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NWA Powerrr: A Tale of Two Kings

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

Not only is Thom Latimer the self-proclaimed “King of All Evil” in the National Wrestling Alliance, but he is also the holder of the NWA National Championship. It wasn’t long ago that “Thrillbilly” Silas Mason held the title before dropping it to pursue the Ten Pounds of Gold. Now Mason wants to reclaim the “Natty” from Latimer.  Also in the main event, The King Bees are looking to solidify their tag team dominance in the women’s division as they place their Tag titles on the line against La Rosa Negra and Ruthie Jay.

But let’s see what led to the upcoming match between Mason and Latimer:

We come to you from the PowerrrStation in Tampa, FL. Joe Galli and Danny Dealz have the call as we kick off the show with The First Match of the Night with…

Trevor Murdoch and Mike Knox vs. Vharles Bison and Champ Matthews

I’d love to get some details about the new guys in the ring.  Before I can take the time to research, they jump the 2023 Crockett Cup winners.  All that does is make Knox and Murdoch mad and faster than you can blink they gain control back from Bison and Matthews.  It’s all Cement Mixers as they give the high/low to Matthews and thank you for playing.

Your Winners via Pinfall:  Mike Knox and Trevor Murdoch

Joe Cazana Hypes up his NWA JCP promotion as the top in the NWA, and that has come with some perks.  He got his son KC a title match against EC3 next week, and AJ will team up with Taylor Rising as they face off against Bryan Idol and Natalia Markova in a mixed tag match.  Papa Joe wants us to make sure we know JCP is the greatest of all the territories. 

Hmmm.  Hyperbole aside, they may have something there.

We get more vignettes about OnlySlams, and it’s times like this I wish Velvet Sky was around.

Now for your first title match and it is for the…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

NWA National Heavyweight Championship: Thom Latimer(c) vs. “Thrillbilly” Silas Mason

Right from the moment the bell rings, Mason goes at Latimer hard and gives a series of back elbows to his head in the corner.  A series of arm drags by Latimer followed by a standing dropkick give pause to the challenger and Mason takes a powder to the outside.  Latimer goes for a baseball slide and Mason anticipates. They brawl outside of the ring, and Mason gains the upper hand slamming his head in the steel stairs, and then shoves him hard into the ring post.  Latimer returns the receipt with another post plant and they go back in the ring, only have Latimer clothesline them to the outside again.  Mason throws him to the steps again, and then brings Latimer in the hard way with a suplex and covers for a two count.  He rushes at Latimer in the corner, and The King of All Evil manages to get a boot up and then drills Mason with a spear for a count of two.  He hits the ropes and Mason counters with a flapjack to the top turnbuckles and then follows with a nasty backbreaker.  He cinches Latimer in the camel clutch and fishhooks him before releasing the hold and then…

Ads (WHYYYYY, The CW?  Can’t you get to the commercials AFTER the match?!  Not everyone has Picture in Picture, and those that do use it poorly.  Not naming names, of course.  *cough*AEW*cough*)

We come back and Mason is choking Latimer on the middle ropes, and then he whips him hard into the corner and then nails a double underhook suplex to cover for one, two…no chance.  Mason whips him to the ropes and Latimer goes for a sunset flip.  Mason anticipates and punches him down and then the Thrillbilly slaps him in a bear hug.  Latimer fights through the pain and escapes the submission. He goes for a sleeper and Mason counters with a belly-to-back suplex.  He goes for a waistlock and Latimer manages to create space but gets flattened with a spinebuster.  Mason attempts a high-risk maneuver as he goes up to the top turnbuckle.  Latimer catches him and they battle up top until Mason pushes him down. He goes for an elbow drop and misses the mark, and Latimer is back on offense and a spinning slam, but Mason responds with a powerbomb for a two count.  Latimer answers with his pop-up powerbomb and then the Southern Six members Kerry Morton and Alex Taylor swarm in on The King of All Evil. The ref has no choice but to call the match, so that means…

Your Winner Via Disqualification, and Still NWA National Champion:  Thom Latimer

Latimer is not happy with the result and he is yelling at Mason that this is far from over.

Smells like a feud is brewing.

Chris Silvio, Esq. is standing next to who he proclaims is the next great superstar in the NWA, Anthony Catena. They’re going after Jax Dane next week, and Catena promises to steal the show.

I mean…good luck going up against Godzilla.  You need it.

Meanwhile, Kyle Davis is with NWA Owner William Patrick Corgan, and…waitasec, that’s Rush Freeman!  We haven’t seen much of The Spectacular in a while, and Corgan and Davis ask him about a letter he supposedly wrote saying he was leaving and that Brady Pierce could come back.

Now it was Freeman who beat Pierce in a Loser Leaves Town match way back when at the Samhain PPV (remember when they did PPVs, folks?).  In any case, Freeman lays it out that he did not write any letters, but he needed to be off for personal reasons and needs to take more time off for the moment.  Corgan and Davis thank him and let Freeman know the door is always open.

Davis now has Murdoch and Aron Stevens on the upcoming tag team championship coming up for the Back to the Territories signature event.  Amid “Moron Stevens” chants, Murdoch tells him that Blunt Force Trauma can’t get rid of them, or him especially. He reminds Stevens he took the NWA National title from him and they will take the tag titles next.  

Stevens offers a rebuttal, and this is what he had to say:

“You want what we have, but you don’t know how to put them on.  Because we have held those titles better than anyone in recent or past NWA history. I am the greatest manager to ever do it. They are the greatest team to ever do it.  And the fact remains is that your attempts to take those titles from us, and you’ve had many.

Samhain.  Before that, how many pay-per-views? How many live events?   Your attempts are about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle because you can’t do it. Ain’t gonna do it. Don’t know how to do it. Trevor. You can bring Smalls because with what we have going on up here, we will use that small problem against you. Yeah, we will use everything you throw at us against you, including that little miscreant who runs around striking people in their nether regions, and someone needs to do something about it.”

It’s time for the Main Event, and it’s for the…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta

NWA Women’s Tag Team Championship: The King Bees (Danni Bee and Charity King)(c) vs. Ruthie Jay and La Rosa Negra

The King Bees have been reigning the Women’s tag division for over 200+ days, and they are facing Jay and Negra again.

The bell rings, and Bee and Jay start the match.  They lock up and they go to a series of chain moves and Jay shows off to Bee why she is a Five Star Athlete in the NWA.  Tag to King and they go for a double team, but Jay double dropkicks them and tags in Negra.  She and King come to blows but King manages to overpower La Abusadora with a splash in the corner and follows with a sliding clothesline for a two count.  Tag back to Bee and Negra goes for a series of near falls.  She climbs up the top turnbuckle for a back elbow that connects for a two count.  Negra and Jay pull Bee in their corner and cut the ring in half.  It almost looks like Bee is In Peril until she shoves Jay to the corner to tag in King, but Jay manages to get Negra in for a double suplex and covers for a count of two.  King lands a Samoan drop, but cannot capitalize.  A tag back to Bee, but Jay also gets back in the ring and she is a Five Star Athlete en Fuego.  Jay nails Bee with a facebuster but King comes back and hits The King’s Kiss for a cover.  Negra breaks up the pin and she connects with a frog splash, but Bee manages to drop her with a running codebreaker.  Jay goes up top for a high-risk maneuver but misses.  Bee takes advantage and delivers the DDT and it is still their kingdom.

Your Winners via Pinfall, And Still NWA Women’s Tag Team Champions:  The King Bees

All is secure in the kingdom as The King Bees still hold the titles as the show goes to the credits.

NWA Powerrr - 08/13/2024

Final Thoughts:


A solid show overall.  The only quibble I have is that Latimer/Mason should have been in the main event, as there was more to digest with the Southern Six interference.  Not to take away from The King Bees and Jay/Negra, as it was a fine match.  But sometimes you need that extra ‘oomph’ to keep fans interested in the main event and what could follow in future shows.

But, kudos to the NWA and we will see ya next Tuesday from The CW.

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