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iMPACT: The System celebrate as Moose’s next match is announced

Greetings and salutations! We are days removed from Against all Odds and tonight’s TNA Impact will feature the fallout. Tonight’s main event will be a Chicago street fight between Frankie Kazarian and Ace Steel. After crossing the line on Tuesday’s NXT, Kazarian helped eliminate Hendry from the no. 1 contender battle royal and tonight he will take on Ace Steel in a Chicago Street Fight. Also tonight we will see footage from the first date between PCO and Steph De Lander. With all this and more, let’s get to the action.

This week’s episode of TNA iMPACT kicks off with a recap of last Friday’s Against All Odds.

The System Talks

The System come to the ring to celebrate their recent successes. Alisha Edwards says people should be grateful for witnessing history. She calls The System is the most dominant force in professional wrestling. Eddie Edwards says they are the number one supergroup in the world of pro wrestling. Brian Myers asks how many more people The System are going to have to beat up to prove their point.

Johnny “Dango” Curtis, says he was sitting at home for three months being underappreciated and then claims to be one of the best pro wrestlers in the entire world. Dango recalls The Systems individual accomplishments and says everyone in the group has his back and promises Moose that he can trust him…

Santino Marella comes out and gives The System credit. Marella then says there will be a Road to Slammiversary tournament over the next few weeks, where five wrestlers will end up facing Moose for the TNA Heavyweight Championship in a6-waymatch. Marella ends things off by scheduling Dango versus Ryan Nemeth later on tonight.

Chris Bey and Ace Austin are in the back and happy that they are finally back on the winning column at Against All Odds. Ace Austin says they need one more win before they can face The System for the TNA World Tag Team Titles.

We see a TNA digital exclusive with Frankie Kazarian outside of the WWE Performance Center post NXT where he blames the loss of the Battle Royal to Joe Hendry.

Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat) VS The Hex (Allysin Kay &Marti Belle)

The Hex cut the ring in half and keep Threat in their half. The Hex with quick tags. Threat is able to escape the clutches of The Hex to get the hot tag into her parther, Dani Luna. She was able to clean house and ends things off with a dive from the apron to ringside on The Hex.

Kay comes right back with a Back Suplex on Luna. The Hex team up again, but Luna avoids some moves and lifts Belle up for the Torture Rack but turns it into a Double Team Hammer for the win.

Winners: Spitfire (Dani Luna & Jody Threat)

Alan Angels  is joined by KUSHIDA backstage. They play a recap of KUSHIDA’s current issues with Jonathan Gresham including taking a sample of Gresham’s mist. Angels asks KUSHIDA to explain what he just saw. KUSHIDA says Gresham is making everyone sick, and he’s going to figure out the cure. Angels accuses him of trying to sell a fake cure which leads to KUSHIDA getting in his face and challenging him to a match on iMPACT next week.

Frankie Kazarian defeated Ace Steel in a Chicago Street Fight

The two start the match at ringside. Steel controls the early parts with a few Suplexes on a trach can. They end up bac kat ringside, and Kazarian comes back and chokes Steel with the cameraman’s cord. He throws chairs, street signs and a kendo stick into the ring and heads back in after Steel. Kazarian goes for a chair shot, but Steel avoids it and it bounces off the ropes and onto his own head.

Steel beats Kazarian with the kendo stick. Kazarian manages to come back and puts Steel’s arm through a chair and attempts a leg drop off the ropes, but Steel escapes. Steel gets up and hits a Neck-Breaker onto a chair. Kazarian is back and hits Fade To Black on Steel on a pile of chairs and ends up getting the pinfall win.

Winner: Frankie Kazarian

After the match, Kazarian locks the Chicken Wing on Steel. Someone said his name and he appeard! Joe Hendry makes the save.

Mustafa Ali is backstage with Champagne Singh. Ali demands they put together a team to figure out who leaked that video with the horrible audio from Against All Odds. Ali says he will deliver a State of the Union address next week on TNA iMPACT.

Love is in the air…

We get a table and chair set up in the ring as De Lander and PCO come out. De Lander tries talking to PCO, but he just mumbles. PCO drinks a vase full of black gunk and De Lander tries some but says it’s too strong. De Lander wants to take a photo “for the gram.”

PCO has a plate of black spaghetti and De Lander shows him how to use utensils. First Class is out and AJ Francis calls them love at first fright and offers a toast to eternal undead love. AJ throws a drink at PCO’s face while Rich Swann super kicks him. Francis shoves De Lander down and hits PCO with a death valley driver.

Swann ties up PCO to the middle rope in the corner and stomps him with some kicks. De Lander slaps AJ Francis and Francis grabs her by the throat and chokeslams De Lander through the table as PCO watches on.

Ash by Elegance VS Heather Reckless

Ash By Elegance dominates most of the match, but Reckless eventually gets in some offense. As Reckless sets up for a Spanish fly on the top rope, Iceman holds Ash’s leg, causing Reckless to fall hard on the mat. Ash hits Rarified Air for the win.

Winner: Ash by Elegance

After the match, Ash beats down Reckless and looks to hit a Juggernaut Driver. Out comes Jordynne Grace who beats down Ash and hits a Juggernaut Driver of her own. Iceman attacks Grace from behind to no sell it and backs him up to the corner. Ash attacks and takes down Grace and poses with the belt.

Jordynne Grace is backstage and MAD. Grace is upset about what Ash By Elegance did at NXT Battleground and tonight. Grace says she’s going to talk to Santino Marella as its time to finally settle things.

Johnny “Dango” Curtis VS Ryan Nemeth

Not too long and after some back-and-forth action, Dango hits his top-rope leg drop for the win.

Winner: Johnny “Dango” Curtis

After the match, Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers are out to celebrate with JDC. They then attack Ryan until Nic Nemeth runs out to make the save.

Road To Slammiversary Qualifying Match:Josh Alexander VS Eric Young

The two shake hands and after some back and forth early on, the two fight on the apron and Alexander knocks Young down. Alexander runs the ropes and hits a Body Press through the ropes onto the floor.  Alexander goes for a top-rope moonsault but Young moves and Young runs to the top rope. Alexander chases him and Young knocks him down and hits a flying elbow.  Young wants to hit a Piledriver, but Alexander turns it into an ankle lock. Young escapes and hits a Young Blood neck-breaker. Young finally hits that Piledriver and goes for pin, but Alexander gets a foot on the bottom rope to break the count.

The two end up on the top rope again and Young looks for a Piledriver, but Alexander once again avoids it and turns it into an Ankle Lock. Young fights and kicks his way out and gets a rollup for a 2-count. Young with a Discus Clothesline, but Alexander with a Back Elbow followed by a Forearm. Alexander hits the C4 Spike to advance to Slammiversary.

Winner: Josh Alexander

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