It’s a good day to be an NXT wrestler rather than a victim on Monday Night Raw. As announced by Cody Rhodes last week, a 25-man battle royal will determine NXT Champion Trick Williams’ next challenger at Heatwave on July 7 in Toronto, Ontario – which involves participants from not only NXT, but “other locker rooms” like TNA at the drop of a name.

25-Man Battle Royal

Following “Young OG” Je’Von Evans’ cold-open entrance, the highly-anticipated WWE debut of Joe Hendry gets Orlando believing. He grabs the mic, vowing to bring the NXT Championship back to TNA, before Ethan Page enters face-to-face with him as the final competitor. But Oro Mensah once again jumps him, and the remaining field gangs on Hendry for TNA’s Frankie Kazarian to bafflingly eliminate the fan-favorite almost immediately. “Bulls-” chants ring out while Tony D’Angelo gets some shine, and Shawn Spears dumps out Eddy Thorpe thereafter.

Damon Kemp inadvertently eliminates No Quarter Catch Crew leader Charlie Dempsey before Kazarian takes out both him and Myles Borne. And before picture-in-picture, Smackdown duo Angel and Berto eliminate rival Apollo Crews, who can’t catch a break anywhere. Ridge Holland absorbs big jeers from a standing audience for taking out Dante Chen, but Tank Ledger is opposingly praised for ending Angel’s run – who had just eliminated Lexis King.

“Big Strong Boi” Tyler Bate stands tall with an Airplane Spin on Ledger, and Nathan Frazer makes lightning-quick work of D’Angelo. He’s out-striked by RAW’s Dragon Lee on the apron before a crafty Bate eliminates Holland, but veteran Spears ends his run. The final four represent different shares of the wrestling world: Spears, Kazarian, Lee, and Evans. “Young OG” whips Kazarian over the top and goes suplex-for-suplex with Lee in a deserved, exciting “fighting spirit” moment. A possum-playing Spears takes out Lee, but Evans catches his springboard attempt with a superkick that precedes the final elimination. 20-year-old Evans bounces back from rival Spears to become number-one contender for the NXT Championship in his rapid rise to the top.

Winner: Je’Von Evans


Fallon Henley walks in on women’s locker room chatter, claiming she deserves a championship match more than anyone else. Sol Ruca, the one who legitimately does have a shot, quietly walks away from the college drama.

NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez interrupts Lola Vice’s training session, and the former clarifies that she doesn’t trust anyone. Vice, however, is willing to cooperate before eyeing the gold. 

Chase University hypes up Ridge Holland’s performance in the battle royal, and Thea Hail grants him a signature red Chase U shirt. The Good Brothers step in, describing the acceptance symbol as “brute to a nerd.” Duke Hudson holds Hail back, but an in-ring settlement is in the distance.

Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson vs Jacy Jayne and Jazmyn Nyx vs Lola Vice and Roxanne Perez

The triple-threat tag stems from a messy ending to last week’s episode, but the talent is there individually. Speaking of messy, rules allow three competitors in at all times, but that’s loosely applied anyhow. Back from break, the makeshift duo of Vice and Perez take control before powerhouse Legend takes out the field singlehandedly. Nyx drops her with a Pele Kick, Vice connects with a spinning backfist on Jackson, but Perez steals the momentum with her own Pop Rox for victory. Vice raises her partner’s arm with a smile, but Perez sticks to D.T.A. with an odd backfist right to the shoulder.

Winners: Lola Vice and Roxanne Perez


Ethan Page storms into Ava’s office to complain about Oro Mensah’s interference, and confident winner Je’Von Evans offers to have one more match tonight. After, Women’s North American Champion Kehlani Jordan walks through glaring challengers, but Sol Ruca has her back.

Michin vs Kehlani Jordan (c) – Women’s North American Champion

The Good Brothers appear ringside to support veteran Michin, who is dived onto before picture-in-picture following a sequence that blatantly relies on Jordan’s gymnastics background. The champion makes a comeback and foils Michin’s reversals, eventually hitting a Poison Rana to a dazed audience. OTM squares with The Good Brothers while Jaida Parker interferes against Michin, allowing Jordan to capitalize with a split-legged moonsault for victory. The decision to crown her becomes more questionable by the week; at this stage in her career, she just doesn’t have the sauce.

Winner: Kehlani Jordan


In a backstage interview, Page contends he was never eliminated in the battle royal and lists his grievances with Evans, Trick Williams, and Oro Mensah – curiously a day before Juneteenth, although he is Canadian. 

A vignette for former Eastern Michigan University volleyball player Izzi Dame highlights her athletic background, introducing the derogatory term narc: non-athletic regular people.

NXT Tag Team Champions Axiom and Nathan Frazer’s dissension continues, as the latter’s exploration of more opportunities grows. The D’Angelo Family’s Luca Crusifino offers him a contract for a Heritage Cup Championship match, which Frazer immediately signs.

Tatum Paxley’s match at TNA Against All Odds is highlighted, where she lost to TNA Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace in a quite lopsided tradeoff by NXT.

North American Champion Oba Femi enters the ring to summarize his success at NXT Battleground, but challenger Wes Lee arrives, stating he wasn’t pinned. He and the audience are quickly distracted by Brooks Jensen’s appearance in the stands, and security scurries to suppress him. Meanwhile, Lee stakes a claim that isn’t paid attention to, and Femi offers him his final opportunity at the gold – which doesn’t fare well for the “Kardiac Kid.”

Hank Walker tells Tank Ledger he’s medically cleared from his shoulder injury, and the latter aims for New Catch Republic as their reintroduction into the tag division.

Charlie Dempsey brings Tavion Heights into No Quarter Catch Crew’s lair of sorts, hoping to add him into the ranks. He easily accepts. “Playing hardball, aren’t you?” Dempsey responds, and issues a challenge against Damon Kemp next week to officially be accepted. Once again, the comedy chops run in the family.

NXT Anonymous catches Gallus moaning about Wes Lee’s new opportunity before Tyriek Igwe and Tyson Dupont jump them for a lick back dating weeks ago.

Fallon Henley vs Carlee Bright

Bright is accompanied by Kendal Grey, who is another addition to the miscellaneous cheery blonde division. As the action spills ringside, Wendy Choo appears behind Grey and puts her to sleep, similar to how the crowd reacts to this match. Henley finally connects with the Shining Wizard for the pinfall, which Vic Joseph is forced to call a “massive win.”

Winner: Fallon Henley


In the parking lot, Eddy Thorpe remains optimistic about his opportunities. “NXT is hot right now, and I wanna be in the middle of it,” he says. After, Trick Williams congratulates Je’Von Evans in the training room as the challenger’s ribs are retaped. The NXT Champion warns Evans about Ethan Page and labels him an outsider, and the two dap up before tonight’s main event.

Chase University vs The O.C.

Andre Chase and Duke Hudson stick up for Ridge Holland, who spectates ringside alongside Thea Hail. In the opposing corner is Michin, who joins The Good Brothers’ many battles against Chase U and OTM, and big Luke Gallows gains control over the professor. Duke Hudson makes the comeback that the opposition miraculously takes, and a roll-up with assistance from Holland lends Chase U the victory.

Winners: Chase University


Ariana Grace steps in line for Kehlani Jordan’s Women’s North American Championship, but the champion instead requests Sol Ruca as her next challenger. Ava and Robert Stone tell Grace to back her smack talk, making a match against Ruca official for next week.

Thea Hail gives a peppy congratulations to Chase University, but Andre Chase is suspicious about Ridge Holland and Duke Hudson’s dirty tactics. Then, Fallon Henley, Jacy Jayne, and Jazmyn Nyx complain about Ruca jumping the line – adding to an unbearable number of complaints from the roster tonight. 

Je’Von Evans vs Ethan Page

NXT Champion Trick Williams joins commentary to give Orlando its “whoop that trick” fix for the night. Page immediately targets Evans’ injured ribs, and “Young OG” suffers until he reverses Ego’s Edge with a hurricanrana and superkick. Page takes control through picture-in-picture and follows with more uninspiring offense, but Evans makes a bouncy comeback for a two-count. Page trips Evans at the top though, leading to Ego’s Edge for the victory against the number-one contender. 

Winner: Ethan Page


Shawn Spears picks up the scraps of Evans, and Williams attempts to save his challenger before Page joins in for a two-on-one assault. But with an aerial view, Evans bounces back with his signature springboard cutter, leaving all four men down at show’s end to foreshadow the real headlining match at NXT Heatwave.


NXT 6/18/24

Orlando, FL

Besides Joe Hendry’s inexplicably short battle royal run, the key people tonight were presented well and often, and 20-year-old Je’Von Evans’ decision to sign with NXT continues to pay off. But bluntly, the majority of this show was a bore with miscellaneous trainees who aren’t impressive enough for national television.