropkick by Cazana, and then a wristlock leads to a whip in the corner until EC3 explodes out with a clothesline.  The champ is in control until Cazana lights him up with chops, but EC3 answers with a backdrop followed by an STO.  Cazana tries to stage a comeback and nails him with a powerslam but can’t capitalize on a pin.  He manages to connect with a tornado DDT on EC3 who rolls out of the ring.  Cazana brings in back in and as he steps between the drops, EC# is ready and gets him in a headlock and plants him with a Hangman DDT.  Now the champ is fired up and he rushes to the corner and misses. Cazana goes up the top turnbuckle with a crossbody and only belly flops in the center of the ring.  EC3 ends it with the One Percenter and the ref counts the pin for the one, two, and three.

Your Winner, and Still NWA World Heavyweight Champion:  EC3

After the match, EC3 shakes his hand and shows respect to Cazana, but this is a night for the OverMan as he holds the Ten Pounds of Gold aloft as the show goes to the credits.


Final Thoughts:

Again, a solid show.  This was more a showcase of the new talent in the NWA, and the promise they will bring down the road to the roster.  KC Cazana is one such example, and he had a lot of poise facing EC3 in the main event.

For those of you wondering what is going on with the “Baron Von Storm” gimmick, it wasn’t that long ago people were baffled by Pierre Carl Ouellet’s transformation into PCO.  To that I say, let’s see where this goes.

Until then, see ya next Tuesday as I recap from The CW app.

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