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NWA Powerrr: The fallout from the Crockett Cup

Hello everyone, I am filling in this week for the Powerrr review. Tonight, we will see the fallout from the Crockett Cup where The Southern Six were victorious. Speaking of the Southern Six, Kerry Morton is facing Thomas Latimer for the NWA National Championship. EC3 is in the house with his World Heavyweight Championship against the Wrecking Ball Legursky. Let us start the show!

They recap Southern Six winning the Crockett Cup.

This opening tells a story. First, that theme song is terrible. Plus, what was once a throwback and highly acclaimed throwback at that is now the same old modern tropes with tables and ladders and even light tubes. Light tubes in a studio. What a bad idea.

Joe Galli, who is underrated as a play-by-play guy, and Danny Dealz open the show. So, the guy who used to advertise their gimmick online store is now a color commentator? And why does he have twelve gimmicks at once? What is he going for here? I am pessimistic about his commentary but let us see.

The studio looks so low rent. Remember that set they had when Powerrr debuted? Hollywood professionals did it. This looks like they borrowed leftover gimmicks from a kid’s birthday party company. And why is the canvas so dark? It is so off putting.

Non-Title Match:  Blunt Force Trauma (Carnage and Damage, with Aron Stevens) vs. The Heavenly Butterflies (Faboo Andre and Tony Donati)

Another modern trope, everyone has a title. That is right, all four advertised matches have title holders. William Patrick Corgan joined the commentating. The Heavenly Butterflies includes Tony Donati, who looks very generic, and Faboo Andre who is doing a bad Adrian Street gimmick. He has terrible looking matching tights and jacket. And his face paint looks like it came from the same kid’s birthday company that their set came from.

Blunt Force Trauma are two huge men in masks who resemble Doom from 90s WCW. Just massive guys. The commentary is fine so far, but Corgan asking if these two giants would be champions without Aron Stevens is not the right way to sell them. They are monsters. You should be asking why they even need him.

Faboo Andre had two spots in this match. One where he took an eternity to take off his ring jacket, in the middle of the match mind you, and another where he tried to do a springboard drop kick, but barely touched the guy and landed right on his head. Ouch.

Winners: Blunt Force Trauma in a squash.

Aron Stevens does a promo after the match. He calls BFT the greatest team in the history of wrestling, which Kyle Davis awkwardly nods his head in agreement, and then says they are the best team he could find, which Davis shakes his head at. So, which is it? Does he agree or disagree? He is so awkward. Aron Stevens looks great and did a good promo. This is a perfect role for him. He said something about “two guys one cup.” What?

The show has been good so far. We go to commercial break.

Anyone else miss those fake commercials they had on the original Powerrr episodes?

Radio Personality Drew Garabo is with Wrecking Ball Legursky. Garabo does a nice little promo. He says he used to be friends with EC3, but not anymore. He is here to get revenge. Both men got bleeped a couple times. Enjoyable way to set up the main event.

NWA National Championship:  Thom Latimer(c) vs. Kerry Morton

Coming off a Crockett Cup victory, Morton has what Galli calls the biggest opportunity of his career. Danny Dealz twice says Morton has been running up hills and carrying logs, which was annoying, but he has not been as bad as I feared. Corgan has left the announcer table. Odd.

Some good wrestling early on and clear babyface-heel dynamic. Kerry Morton has really improved since the last time I saw him. Some of the little heel mannerisms are a welcome sight. He called timeout once and was checking his teeth after a big boot. Good stuff.

In the middle of the match, on a taped show, they went to a commercial break. Seriously, CW?

For a guy wearing twelve gimmicks, Danny Dealz is bland. You would think he would be more flamboyant. He is also stepping all over Galli’s play-by-play with his inane commentary. He is starting to annoy me. Corgan is now sitting on a chair by himself on the other side of the ring. Very odd.

The action picked up and suddenly a bell rang. The announcers did not know what was going on. Now they tell us that there was a ten-minute time limit. Boo!

Time Limit Draw

A particularly good match with a lame finish. I understand the concept but let us know from the start what the time limit is and have the announcers acknowledge when that time limit is close. It makes for more drama. Other than that, and Dealz’s inane commentary, this was good.

Jax Dane and Baron Von Storm are in the back. Yes, Tim Storm, one of the great babyface promos in wrestling, is doing a Fritz Von Erich gimmick complete with holding out the claw. He did not speak. Puzzling. Jax was okay here.

Another commercial break.

BLK Jeez is in the back with Big Strong Mims. Jeez is back for all the cheese. Mims explains why he is with Jeez. He was missing something, and he believes Jeez is that missing piece. This was good. Kudos to them for explaining why someone took on a new manager.

So far, an exceptionally good show. We now go around the territories.

NWA Women’s Title: Kenzie Paige vs. Missa Kate

Missa Kate refused to take any cheap shots early. They made a point of her breaking clean when they went into the ropes. She was clearly conflicted despite not doing it. It is a small detail that makes a match like this more interesting.

Kate had Kenzie tied up in the ropes and, instead of hitting her with a cheap shot, she licked her face. Gross. Kenzie threw a fit at ringside calling Missa “disgusting.” I agree. Kenzie Paige has a bad attitude and I mean that as a complement. She is a good heel.

Paige had Kate in a cross face and Missa bit Kenzie’s hands to get out of it. That was great. Missa Kate got Kenzie in a cross face and turned it into a fishhook. She finally snapped and gave in to cheap shotting Paige.

After going crazy, Missa Kate was conflicted again. She hesitated to take advantage of Paige and Paige hit a cutter out of nowhere for the win.

Winner: Kenzie Paige

AEW and WWE for that matter, could take inspiration from this women’s match. It was simple in execution of moves but told a compelling story. The women on both rosters would benefit from simpler matches and not trying to do so much. Just my thoughts.

So far, an excellent show.

Kyle Davis is with Daisy Kill and Talos who looks like he is eight feet tall. Daisy wants to do a song. He has a Ukulele. I have never seen one of those on a wrestling show. Talos has some hilariously bad facials throughout this promo. Daisy tells the other wrestlers to suck on their mother’s teat. Wow.

They had a vignette of an unknown wrestler. Besides his bare chest, there were images of bananas, champagne bursting, a hose, and women seductively eating things. Then an advertisement for “OnlySlams.” Odd, but affective.

NWA World Heavyweight Championship:  EC3(c) vs. Wrecking Ball Legursky

The NWA belt looks amazing. It looks like they have updated it but kept the concept. It was shining when they held it up before the match.

Not much to the match. EC3 sold for the most part. His moniker “The Overman” is terrible.

With a minute left in the show, The CW app has sent me to another show five times. I had to sit through five sets of commercials to try to see the end of this match.

I switched devices and finally saw the ending. EC3 wins.

Winner: EC3

Overall, a fun show until the app started glitching. It is amazing how good wrestling can be when everything has a reason for happening and no one tries to do more than they are capable of. The matches were simple, and everything made sense. The app needs to be fixed ASAP. That was terrible. And the NWA needs to get rid of that set. It is an eyesore. Otherwise, I recommend the show and really enjoyed it.

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