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TNA: Josh Alexander makes himself known

Greetings and salutations! While Bob does what Bob does I will Make sure to take part in TNA this week!

This week’s episode of TNA iMPACT kicks off with a recap of what went down last week.

Lets get started …

Riley Osborne VS Chris Bey VS John Skyler in an Ultimate X qualifier match

Riley Osborne hits a Shooting Star Press on John Skyler to score the pinfall victory.

Nic Nemeth was interviewed upon his arrival at the building. Nemeth says he was initially looking forward to facing Josh Alexander, but he’s changed into a different person. Nemeth says he’s going to prove to Alexander just how good he is.

Santino Marella comes to the ring and calls out Matt Cardona. Marella asks Cardona if he’s proud of himself and calls him a wedding crasher. Marella says he hit him in the jaw and it was loose for three days. Cardona says they go way back and he’s acting like he knows nothing about him. Cardona says he doesn’t work for him or TNA, he works for no one but himself.

Marella says he’s going to give Cardona an opportunity to sign a contract to fight PCO, and if he doesn’t sign the contract, he’s going to prosecute him and put him in jail. Cardona says he won’t survive in jail. Cardona says he’s going to have his lawyers look over the contract and if everything checks out, he’ll sign it.

A vignette plays for Steve Maclin where he makes it clear that Eric Young is his next target in TNA.

Gisele Shaw VS Tasha Steelz

Gisele Shaw hits Tasha Steelz with a running knee to score the pinfall victory.

Winner: Gisele Shaw

Backstage it’s shown that The System have laid out Mike Santana ahead of his match tonight against Moose.

The System come to the ring and Alisha Edwards says Mike Santana isn’t medically cleared tonight so Moose has the night off. Mike Santana comes to the ring anyway and the match is on.

Moose (w/ The System) VS Mike Santana

Moose hits Mike Santana with a spear to score the pinfall victory.

The System attacks Santana again after the match, but he’s saved by Joe Hendry carrying a trusty steel chair. Joe Hendry says The System are making a lot of enemies right now, but they understand that there is strength in numbers. Hendry says next week Moose and JDC will face Matt and Jeff Hardy

An advertisement plays for TNA Bound For Glory, coming to Detroit this October
We hear from Jordynne Grace following last week’s attack by Ash by Elegance. Grace says Ash is trying to ruin her legacy and she can’t have that. Grace says if Ash wants a fight she’s damn well going to get one.

Jason Hotch VS Ace Austin and Rich Swann (w/ AJ Francis) in an Ultimate X qualifier match

Matt Cardona and Santino Marella are backstage. Cardona says the contract looks great and he wants to sign it. Cardona proposes a six-man tag first, then he’ll face PCO at Emergence. Marella agrees and Cardona signs the contract.
Winner: Jason Hotch

 Nic Nemeth VS Josh Alexander 

Nic Nemeth hits Josh Alexander with Danger Zone and goes for the cover as the time limit expires.

Nemeth asks for five more minutes but Alexander leaves instead. Nemeth drags Alexander back to the ring Josh kicks him between his legs for his troubles. Alexander stands over Nemeth and holds up the title as TNA iMPACT goes off the air.

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