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MLW Never Say Never: This path to absolute destruction is only the beginning of our story

I’m back, baby!

I’ve been away from Major League Wrestling for some time now, but that’s not my fault if there’s disarray in the ranks and organization. Ha! Anyway, we’re not even two minutes into the evening, and CONTRA Unit is seen assaulting Okumura. Mads Krugger calls out Satoshi Kojima. Due to this chaos, Okumura is left severally hurt.

Magnus vs. Mistico – Opera Cup Tournament Round One

Mistico has the upper hand the majority of the start of this match, while Magnus is trying to catch up. Magnus rolls out of the ring to catch his breath. The crowd kept booing him for doing that. Mistico follows him to the main floor with a Super Kick to the jaw. Magnus changes the momentum by sending Mistico into the guardrail.

Magnus continues with his onslaught by dropping his opponent face first against the commentary desk. Mistico does make a comeback for a moment until Magnus connects with an elbow to his cousin’s face. The audience kept saying that Magnus sucks ass. Luckily, Mistico sends his challenger to the outside, then delivers a high flying maneuver.

For some reason, Magnus tries to trick the referee long enough for Mistico to be slightly distracted as well as Magnus spears him. However, Mistico is able to rally with a crossbody from the air that nearly ended this match. Magnus always seems to need a breather despite Mistico not letting him by suicide diving after him.

Magnus was able to superplex Mistico from the very top, but he wasn’t quick enough to capitalize then and there. He was too wiped out. When he did, Mistico kicked out in time. Magnus tries again with a neck breaker that doesn’t take the World Middleweight Champion down.

Later on, commentary reckons that if Magnus provided a full body cover that it might have made a difference. I don’t think so. Mistico still would have kicked out. This is only the first round of this tournament, but these wrestlers leave it all in the ring captivated with so much toughness. And speaking of being tough, Mistico powers through with an amazing Spanish Fly that knocks both of them out. He couldn’t capitalize early enough and that’s proven when Magnus kicks out.

They display a bold game of cat and mouse, neither of them giving an inch that nearly resulted in a double count out. Mistico was able to conclude this battle with La Mistica that Magnus immediately taps out to. It was a beautiful match! In the long, prestigious history of the Opera Cup, Mistico was able to advance the proud artistry of Lucha Libre in order to bring that cup to Mexico.

Okumura was supposed to fight Atlantis Jr., but since he was taken out, Atlantis advances to face Mistico in the quarterfinals at Summer of the Beast Aug 29.

Winner: Mistico 

Ha! Where did Akira’s stubble come from?… I know, that’s not meant to be the important bit. Okumura isn’t doing great, hence the bracket change, but he won’t be able to be there with Satoshi Kojima, Akira and Matt Riddle for their 6-man Tag Team match against the very people who put him in medical in the first place, CONTRA Unit. Riddle comes in to perk his team’s spirit with a very direct mantra: “B*tch ass CONTRA!”

Previously on the Salina de la Renta and Cesar Duran dramatics, de la Renta revealed to Duran that she’s pregnant, but she wouldn’t say who the father was… until now. After much speculation, it was known to be Cesar’s most loyal Azteca henchman, who’s name I don’t know yet. Ha! Given this tremendous shock, Cesar fainted.

He won’t treat his business meetings or calls as an opportunity for Salina to ambush it with baby talk. She doesn’t appreciate that, so she demands that Duran learns to respect the father of her child AND his grandkid. Before anything else, Cesar tells him that if he wants to be part of this… family he has to represent by wearing the gold Azteca mask while contributing to the business. This makes Salina happy… ish.

Bad Dude Tito vs. Danny Jones – Opera Cup Tournament Round One

Salina joins commentary during this match when she’s very much with child just so she could rain on Joe Dombrowski’s party some more. The audience are chanting Tito’s name with excitement. Although, Tito is great, Danny is seen to hold his ground by shoulder tackling his challenger. He is taken down momentarily by Tito.

Danny kicks Tito in the face with ease, much ease than plenty of other people who failed to do so. Regardless of that, Bad Dude is able to make a comeback with a back suplex that nearly ended Jones. However, Danny fights back by delivering a knee strike to Tito’s jaw.

Jones is doing very well with a standing switch bridge suplex that also almost takes out Tito. It amazes Jones how many time Bad Dude kicked out of the pain he was in to fire back with a sit-out powerbomb. It angers Salina that Tito didn’t win after that. So, Tito looks to fly with successful speed.

Both men go back and forth as they jock for position, however, Jones was the one who abruptly ended this chase. It was moving in his favor, but Tito proved to be too much after that Tequila Driver move.

Winner: Bad Dude Tito

According to the bracket, Bomaye Fight Club vs. Bomaye Fight Club has Alex Kane facing his friend and team member Mr. Thomas. They’re seen to be confused backstage as to who is trying to stir the pot. Our answers are answered when MSL sneakily comes out of the bathroom after being in there for God knows how long to encourage Mr. Thomas to be a little more selfish. Kane catches wind of this and sends Laurent squirming.

Brett Ryan Gosselin vs. Jake Crist – Opera Cup Tournament Round One

Bobby Fish joins commentary for the following fight wanting to offer some insight and opinions. Dear God… I have not missed the sound of BRG’s voice. I was living the good, nice life without it. Thanks to Jake Crist, he rushed into the ring with haste as he hammers away at his opponent.

Gosselin turns things around for himself with some mind games and a back body drop planting Jake down to the mat. He continues with a clothesline thinking that was enough to pin Jake when he only got a one count. Crist retaliates with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Unfortunately, Brett nails him with an eye gouge followed by a deep leg twist that surprisingly ends victoriously… What??

Bobby Fish looks to get a word with Brett come aftermath. It was soooo annoying hearing Gosselin gloating and over praising himself at the request of no one. Jake Crist had enough of all that noise, yet Fish stopped him from high jacking his interview time. Alas, that didn’t stop Gosselin from being an asshole and attack Crist from behind.

I was left in shock when Bobby felt like joining in the 2-on-1 mugging. I don’t know what’s going on… I guess this is what desperately wanting attention looks like. Crist’s head collided with the wooden floor.

Winner: Brett Ryan Gosselin

Summer of the Beast is going to be a banger. We have the debut of the Andersons. Stardom’s Hanako versus Janai Kai for the World Featherweight Championship. CONTRA Unit’s Minoru Suzuki and Ikuro Kwon versus CozyMax for the MLW World Tag Team Championships.

Akira throws down for the first time against Kenta in the quarterfinals of the Opera Cup. The World Titan Federation implodes when 2x Opera Cup winner Davey Boy Smith Jr. battles Tom Lawlor in the quarterfinals. Bobby Fish versus Timothy Thatcher. Matt Riddle meets Mathew Justice in the ring, too. Whoo! Fans can watch this upcoming event on YouTube for FREE!

AJ Francis vs. Davey Boy Smith Jr. 

Further implosion takes place between AJ and Davey since WTF couldn’t control the massive amount of egotism in the room. None of them could co-exist with each other anymore. Francis had Smith Jr. cornered for a little while until he was forced to back it up.

AJ breaks through Davey’s attempt at blocking the incoming shoulder tackle. Davey was unsuccessful, hilariously so. Ha! He rolled onto the outside to catch a breather while MSL rubs his left shoulder like a masseuse.

It became a back and forth at this point when they equally missed the target in the corner of the ring. Davey is able to deliver a great back suplex that only got a one count out of the referee. Smith Jr. is looking to weaken AJ anytime he kicks out. Later on, Francis counters with a back suplex of his own. MSL looks completely befuddled.

Although, AJ was showing off for far too long that I think may have cost him during the cover. But all things become very bad for Francis as he’s caught in Davey’s sleeper hold. Smith Jr. nearly got disqualified when AJ grabbed the rope. He let go of AJ, then went back on the attack by adding pressure onto his back.

Despite the fact that AJ was able to make it to the ropes the second time, Davey wouldn’t let go and that got him disqualified. Even after the bell rang, Davey snapped and kept oxygen deprived AJ in his grasp. Smith Jr. had the nerve to be upset when the announcer claimed Francis the winner. Okay…

Winner: AJ Francis

Delmi Exo vs. Renee Michelle

I can’t find the right words to describe how happy I am to see a women match right now. I truly believe the women’s division at MLW has been forced into hibernation because they’re fading in the background while things are happening and passing them by. There should be more women matches at premium live events and weekly ones in general. That’s simply my opinion.

Delmi and Renee finally lock arms as either one tries to twist the other apart. Exo seems to have more of the upper hand here as Michelle ventures to get some leeway back. She did good by applying weight and pressure onto Delmi’s arm. Lots of praises go out to Renee as she demonstrates quick and precise body control with a Sunset Flip.

Exo delivers a nasty knee to the gut of Renee followed by a side Russian leg sweep for a one count. There was a bit of a delay with that suplex from Delmi that allows Renee to get back in the match with a forearm and a couple of clotheslines. Let’s not forget that beautiful drop kick from the top and poise.

Regrettably, Michelle painfully misses with a Moonsault called the Twisted Sister. Because of this unfortunate miscalculation, Exo was able to capitalize with the Delmi Driver.

After the match, a new women’s division Superstar in Gigi Rey makes her way to MLW. But all this is seen as disrespectful to Renee Michelle, who just had a match against the former Featherweight Champion. Rey suggests that Renee cools off and leaves her spotlight. As a counter to that, Michelle informs Gigi that she isn’t afraid to deal with anyone at anytime inside the ring. A challenge? Renee was extremely hostile. Damn, I loved it!

Winner: Delmi Exo

As the women’s division continues to grow, yet respecting it is another story, competitors from around the world are setting their sights on Janai Kai and that World Featherweight Championship. Miyu Yamashita, the Pink Striker. Renee Michelle, a prestigious wrestler. Gigi Rey, a formidable opponent. Stardom’s Hanako, known as the Tall Wonder Tower and the first female to enter MLW. Delmi Exo, the God Queen and former Champion. Janai Kai makes an appearance of her own with her recent joining of CONTRA Unit, adding more ferociousness and brutality to this empowering arsenal of women.

Alex Kane vs. Mr. Thomas – Opera Cup Tournament Round One 

At the beginning of this match, Alex and Mr. Thomas are attempting to get a grip on each other. Kane had Thomas with an ankle lock, yet Mister tall over here was able to grab the bottom rope to force a break.

Mr. Thomas fights back with a chop to the chest of Kane, followed by a body takedown. That gut wrench suplex from Mr. Thomas was well executed. Kane continues to retaliate with a couple of kicks to the head of his opponent, he even surprised his challenger with a spear off the apron.

The match seemed evenly done since both men never let up on their defense. But something had to give at some point when Kane found a way to win with multiple suplexes in her artillery closet plus a damaging spear to end this. Thomas and Kane show some brotherly love, and I’m glad to see it.

Now, Kane will meet with Bad Dude Tito in the quarterfinals.

Winner: Alex Kane

Ooh… I’m not sure what Cesar Duran meant when he said that he’s ready to discuss his family’s situation to some unknown person on the phone, but he did. What’s that all about? Things seemed pleasant while he and Salina were debating on a baby shower theme. Guess I was wrong.

Tom Lawlor vs. Paul Walter Hauser – MMA Cage match

The moment the referee asked if both fighters were ready, Tom didn’t hesitate to go after Paul at lightning speed imitating the Cobra Kai outfits knowing Hauser plays Stingray in the show. Lawlor has Hauser on his knees during the most part of the start.

Paul tries to corner Tom on one occasion, but he almost immediately gets swatted away by a knee between the eyes. He later manages to ram Lawlor against the cage’s steel, then he continues with a modified Samoan Drop. That’s quickly taken out of the equation once Tom and Paul fight sitting on top of the cage at an elevated height. A unique application. Same with the use of a kendo stick and a… stool chair? Ha!

This was seen more as a street fight than an MMA competition. Despite all these weird… improvements, Hauser is making good work of Tom. That doesn’t stop Lawlor from sending Paul head first against the cage. Annoyingly so, Tom tried to cover Hauser using the middle rope, luckily, the official caught that.

Hauser isn’t an athlete like Lawlor, but he does show incredible resilience to remain in the match no matter the beatings he receives. Tom continues to not only beat the living hell out of Paul, but he ventures to humiliate the man as well.

Considering the amount of agony we’ve seen thus far, bodies crashing all over the place, Hauser does surprise Tom many times. It took a while after Lawlor planted Hauser through a catering table, but he did get back up. Paul beats Lawlor with the Hausearrest move. WOW! That’s what you get Tom for being arrogant and dismissive.

Winner: Paul Walter Hauser 

Akira, Satoshi Kojima & Matt Riddle vs. CONTRA Unit – 6-man Tag Team match

The people representing CONTRA are Mads Krugger, Ikuro Kwon and Minoru Suzuki with Janai Kai roaming around as well. I don’t blame Akira, Matt and Satoshi for attacking their opponents the second they entered the ring after what they did to Okumura. He’s such a sweet looking man. The brawl that takes place is insane to say the least when the bell hasn’t even rang.

All of this was great, but what I didn’t expect was how Akira used the referee, Frank Gastineau’s feet as a weapon against Mads Krugger. Ha! Ha! I love how the official just let it happen. “Ooh, wee! Do it again!” is what he’s saying in his head. Also, Akira sent Ikuro into Mads, and Krugger realized too late who he knocked the hell out. Ha! The confusion on his face.

I wasn’t sure if the match had officially started until I saw Gastineau counting to two during a cover attempt made by Riddle to Suzuki. It has been a very entertaining mess so far. Riddle is suddenly at he mercy of CONTRA the moment Krugger was tagged in. Kwon comes in to add reinsurance by disposing of Matt’s teammates.

Minoru ventures to decimate Riddle’s left arm before Mads comes in to double the efforts already made. CONTRA is demolishing Riddle to absolute bits, luckily, Matt shows some life with a suplex to Kwon as he stretches to tag his teammates. Alas, he wasn’t able to due to Minoru’s quick interference. Following this, Matt managed to deliver a striking knee to Suzuki before tagging Akira.

He and Ikuro brawl it out in the middle with so much speed and anger at the same time. Akira and Satoshi play a double team on Kwon. Irritatingly so, Mads swoops in and bulldozes through them. Kojima is left alone, but he sidesteps and delivers his signature chops to Krugger. However, Mads remains on his feet with an imaginable amount of tenacity.

Things break out again on the outside as we see Riddle and Suzuki fighting. Janai hands Krugger a table for Kojima. And Akira and Ikuro throw hands on the apron. Sadly so, the chaos didn’t distract us from Mads shoving Satoshi through the furniture. I don’t think Gastineau can do much really…

Akira powerbombs Kwon on the apron and helps Riddle take out Minoru before reentering the ring. He took a chair bullet for Kojima from Krugger resulting in the bloody victory CONTRA Unit obtained. The malice didn’t end there as CONTRA’s death soldiers come out and place their flag on their enemies’ fallen bodies.

Winner: CONTRA Unit


TOP PHOTO: CONTRA Unit celebrate their dominance. Courtesy of MLW

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