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Slammiversary brings the hits to Montreal

TNA brought it’s second biggest show to Montreal and we were live at the sold-out Verdun Auditorium in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Tasha Steelz VS Gisele Shaw, Xia Brookside and Faby Apache

Tasha Steelz broke up Gisele Shaw’s pin. She then threw Gisele out of the ring and covered Xia Brookside for the win.

Winner: Tasha Steelz


KUSHIDA locked in the Hoverboard Lock on the turnbuckles for the win.

Winner: Kushida

TNA Knockouts World Tag Team Championship: The Malisha (Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich) (c) VS Spitfire (Dani Luna and Jody Threat) to retain

Masha hit a drop toe hold and Jody fell right into the the tag title.  Alisha hit a top rope bulldog (with Threat on Masha’s shoulders) and won it for her team,

Winner: The Malisha (Alisha Edwards and Masha Slamovich)

Eric Young VS Hammerstone

Eric Young with a rollup out of a Torture Rack to get the win.

Winner: Eric Young

Main Show

“Broken” Matt Hardy vs. JDC

Hardy keeps slamming  Dango’s head on the turnbuckles and then Hardy hits a legdrop. Dango blocks it, but Hardy manages to send him to the ropes and hit a Side Effect for a 2-count. Hardy goes for a Twist Of Fate, but Dango counters with a Falcon Arrow. Hardy hits a Twist Of Fate from the middle rope for the win

Winner: “Broken” Matt Hardy

Hardy hits two more Twist Of Fates after the match

TNA World Tag Team Championship: The System (c) VS ABC

Edwards shoves Bey to the ropes but Bey hits a dropkick through the ropes. Alisha jumps on the apron and Bey chases her away. Edwards with a huge shot. Myers gets back in but Ace runs over and knocks Edwards out of the way and then hits a Somersault. Ace jumps and knocks Edwards down with a somersault dive. The System with a spear, then they go for their finisher but ABC comes back with a Magic Killer for a 2-count. Bey goes to hit Eddie Edwards but hits Alisha by accident, then ABC hits their finishers on Myers and win.

Winner: AND NEW Tag Team Champions ABC

Mike Santana VS Jake Something

Santana controls the match then Jake makes a comeback, but Santana stops it and hits a Dropkick. Santana hits a cannonball and slam. Santana then goes for another Cannonball, but Jake catches stops him and hits a Powerbomb. Jake goes up top, but Santana stops him and hits a German suplex off of the top turnbuckle.

Both Jake and Santana take their time to get up and Santana hits Something with a Thrust Kick, but Jake jumps back up. The two go back and forth and Santana hits a Spinning The Block for the win.

Winner: Mike Santana

The Rascalz VS No Quarter Catch Crew

NQCC keeps momentum until The Rascalz come back, but Dempsey hits a German suplex and takes a crossbody while in the bridge. The Rascalz hit a somersault dive on all three. Dempsey and Heits are back in and put Wes and Wentz in a Sleeper. Borne tries to get after Trey., but The Rascalz hit Soup Kitchen and Hot Fire Flame for the win.

Winner: The Rascalz

Montreal Street Fight (TNA Digital Media Championship And Canadian International Heavyweight Title – AJ Francis (c) VS PCO

Francis controls the match until PCO makes a comeback. PCO drops Fancis and looks for the Moonsault, but Francis counters with an electric chair drop on a pile of chairs for two. PCO picks him up and press slams him through the tables at ringside. Josh Bishop hits PCO from behind with a chair, then hits a Razor’s Edge. Sami Callihan runs out with a bat, but Swann stops him. Swann tries to attack PCO with the bat, but Rhino runs out and Gores Swann. PCO rolls Francis back in the ring and hits a top rope Moonsault. Francis with a Tombstone piledriver, but it’s only good for 2. Francis looks for a chokeslam, but PCO reverses it and chokeslams Francis onto the pile of chairs, then finally hits a Moonsault and gets the win.

Winner: and NEW TNA Digital Media Championship And Canadian International Heavyweight Title: PCO

TNA Knockouts World Championship – Jordynne Grace (c) VS Ash by Elegance (with The Personal Concierge)

The two women battle it out until Jordynne slams Ash’s face into her knee and hits a delayed Superplex. Grace then hits a Jackhammer, but it’sony good for a 2-count. Grace attacks Ash and as AShwason the ropes, Grace goes for a suplex and a chinlock. Ash bites Jordynne’s arm and hits Sliced Bread for a 2-count. Ash looks for a Single-Leg Crab, but Grace reverses that into a Grapevined Sleeperhold.

After some more back and forth Grace hits a huge Lariat. The two women go back and forth, but Grace with a Spinning Backfirst and a powerbomb followed by the Juggernaut Driver for the win.

Winner: and still TNA Knockouts Champion: Jordynne Grace

X Division Championshi: Mustafa Ali (c) (w/ Campaign Singh VS “Speedball” Mike Bailey

After a fun match, Bailey heads up top but Ali rolls over and trips him up. Bailey with a kick to the head and hits a Poisonrana off the top, then hits a Ultima Weapon. Bailey’s music hits and everyone thinks hes won, but the ref says Ali had his foot on the rope. The ref tkes a bump, then Singh and the security detail rush out and beat Bailey up. Ali hits two 450 splashes with help from the detail. They try to revive the ref, but he’s pulled out of the ring by a masked man in riot gear.

Trent Seven is the masked man and he goes at it with Ali’s security. Ali dives on Seven and hits his knee with a chair. Ali then uses the chair on Bailey’s back. Ali calls on someone and out comes Earl Hebner. Ali puts Bailey in the Sharpshooter, but Hebner won’t make the call, mimicking the Montreal Screwjob. Ali gets mad, but Bailey comes back and avoids a chairshot. Ali is down and Bailey Slaps on the Sharpshooter for the win.

Winner and NEW X Division Champion: “Speedball” Mike Bailey

Six-Way Elimination World Title Match

Kaz and Moose get some offense in. Kaz counters with a Moonsault, followed by a Diving Cutter. Moose hits a Spear and Maclin is out.

Steve Maclin eliminated by Moose

Moose drags Nemeth and Alexander back to the ring, then he powerbombs Nemeth onto Alexander. Hendry with a Fallaway slam on everyone. Moose spears Alexander and Nemeth, then Hendry tries to steal the pin, but Moose with a kick. Hendry with a Clothesline and a Standing Ovation to eliminate Moose!

Moose eliminated by Joe Hendry

Hendry goes for the Standing Ovation on Alexander, who reverses it and kicks Hendry in the lower region. Alexander then hits a C4 to eliminate Hendry.

Joe Hendry eliminated by Josh Alexander

Nemeth fights back with a corner splash, but Alexander stops a second one and targets Nemeth’s injured left shoulder. Nemeth connects with some strikes, then follows with a headbutt and superkick and eliminates Alexander.

Josh Alexander eliminated by Nic Nemeth

Kaz runs in and hits Nemeth with Fade To Black, and follows by putting Nemeth in a chicken wing. Nemeth hits a superkick. Kaz blocks Danger Zone and hits a Backstabber. Nemeth with a Superkick and a Danger Zone and WINS!

Winner and NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion: Nic Nemeth

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