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NXT: Trick Williams invites Cody Rhodes to the cookout

The achievements continue for Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes, who visited NXT tonight with a dose of star power. He greeted NXT Champion Trick Williams and announced a 25-man battle royal next week to determine the number-one contender for the title, along with reacquainting himself with three of those participants: Shawn Spears, Ethan Page, and Lexis King.

Page lost his debut match against Williams on Sunday at Battleground, which was an event otherwise highlighted by strong showings from the women’s division. Tonight’s episode couldn’t deliver on that bar, specifically from the leading two belt holders. The inaugural Women’s North American Champion Kehlani Jordan, whose young career was harped over on commentary, entered to a warm welcome but smothered over “you deserve it” chants with forced dialogue. The interruption from trash-talking Jaida Parker was a heavy contrast, and Michin quickly blindsided her after getting name-dropped.

Jaida Parker vs Michin

“Say her name, she shall appear,” Vic Joseph says. Michin gets an aggressive start, but Parker finally reverses a senton that precedes her signature hip drop. She retains control after break with a veteran in-ring presence that makes Michin’s comeback look clunky. The Good Brothers show up ringside supporting their O.C. sister, and Karl Anderson steals a steel chair from Parker, allowing Michin to score with a roll-up for three. “OTM” chants foreshadow an evening of odds, and hopefully the team that’s next up in line.

Winner: Michin


New Catch Republic offers to team with Wes Lee tonight after Gallus’ three-on-one attack at Battleground. Giving Lee backup that isn’t TNA’s Rascalz is asking for disappointment.

In the classroom, Chase University argues amongst themselves over Ridge Holland’s lack of trustworthiness until Thea Hail interjects, “Everyone, shut the f- up and sit down!” She scrutinizes each member for a teachable moment, notably mentioning canceled plans for Duke Hudson to turn on Andre Chase – until he actually did become the school’s MVP.

Gallus vs Wes Lee and New Catch Republic

“Big Strong Boi” and “Bruiserweight” chants welcome home two NXT staples, and signature joint manipulation and an airplane spin play like greatest hits. Gallus controls through picture-in-picture, and Lee’s agile comeback rides a hot crowd. Pete Dunne snaps some fingers, and Tyler Bate hits an outside dive in an exciting sequence that ends with Joe Coffey’s Northern Bells, giving Gallus the win over Lee. Shawn Michaels has found his new favorite green-clad faction.

Winners: Gallus


Jaida Parker speaks her mind to OTM about Michin, promising to run her out of NXT. After, Malik Blade and Edris Enofe are suspicious about a returning Wendy Choo, but obliviously happy Brinley Reece isn’t fazed.

Booker T comically stares down Vic Joseph after hearing 33-year-old Jamahal Hill has watched him his entire life. Speaking of UFC, a mini-doc of Sol Ruca’s day at the UFC Apex recaps an emotional return from injury and a spectacular showing in the opening ladder match.

Brinley Reece vs Wendy Choo

The former Mei Ying, Choo, can’t escape from spooky gimmicks, rebranding from slumber parties to nightmares. Reece’s offense does little damage, and Choo quickly puts her to sleep. Optimistically, if Choo crosses between the two sides of dream street, it’ll make her much more dynamic.

Winner: Wendy Choo


Oro Mensah’s three off-screen attacks on Ethan Page are recapped, which leads to NXT General Manager Ava fining and banning him from the building on X. After, Byron Saxton catches up with NXT Champion Roxanne Perez to announce her address of the women’s division – which she refuses to elaborate on to Robert Stone.

Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes enters to screaming, standing fans, signing ringside autographs like the superstar he is. He vows to make AJ Styles say “I quit” this Saturday before NXT Champion Trick Williams interrupts to an equally rowdy ovation. Williams asks for advice on being the hunted, and Rhodes suggests another shiny mountain he can climb. The latter then announces a 25-man battle royal next week, on behalf of Ava, to determine Williams’ next challenger. “Some of them may be from different locker rooms,” he says to an ecstatic audience, and an unbothered Williams asks if Rhodes is “coming to the cookout” on July 4; famous civil rights activist Rhodes accepts!

Carlee Bright chats with miscellaneous trainees in the locker room before meeting the new Wendy Choo to no response. The next batch of those trainees are introduced in the front row, WWE’s 2024 NIL Class.

Lexis King vs Dante Chen – Singapore Cane Match

In an interview beforehand, Chen threatens to tattoo King, and he delivers before the bell. This is like Monster’s Ball for Singaporians, and Booker T doesn’t wish the pain on his worst enemy – “Not even you, Vic. Not even you!” King gets the upper hand, swinging and choking, and those NIL signees get a front-row view of their new future. Chen destroys a cane in return to hearty “NXT” chants, but a king’s scepter from King leads to the Coronation for three. In a rough-around-the-edges (emphasis on rough) brawl, King wins a solid TV feud that ultimately benefited both.

Winner: Lexis King


Cody Rhodes gifts Jacy Jayne his “undashing” face mask, although her current black one is a little more stylish. After, the same Eddy Thorpe vignette plays for the third time this week.

Michin tells The Good Brothers she’s first in line for Kehlani Jordan’s Women’s North American Championship, and they celebrate potential double gold as AJ Styles competes for the Undisputed WWE Championship this Saturday.

Tavion Heights vs Eddy Thorpe

Cameras barely catch Brooks Jensen grabbing Vic Joseph, and the rogue angle is handled fairly well. Meanwhile, Thorpe returns to in-ring action against a big, athletic rookie in Heights, who shines for longer than expected. But Thorpe comes back with an elbow drop and Impaler DDT for the victory, “back on the warpath” as described by Joseph.

Winner: Eddy Thorpe


No Quarter Catch Crew watches the monitors, and an impressed Charlie Dempsey orders Myles Borne to “go get” Tavion Heights. Damon Kemp isn’t interested in a new member, but Dempsey reminds him of his two losses to The D’Angelo Family. “Go get him,” he says again to legitimately deaf Borne.

Stevie Turner snitches on Roxanne Perez, telling Ava that the NXT Women’s Champion plans on asking for an in-ring apology tonight.

Je’Von Evans vs Shawn Spears

Tonight’s main event spawns from Evans’ whooping given to Spears last week, which featured an unbelievable springboard cutter from the 20-year-old prodigy. More than double his age, Spears plays fodder – his specialty – to Evans’ bouncy offense but gains control through picture-in-picture. He scouts the cutter and connects with a DDT, but Evans inevitably hits it and follows with two more great dives. Spears sidesteps another that brutally sends Evans into the corner of the announce desk, allowing the former to hit DVD for the win that audibly disappoints Orlando.

Winner: Shawn Spears


The D’Angelo Family ironically attempts to give Nathan Frazer, Axiom, Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne a history lesson on European wrestling’s Heritage Cup. Frazer eyes the cup too hard, and Axiom worries about the NXT Tag Team Champion’s priorities.

Cody Rhodes encounters old friends Shawn Spears, Ethan Page, and Lexis King consecutively like an elite reunion, and all three confidently stake their claims at next week’s battle royal. “Seems like you guys are in a good place,” Rhodes says.

NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez steps into the literal spotlight for the State of The Women’s Division Address. She indeed brings out NXT General Manager Ava for an apology, but following her are Jazmyn Nyx and Jacy Jayne, who wears both her and Rhodes’ face masks. Out comes Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson to credit Meta-Four for the division’s success, and Lola Vice appears next to state she’s on a different level. A brawl breaks out that leaves Perez and Vice standing without definitive reason or conclusion to the champion’s address segment.


NXT 6/11/24

Orlando, FL

Nothing Roxanne Perez does is believable, and a rocky first start for Kehlani Jordan drops off a stellar weekend for the women’s division. The rookie men tonight had moments of shine, and it was expectedly Cody Rhodes that made up for star power tonight.

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