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iMPACT: A Hardy family reunion at the compound

Greetings and salutations all! It’s the go-home show for TNA Against All Odds and on this week’s show we will see the Nemeth brothers take on ABC. Also on the show Mike Santana will take on the Zachary Wentz one-on-one. Ash by Elegance will also be in action. With all of this and more, let’s get straight to the action!

The show kicked off with a video recap from last week’s show including the message from “Broken” Matt Hardy that ended the 20th anniversary show last Thursday.

Mike Santana VS Zachary Wentz

Trey Miguel tried to interfere, but Santana caught on and chased him around ringside. This distraction opened the door for Wentz to hit a top-rope Moonsault to Santana on the floor. Back in the ring, Wentz hits a tunning Shooting Star for a 2-count. Santana makes a brief comeback, but Wentz takes back control of the match. Trey Miguel with some help from the outside including a choke on Santana. Santana fights back hits a Death Valley Driver.

Santana and Wentz trade shot back-and-forth until Wentz hits a headlock DDT (BFT). Steve Maclin is out and stops Trey Miguel from getting involved again. Santana hits Spin The Block for the win.

Winner: Mike Santana

After the match, Santana and Maclin stare each other down.

Mustafa Ali Interview

Ali talks about the forefathers of the X-Division and claims to be all about fairness and equal opportunity. He talks about the diverse roster. Ali is then asked about his cheating ways, but fumbles through the answers as he talks about his win/loss record. He ignores a question about losing in tag-team action last week. He is then asked about “Speedball” Mike Bailey and Trent Seven, but Ali doesn’t want to answer. His people interject and say time is up.

Moose is warned by Eddie Edwards about bad things happening at The Hardy Compound. Moose isn’t concerned at all. Masha Slamovich approaches Alisha Edwards, who doesn’t want to talk right now. The Hex then chat with Slamovich to set up their upcoming match.

Marti Belle (W/ Allysin Kay) VS Masha Slamovich

Kay gets involved by choking Slamovich over the ropes. Kay tries to help again to give Belle help with a pin, but the referee catches it. Belle rolls Slamovich up again, and Kay leans on her for help and Belle gets the win with Kay’s help.

Winner: Marti Belle

Backstage, Steph De Lander says she’s gonna give PCO her response at Against All Odds. First Class walk by and are loud. PCO is shown in the background.

Gia Miller is standing on the entrance ramp and introduces the First Class duo of AJ Francis and Rich Swann. AJ is asked about defeating Laredo Kid last week to become the new TNA Digital Media Champion, but she brings up Swann’s help and asks if it taints the win. The lights go out and when they come back on, PCO is standing behind First Class. PCO attacks Francis and Swann attacked PCO from behind to a no sell, and got hit for his efforts. Security came out. PCO picks up the rose Francis dropped earlier which was meant for De Lander.

Dani Luna VS Tasha Steelz

Luna with a Clothesline to get control of the match, followed by a huge Drop Kick. Luna then hits a Power Bomb for a 2-count. Luna attemps a Luna Landing, but Steelz rakes the eyes to escape. Steelz with a big kick on Luna, followed by a corner move for a 2-count. Steelz wraps both of Luna’s arms up in a submission, but Luna gets her foot on the bottom rope for the break.

Luna connects with a Blue Thunder bomb and goes for the Luna Landing, but again doesn’t get it. After a few counters, Luna finally hits the Luna Landing for the win.

Winner: Dani Luna

Joe Hendry is backstage with Gia Miller and says he wants tobreak the glass ceiling, but needs to find someone to help him become the best in the world. Hendry brings in Ace Steel, who says he believes in Joe Hendry. Steel also says he will help make him a made guy. Frankie Kazarian comes in and has some words for Hendry and Steel. Steel brings up a match at Against All Odds and both agree.

The Hardy Compound…

The System arrives at the Hardy Compound. They enter through the back, thinking its safer. Matt Hardy is there and says he doesn’t know why they would come through the back as they would still be detected. Hardy wants to introduce them to his family, but Moose scoffs them off.

The System walks and fireworks were set off. Brian Myers goes into some kind of weird trance over a Matt Hardy action figure. Myers ends up in some arcade room and chases Maxell out of the room. Myers goes into Hardy’s ring, but a skeleton Spears him. Maxell jumped from the ladder onto Myers.

Edwards turns into a werewolf and howls at the moon. Alisha Edwards is greeted by Rebecca and the Gothic Baby. Alisha says she just wants to find The System and get out of there. Gothic Baby shoots black shreds of paper onto her.


Moose is outside looking for Matt. One of Hardy’s kids says he’ll lead him to him but disappears. Moose finds Matt’s childhood home. That is when Hardy attacks Moose and throws him in the chair of wheels.

Reby has Alisha trapped in a guillotine and it appeared as though she chops her head off. Matt throws Moose into the lake of reincarnation, and turns into an NFL player. Vanguard One distracts Moose. Hardy hits a Twist of Fate. The System then get transported outside of the Compound all in on piece. Moose says he’s going to kill Matt Hardy tomorrow at Against All Odds.

Ash By Elegance VS Jada Stone

Rosemary is shown doing her best Sting impersonation in the rafters. Ash and Jada lock-up to start their match. Ash throws Jada to the corner and uses her acrobatics to hit some moves. The two end up at ringside, and later on Ash By Elegance is rocked in the corner with a kick by Stone. Stone goes for a Moonsault, but Ash got the double knees up. Ash with a Clothesline, followed by a Rarified Air for the pin.

Winner: Ash by Elegance

Jonathan Gresham is shown giving the camera a “thumbs up / thumbs down” message to Sami Callihan.

Jordynne Grace says she is disappointed about losing at NXT Battleground. She says she should have known Ash By Elegance would have interfered. Grace then issues an open challenge to anyone in WWE, MLW, AAA, STARDOM or the independent scene. Grace ends the promo off by saying nothing can stop ‘The Juggernaut.’

Nic Nemeth and Ryan Nemeth VS ABC (Chris Bey and Ace Austin)

After a 50/50 afair, Austin takes control and hits Nic with a kick that rocked him hard. All four men end up in the ring at the same time and its pandemonium 2024. Bey takes out Ryan, and he and Ace hit Nic with Double-team moves. After a kick-brainbuster combo from ABC, we get a near fall that is broken up by Ryan. Ryan tags in and hits a big DDT to Austin. Nic with a Thrust Kick on Bey. Bey sends Ryan over the ropes, and hits a over the rope splash at ringside.

Nic rolls Austin up, but Austin kicks out. Austin blocks a super kick and does a face-stomp for another near fall. Bey and Austin go for the 1-2-Sweet, but Ryan holds Ace’s foot from ringside. Ryan helps Nic hit Danger Zone for the huge win before Against All Odds.

Winners: Nic Nemeth and Ryan Nemeth

The Nemeth brothers celebrate as TNA iMPACT ends.

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