Greetings and salutations! It’s the go-home show before AEW X CMLL X NJPW Forbidden Door and this week on the show we should get the final set up for some matches. This week’s Dynamite will feature a couple “can they co-exist?” matches as Will Ospreay and Swerve Strickland will team up along with Mina Shirakawa and Toni Storm. We will also hear from Buffalo’s own, Daniel Garcia. With all this and more, let’s get to the action.

MJF Kicks us off

MJF is out but is interrupted by hometown Buffalo boy Daniel Garcia. MJF warns Garcia to tread lightly. Daniel Garcia thanks MJF for saving him last week but since they are Buffalo, everything is his business. Garcia says he’s not sure why MJF is out there but assumes its to say bad things about the city of Buffalo. Garcia assures MJF he’s there to say nice things about MJF. MJF tells him to go on.

Garcia tells a story from about nine months ago where he wasn’t doing much on AEW programming while MJF was the World Champion. Garcia says MJF had a conversation with him in the back. He says that conversation lit a fire under him and he saw himself as a pillar of AEW rather than a background character. MJF told Garcia that with enough wins, Tony Khan would allow him to challenge for the World Title. Garcia said that when he got that match, it was one of the most embarrassing moments of his life, since it didn’t go his way. Garcia says he knows what he needs to do now to become a backbone for the company instead. Garcia thanks MJF for making him see that.

MJF says he didn’t come out to trash-talk Buffalo. He’s out there to talk Forbidden Door. MJF said that he has a question for Garcia and thanks him for talking good about him. MJF says they both have a whole lot of bark and a whole lot of bite and tells Garcia he didn’t run away from the grind; he is the grind. MJF challenges Garcia to a match at All In at Wembley Stadium.

AEW International Champion Will Ospreay is out and talks up Garcia more. Ospreay says Garcia will have a shot at the AEW World Championship next week….MJF looks mad and Garcia tells him he has a big opportunity next week and should focus on that.

Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana were watching the whole thing backstage. Strickland says Ospreay is putting the cart before the horse offering title shots before he even wins it. Swerve says Ospreay better hold up his end of the bargain tonight in their tag match against The Gates of Agony.

Blackpool Combat Club(Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta) VS LIJ (Shingo Takagi, Titan, and Hiromu Takahashi)

Danielson is on commentary for this match. Shingo put Moxley and Castagnoli down, then hits a Brainbuster on Yuta. Takahashi moved in the match and had a good exchange with Yuta. Takahashi with a Death Valley Driver for a 2-count.

Takahashi hits Yuta with a Clothesline. Moxley returned to the ring with a chair, which he slammed over the back of Takahashi and the match is called.

Winners via DQ: LIJ (Shingo Takagi, Titan, and Hiromu Takahashi)

After the match, Tetsuya Naito is out and he brawls with Jon Moxley, Back in the ring, Takagi attacks Wheeler Yuta’s head. This takes Bryan Danielson out of the commentary desk to confront the LIJ Man. Danielson and Tagaki have a face to face in the middle of the ring.

Owen Hart Foundation Tournament Quarterfinal Match: Jay White vs. Rey Fenix

Fenix ran across the top rope and threw a kick at White, then follows that up with a Frog Splash. Fenix then hits a Huracanrana for another 2-count. White came back with a DDT and then followed that up with a Brainbuster for a near fall. White with a Uranage Slam for another 2-count. White looks for the Bladerunner, but Fenix countered into a rollup for another 2-count. White came right back with another Bladerunner attempt that Fenix avoided. Fenix with a Round kick at White, but White countered into the Bladerunner and gets the win.

Winner: Jay White

Bullet Club Gold celebrate until The Patriarchy comes out. Jay White offers Christian Cage to get into the ring, but Cage walks away.

Matthew and Nicholas Jackson are backstage and Nicholas says he has a temper and Private Party took advantage of them last week. He says it won’t happen when the titles are on the line. Matthew Jackson announces that the wild card pick for the Owen Hart Foundation Tournament was handpicked by The Elite and they will win the whole tournament and bring the World Championship back to The Elite at All In.

The Acclaimed Speak…

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn come to the ring and Max Caster says they exposed The Young Bucks last week. Anthony Bowens says he heard what Nicholas said, and he doesn’t want to hear any excuses because when they cash in their title shot, The Acclaimed will be two-time AEW Tag Team Champions.

The Young Bucks and Kazuchika Okada interrupt. Okada says scissor me, bitch.  Nicholas Jackson says they are out there to conduct some business and challenge The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn to a trios match at Forbidden Door. Billy Gunn says he knows how to deal with EVPs and he knows a President….a video airs announcing that Hiroshi Tanahashi will team with The Acclaimed as Scissor Ace.

Mark Briscoe, Orange Cassidy, and Kyle O’Reilly are backstage with Renee Paquette. Briscoe says he has two shoulders and only one title so he needs to add the TNT Title to his collection on Sunday. Kyle O’Reilly cuts a promo on Zack Sabre Jr., and Briscoe goes off….

Toni Storm, Mariah May, and Mina Shirakawa VS Saraya, Harley Cameron, and Anna Jay

Cameron with control of May before Storm tagged in and hit Saraya with a hip attack. Shirakawa tagged was in, but bickered with Storm. Saraya kicked Shirakawa and tagged out to Cameron. Cameron with a Backstabber on Shirakawa, but May broke up the pin attempt. Shirakawa hit a back fist on Cameron and then hits her Mina Driver on Jay for the win.

Winners: Toni Storm, Mariah May, and Mina Shirakawa

After the match, Mariah May tried to smooth things over between Mina and Storm. Mina tries to hit Toni with the champagne bottle but accidentally hits Mariah instead. Storm was not happy!

A video package plays, hyping the title for title match at Forbidden Door between Mercedes Moné and Stephanie Vaquer

Mercedes Moné is backstage wanted to know where Stephanie Vaquer was when she showed up in CMLL and kicked her ass? Moné says she knows Vaquer has a match on Collision this Saturday and she will be there.

The Learning Tree Teaches…

Chris Jericho, Big Bill, and Bryan Keith come to the ring ans Big Bill says Bryan Keith was injured last week by Samoa Joe, HOOK, and Katsuyori Shibata. Bill says when one door closes another door opens…a forbidden one. Chris Jericho says he’s in AEW to help the young guys. Jericho says they found a third man to replace Keith this Sunday and it’s Minoru Suzuki. Minoru Suzuki says Jericho misunderstood him, and he doesn’t want to team with them; he wants to face Chris Jericho. Suzuki says he wants nothing to do with The Learning Tree and challenges Jericho for the FTW Championship at Forbidden Door.

Samoa Joe, HOOK, and Katsuyori Shibata come out. Joe makes fun of The Learning Tree. Shibata says “oh brother, this guy sucks”. Jericho slaps Joe, and he Joe with a headbutt as TLT get beat up and run to the back.

Zack Sabre Jr. VS Kyle O’Reilly

Gabe Kidd was shown in the crowd with Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, and Roderick Strong. O’Reilly caught Sabre’s leg, but Sabre slapped O’Reilly a few times. O’Reilly hits back, but Sabre took him down with a Crossarm Breaker and then turned that into a Triangle which made O’Reilly tapped out.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr

Orange Cassidy goes to the ring to check on Kyle O’Reilly, but The Undisputed Kingdom pushes him out of the way to check on him instead. Zack Sabre Jr. and Orange Cassidy face off. TMDK shows up and surround Cassidy. Tomohiro Ishii is out to help Cassidy

Will Ospreay and Swerve Strickland (w/ Prince Nana) VS The Gates of Agony

Late in the match, Ospreay set up Kaun for a Tiger Driver, but he opted out of it. Ospreay winds up kicking Kaun, who ducked it and ends up hitting Swerve off the apron. Swerve then with a kick that Ospreay ducked and it ended up taking out Kaun.

Ospreay hit the OsCutter on Liona for a nearfall. Kaun returned to the ring and Swerve snapped his arm. Meanwhile, Ospreay hit Liona with the Hidden Blade for the win.

Winners: Will Ospreay and Swerve Strickland

Swerve and Ospreay go face-to-face again. Ospreay snatched the AEW World Championship belt. Swerve with a kick to the back of Ospreay’s leg and then hit him with the House Call kick. Swerve picked up his title belt and put it over his shoulder while standing over Ospreay….


Steve Argintaru’s AEW Dynamite in Buffalo Photo Gallery