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New GCW Champion crowned…and it isn’t Joey Janela…Whew!

Effy puts Warner through the cage. Courtesy: GCW, Triller TV.

After more false finishes that I have ever seen in any match ever Mance “Southern Psycho” Warner is your new GCW World Champion. Warner cashed his Do Or Die Rumble reward to beat new champion Joey Janela at GCW Cage of Survival 3.

While the finish of the Gauntlet of Survival to determine a new champion was more overbooked more than your last flight with Frontier Airlines we must all send Warner our eternal thanks for saving us from the Fifth Plane of Hell that would have been Janela as GCW World Champion.

The Southern Psycho is your new champion. Courtesy: GCW, Triller TV.

But, before we got to that Warner and his former best buddy Effy settled their feud once and for all in a Cage of Survival Match.

GCW Cage of Survival 3 Results

Our show opens with a video of  two hooded dudes making their way through a hotel hallway. We won’t bother to wonder why there were cameras following them or a camera in Janela’s hotel room either but the intruders give Janela a beating he will never forget then escape like thieves in the night. Sadly, this isn’t the last we see of Janela.

Effy versus Mance Warner – Cage of Survival Match

The Southern Psycho is the first to come out. He’s cussing and fussing with fans as per usual. Elton John and the fans sing Effy to the ring and the cage that is awaiting him. The crowd is solidly behind Effy cheering his name in unison. That pissed off the already pissed off Warner. There are NO rules in this match.

“F–k you, Mance!” is the next big cheer from the fans.

Emil Jay, the ring announcer, is quick to get his ass out of the ring.

Effy wins a slugfest, clotheslining Warner again and again. He suplexes Psycho on his neck. Big boot and Under the Rainbow in a corner. Surprisingly, Effy goes for a pin after a blockbuster. You think he would want to deliver more damage.

Effy mounts Mance in the corner laying in haymakers and a TKO in the middle of the ring. Effy calls for some light tubes. He smashes one over Warner’s head. He rams the jagged edge of another one into Mance’s forehead.

Effy tries to rake Warner’s face into the cage. Warner blocks some of the damage with his gloved hand. Effy trash talks Warner smashing a steel chair over his back.

Effy places a light tube over Warner’s head and head butts the tube. A bloody Warner finally begins to mount some offence with a haymaker, a steel chair and a light tube to Effy’s head. Effy is busted open. Warner lays in a series of haymakers and head butts to bust Effy open even more.

Three running kicks to the head stuns Warner. Both men battle on the top rope. Warner breaks a light tube over Effy’s back. Warner suplexs Effy off the top rope and onto the front part of the cage which is open, folded down, hanging above the floor. Oh, it also had a pane of glass on top of it because…Why not?

Warner gives Effy a Russian Leg Sweep on the cage and a pan of glass cutting open Effy’s arm up pretty bad. Warner gets a two count back in the ring. Effy kicks a steel chair into Warner’s head. He whacks him twice in the head with said chair. Effy sets a door up between two steel chairs. Effy breaks out the lighter fluid. Warner kicks him in the gut and breaks two light tubes over his back to stop him. Warner’s running knee drives Effy into the broken glass covering the mat.

Effy puts Warner through the cage. Courtesy: GCW, Triller TV.

Warner finishes what Effy started. He lights the door on fire slamming Effy through it. Effy kicks out.

“GCW!” chants filled the Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City.

Both men got to their knees hammering on each other. Effy took light tube after light tube over his head shaking them off. Effy tossed Warner some tubes, which he caught. Effy then speared Warner and the tubes.

Effy sets up a chair as Warner is stunned on the top rope after a chair shot. Effy runs off the ropes, jumps off the chair, spears Warner through the cage into a spider net of barbed wire on the floor.

Now, that got and deserved a…”Holy s–t!…chant.

Effy piledrives Warner on the bed of barbed wire. After all that though Effy only gets a two count back in the ring.

Effy and Warner are hurting. Courtesy: GCW, Triller TV.

Effy grabs two panes of glass from outside the ring. He puts one between two chairs and one in a corner. Effy powerbombs him through the glass. Warner spears Effy through the pane of glass sitting in the corner.

Eventually, both men collapse on the canvass which is just covered in glass at this point.

Effy gets a chair across the back. Warner pulls out a screwdriver. He charges across the ring at Effy. Effy ducks. The screwdriver gets stuck in the door. As Warner acts like his hand is glued to the screwdriver Effy breaks light tube after light tube over his back.

The Tower of Doom 2.0. Courtesy: GCW, Triller TV.

Ring attendants (Huh?) build a Tower of Doom 2.0, a three tiered structure out of chairs, doors and panes of glass. The attendants need a tip because they also light the structure on fire for the wrestlers. Will they tag into the match? Let’s wait and see. Effy superplexes Warner through all the fire, glass, wood and steel to win the match.

He may not look like it but Effy is your winner. Courtesy: GCW, Triller TV.

Winner: Effy

Mike Bailey versus Megan Bayne

Megan Bayne had a great run in Stardom recently. With more experience she could really be a force in TNA, WWE or AEW. Bayne is not impressed by all of Bailey’s spin kicks, etc. Bayne does shake Bailey’s hand before they get down to business. Bayne uses her strength to muscle around Bailey. Bayne catches Bailey in mid-air and slams him into a corner. A splash gets her a two count. Bailey rolls to the floor for a time out. Bayne chops Bailey so hard he falls into someone’s lap in the first row. Bayne hoists up Bailey for a suplex carrying him around the ring on the floor. Bailey pushes Bayne into a steel post. Bailey drapes Bayne’s arm over the ring apron for his arm breaker. Bayne kicks out of a Shooting Star Press. Bailey turns a sit-out powerbomb into a submission. Bayne escapes. Bayne chokeslams, tombstones Bailey for the win. She remains undefeated in GCW.

Winner: Megan Bayne

Garbage Daddies versus Kamitani and Ishikawa

Garbage Daddies win with the Electric Chair, double stomp.

Winners: Garbage Daddies

General Manager Matt Cardona comes out with Broski Jimmy and Steph De Lander. Most in attendance give Cardona the finger. Cardona said the GCW World Heavyweight Championship changed his life. He explains the rules of the Gauntlet of Survival match.

Gauntlet of Survival Match

John Wayne Murdoch versus Kasey Catel

Kasey brings a bat with spikes on it to the ring to work over Murdoch. The crowd cheers for Catel. Murdoch is bleeding from his shoulder already. Murdoch uses the bat on her forehead and stomach. Kasey comes up bleeding from the forehead. Murdoch uses the bat to mulch Kasey’s head. Murdoch piledrives Kasey through a door for the win. The crowd booes.

Winner: John Wayne Murdoch

John Wayne Murdoch versus Manders

Murdoch begs for mercy but Manders unleashes chops, haymakers and head butts. Murdoch and Manders end up sitting on chairs in the middle of the ring throwing punches at one another. Manders gets a two count with a running powerslam through a door. Murdoch beats Manders with a brainbuster on a broken door.

Winner: John Wayne Murdoch

John Wayne Murdoch versus Micro Man

Murdoch puts a chair over Man’s throat stomping on it. Murdoch’s brainbuster is countered with small package by Micro Man.

Winner: Micro Man

Micro Man versus Shane Mercer

Mercer pins Micro Man with Moonsault and Battery.

Winner: Shane Mercer

Shane Mercer versus Jordan Oliver

Mercer executes Moonsault and Battery. Oliver rolls up Mercer though for the three count. Mercer hits Oliver with a chair to the back and sends him into the steel ring post. Oliver is busted open.

Winner: Jordan Oliver

Jordan Oliver versus Charles Mason

Mason punches Oliver in the head causing him to bleed even more after that shot to the steel post. Mason takes off his belt choking Oliver with it. A cradle piledriver ends Oliver’s run.

Winner: Charles Mason

Charles Mason versus Nick Gage

Mason is a victim of Nick Gage. Courtesy: GCW, Triller TV.

Cardona gets into the ring. He announces that if Janela doesn’t get to the ring in ten seconds he will be eliminated from the match and Mason is the champion. Janela never makes it out but Nick Gage does! The crowd goes wild! Gage piledrives Mason for a two count. Gage uses a pizza cutter on Mason’s head. Mason lays in the ropes blood streaming out of his head. Gage pins Mason with a Choke Breaker.

Winner: Nick Gage.

Matt Cardona gets on the microphone putting a stop to everything.

“You are not the General Manager. I am the General Manager! Only I can announce who the next entrant is and that is Broski Jimmy!” says Cardona to Gage.

Nick Gage versus Broski Jimmy Lloyd

Broski clocks Gage with his belt. Gage kicks out of an attempted pin. Broski bashes Gage with a steel chair to the head. He gets a two count. Broski sets up a door in a corner. Broski drapes Gage across two steel chairs and a door. Gage clocks Broski as he climbs to the top rope with a steel chair to the head. Gage piledrives Broski through the door. The official is pulled out of the ring by Matt Cardona. Steph De Lander low-blows Gage. Gage kicks out of Radio Silence. Broski spears Gage through a door. A second Radio Silence pins Gage.

Winner: Broski Jimmy Lloyd.

Aw, crap. Janela finally arrives battered, bruised and all taped up.

Joey Janela versus Broski Jimmy Lloyd

Janela super kicks Broski, punches Cardona in the face, dodges Steph De Lander, who goes flying over the top rope. Janela smacks Broski in the head with the championship belt. Janela pins Broski with a Double Stomp from the top rope. Janela is announced as the new champion but…wait for it.

Winner: …and new GCW World Champion, Joey Janella.

Cole Radrick comes out carrying the golden ring which allows him to challenge for the championship at any time. Matt Cardona smiles. Steph De Lander spears Radrick through a door. Janela holds up the championship.

Out of nowhere, Mance Warner comes to the ring. He smashes a steel chair over Janela’s ample back and cashes in his Do Or Die Rumble reward.

Mance Warner versus Joey Janela – GCW World Championship Match

Warner spikes Janela with the Implant DDT on the belt for the victory.

Winner: and new GCW World Champion, Mance Warner.

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