We’re almost closer to The Crockett Cup and we still have more first-round action for the tag team division. Max The Impaler is poised to defend the Undisputed Television Championship, and this is where “Magic” Jake Dumas hopes to pull every trick to take the title from The Warlord of the Wasteland.
We will see that later tonight, as we come to you from the PowerrrStation in Tampa Bay, FL. Joe Galli, Billy Corgan, and Danny Dealz have the call, and your First Match of the Night is…
Thom Latimer vs. Jake Sterling
A mainstay of the Florida scene, we’re told Sterling recently trained as part of the Hart Family Dungeon. As the match gets underway, the upstart Sterling is more than capable of keeping up with the King of All Evil until he gives a throat chop to Latimer. Sterling keeps grounded until he fights up to a vertical base. Latimer receives a pop-up forearm to the head that sends him to the outside. Sterling tosses him back in and covers, but he manages to grab the bottom ropes. Sterling cinches a headlock, but a jawbreaker stops that. Latimer then connects with an atomic drop to a clothesline, followed by a back elbow in the corner. Latimer fires up and gets a waistlock but Sterling fights out of the hold. He hits the ropes and gets spiked with a DDT by Latimer. A pop-up powerbomb and Latimer transitions to a crossface for the win.
Your Winner via Pinfall: Thom Latimer
Kyle Davis speaks to Latimer about dealing with Zyon at the Crockett Cup for his NWA National championship. He gives props to the masked man, but points out he is not a champion. Latimer admits he is a badass but on that day he promises he will walk in and out of the ring still the NWA National champion.
Davis now has The Kidz and The Savages of Samoa. Jackson Drake and Lev aren’t sweating The Immortals, and they brag that they imposed their will on them. Alofa and LA Smooth of The Savages Are looking forward to advancing and making a name for themselves in The Crockett Cup.
We’ll definitely see more of them in the weeks ahead, but let’s turn a first-round match between…

Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
Daisy Kill and Talos vs . The Stew Crew (Zach and Dylan Stewart)
This is the debut of “Silverback” Zach and “Twisted Steel” Dylan Stewart, and they are the current NWA Southeast/JCP Tag Team champs. Interestingly, Vampiro wanders around ringside, so you know chicanery is afoot.
Kill starts on Dylan until he slams the former US Tag Team champ to the mat. In the corner, Zach tags in, and we get more power wrestling in store as he eyeballs the big man Talos whilst taking Kill to task. Dylan comes back in but Kill hammers at his back and gets a fancy thrust kick to his mush. That leads to double-team action as Talos tags himself in. Kill monkey flips Dylan to the turnbuckle and Talos stomps him hard to the mat. He picks up Dylan, talks trash to Zach on the apron, and slams him unceremoniously in the center of the ring. Dylan is isolated in the corner and he is becoming Twisted Steel in Peril. He manages to fight his way out and gets the hot tag in Zach, and he is a Silverback en Fuego and he lands a big boot/Samoan Drop of Talos and Kill respectively. Now The Stew Crew are in charge and they connect with a lariat/German suplex combo to Kill for a cover. Vamp interjects and gets Kill’s foot on the rope. As The Stew Crew argues with the ref and at Vampiro, that allows Talos to come back in and deliver a choke slam to Dylan. Thus…
Your Winners, and Advancing in The Crockett Cupp: Daisy Kill and Talos
Davis is ready to interview Kill and Talos, and he asks Vamprio why he helped. Vamp is closed off but Kill says this is another stepping stone in The Crockett Cup.
Now Davis has standing by Reka Tehaka, Tiffany Nieves, Joe Alonzo, and Corgan. Alonzo naturally makes this about himself and tells him he is a valuable asset and there should be a Joe Alonzo celebration day instead of causing himself and Alex Taylor any harm. Corgan has some thoughts but decides to wait on that. Davis turns to Nieves and Tehaka, and naturally “La Princesa” makes it about her and says they beat La Rosa Negra and Ruthie Jay, so they should be in line for the NWA Women’s Tag Team titles.
Turning back to Corgan, he states that Nieves and Tehaka are 1-1 with Negra and Jay, so he decides at Crockett Cup the third match will determine who faces The King Bees for the tag belts. As for Alonzo, the match is still on and while he doesn’t like The Southern Six, he would love to see Taylor put him in his place.
We get a new segment called Cooking with Carson. It features Carson Drake with Austin Idol, Zyon, Samantha Starr, and Ella Envy.
This involves “cooking” and it features a laugh track. Between that and Drake saying women belong in the kitchen, this has all the originality of Young Sheldon, but worse. Envy cracks an egg over his head, and Starr comments that was “egg-cellent”(cringe), but Drake promises next week to have respectful guests, and signs off with, “Kiss the cook.”
It’s stuff like this that make me miss Anthony Bourdain.
But one thing I won’t miss is the next match, and it’s another first-round contest with…
Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
The Southern Six (Kerry Morton and “Thrillbilly” Silas Mason) vs. The Slimeballz (Sage Chantz and Tommy Rant)
Not sure, but it looks like the Six are going to apply the Freebird Rule in the Crockett Cup Tournament.
As the match gets underway, Chantz is quicker and more wily than Morton anticipated, and he nails a nice head scissors to the Southern Six member. Mason tags in, and that leads to Rant entering as well. He is spastic in his head motions that leave Mason perplexed. But he figures to grab Rant by the tongue, but the Slimeball is a match for the big man. He and Chantz attempt a double suplex, and Mason blocks and counters with his own.
Morton is back in the ringChantz for another head scissors. He blocks the move and then follows with a slingshot suplex. Chantz is tossed around the ring like a rag doll until gets the tag to Rant. Once again he goes after Mason and he turns him inside out with a clothesline. Chantz goes for a crossbody, but Mason catches him and lifts him up high in a military press as he tosses him outside of the ring. Morton directs traffic and throws Rant to the chairs, and that means Mason adds the exclamation with a ThrillRide to Chantz for the pin and the win.
Your Winner via Pinfall, and Advancing in the Crockett Cup: The Southern Six
Davis now has the Southern Six, and Taylor joins up and has something on his mind. He says there’s nothing more that he despises than a liar. Alonzo has the junior heavyweight title, and he claims he’s the best junior heavyweight. He wants to end that fallacy at The Crockett Cup and points out that when you’re hot, you’re hot. When you’re not…and they bail on Davis.
Poor guy gets no respect, like if “Mean” Gene Okerlund and Rodney Dangerfield had a child and this was the result.
Dane talks about the situation last week with Tim Storm that got them disqualified from The Crockett Cup. Supposedly he’s been diagnosed as not knowing who he is, and cannot be addressed as Tim Storm, but is medically cleared to wrestle. Dane tells us he is now “Baron von Storm,” and we are instructed to play along.
(Author’s Note: For those of you thinking this is odd, remember it wasn’t that long ago Pierre Carl Ouelett became “PCO” with a Frankenstein monster gimmick. Therefore in the words of the late great Utah movie critic, Jimmy Martin, “Show me what ya got.”
Now for the Main Event and it is for the…
Courtesy of the NWA. Credit: Hiban Huerta
NWA Television Championship: Max The Impaler(c)(with Father James Mitchell vs. “Magic” Jake Dumas
This is for the men’s title, as Galli points out Max has had seven title defenses in the women’s ranks but has yet to cash in for The Burke. The 6:05 time rule applies in the match, and Dumas goes on the attack and slams Max. He nails a spinning neckbreaker, and Max backs out of the ring. Max is back in, and Dumas scouts the spear and manages to evade the move and gets a quick roll-up, but Mitchell distracts the ref before he can make the count.
Dumas is distracted momentarily and now the spear by Max connects and The Warrior of the Wasteland is on the warpath. They proceed to hit crossfaces to Dumas in the corner and fall to the outside. Max is in full control and clubs at his chest, and then measures and charges, but Dumas manages to get a boot up and then an elbow. As the clock ticks down, Dumas lands a ripcord neckbreaker and goes up top for a moonsault. Once again Mitchell gets on the apron to interfere. As Dumas deals with that, Max gets a clothesline and covers for the one, two, and three.
Your Winner, and Still NWA Television Champion: Max The Impaler
Another person falls to the Warrior of the Wasteland and no one can stop Max at this point.
Final Thoughts:
Another good show on The CW by the NWA. The Stew Crew looked really good, and Sterling had a good outing considering he faced Latimer. Not a lot of surprises in this episode but still solid overall.
We’ll see ya next week from The CW app.