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Madusa criticizes AEW work ethic

On her YouTube channel, Madusa has criticized the lack of a work ethic some of the women have in AEW.

The first time she visited the promotion there was a couple of free, open training sessions that Dustin Rhodes invited her to help out with. Madusa agreed to give Dustin a hand with the women. She felt honored to be asked.

When the first session was about to began there weren’t many people in attendance. This confused Madusa. Dustin explained that training was voluntary.

“What am I going to say? It’s the new kids of today,” he answered.

“I get it but isn’t it mandatory? I mean, half or more of them are under contracts. They’re getting paid. Shouldn’t they just be here to show up too?” she asked him in return.

The next day Madusa tried to convince some of the younger women to come to the session.

One of them referred to the fact that training and practice wasn’t mandatory and she was injured anyways. Madusa explained that you could learn a lot by just watching at ringside.

“It’s voluntary and I don’t need to show,” the wrestler replied.

Madusa was disappointed that some don’t feel the need to learn, improve themselves.

“I’m not saying this person’s name for a reason because I’ll mention it probably later in another episode but it really opened my eyes to how the women, not all of them, may look at this business as a meal ticket as money only or do they really respect it or are they that much of a c–t?” she asked.


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