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AEW goes up in smoke with Double or Nothing

AEW used to be known for great TV and great pay-per-views. Then, in the last couple of years, they have become known for awful television and great pay-per-views. Now, the promotion that averages 2,000 – 3,000 for their shows, lackluster television ratings and only pulls in strong attendance for their pay-per-views, can’t even maintain the standards of those events.

If the majority of the matches at their anniversary Double or Nothing show are the measuring stick things don’t bode well for AEW. It very well could be that rumors of matches just thrown together without much lead time for the talent could be the case because the card was filled with bouts with no measurable flow or momentum. While most of the championship matches paid off decently the main event, an Anarchy in the Arena match with The Elite (Young Bucks, Kazuchika Okada and Jack Perry) taking on FTR, Bryan Danielson and Darby Allin, is not only one of the very worst angles since the Invasion storyline in the WWE but the match was absolute garbage. The kind of garbage that those who don’t really appreciate professional wrestling, those who have never watched anything outside of AEW, think are “awesome”. As we have see in the past, listening to those kind of wrestling fans or the marks on X who don’t represent the average wrestling fan is about as smart as, well, wrestlers lighting themselves on fire when they aren’t professional stuntmen. It is just plain stupid.

AEW Double or Nothing 2024 Results

Buy-In Pre-Show

Thunder Rosa vs. Deonna Purrazzo 

Why would you have two of the very best women’s wrestlers in the world on the pre-show? The decision literally blows my mind. In a hotly contested match Purrazzo wins by holding onto the ropes.

Winner: Deonna Purrazzo

Rating: 7 / 10

The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn vs. Brian Cage and The Gates of Agony 

Remember when The Acclaimed were the hottest thing in wrestling? Then again, that can be said for a lot of the AEW talent. Gunn rolls up Kaun for the sneaky win.

Rating: 6 / 10

Winners: The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn

Tony Khan and Martha Hart announced that the winners of the Owen Hart Tournament this year will get AEW World Championship matches at All-In.

Roderick Strong (c) vs. Will Ospreay – AEW International Championship Match

Although both men are two of the very best his match goes far too long.

Ospreay is met with a massive ovation. He has just as massive a bandage on his forehead. Roderick Strong and the Undisputedly Dead and Buried Kingdom come down to the ring. Before the bell can ring Ospreay attempts a Hidden Blade on Roddy but misses. Ospreay ducks Roddy’s clothesline on the floor and knocks Matt Taven over the barricade with one of his own. Bennett charges. Ospreay heaves him over the barricade too. Roddy whips Ospreay who leaps on the barricade and splashes both Taven and Bennett.

Ospreay catapults Roddy into a steel post before rolling him back into the ring. While the official check on Roddy. Bennett gives Ospreay an electric chair. Taven sneaks into the ring, dives over the ropes, gets caught in the ropes, misses Ospreay and everyone crashes to the ground.

Don Callis, who is on commentary, wonders why the other members of The Undisputedly Dead and Buried Kingdom are allowed at ringside. Roddy rips off the bandage on Ospreay’s head. Ospreay goes his corkscrew kick but completely misses Roddy. They both still go down. Bennett and Taven leap onto the apron to distract the official. I agree with Callis. Why are they allowed down at ringside? They aren’t managers.

Wardlow attacks Ospreay from behind. The official catches Wardlow in the attack and pulls Ospreay out of a powerbomb. He demands Wardlow leave the ring or he will award the match and title to Ospreay. How he can do that is anyone’s guess.

Roddy misses a running knee in a corner. Ospreay delivers some Cheeky Nando’s to him. Ospreay takes everyone out with a Sky Twister dive. The official finally ejects The Undisputedly Dead and Buried Kingdom from ringside.

Ospreay flips and lands on his knee hurting it. Strong turns a Hidden Blade into a Texas Clover Leaf. Ospreay escapes by reaching the ropes. Roddy aims for a high boot but Ospreay powerbombs him. Ospreay hits the OsCutter. He cannot follow up as his knee is still bothering him. It doesn’t make any sense, however, the official pushes Ospreay away to check on Roddy. Who gets checked on after a Stunner?

Don Callis leaps into the ring. He demands Ospreay execute the dreaded Tiger Driver to end the match.

“You want to win this match? Tiger him! He is going to the hospital anyways,” yells Callis.

The official continues to hold Ospreay back. What?!?!?!?

Ospreay shoves the official away lifting up Roddy for the Tiger Driver. He has a change of heart and puts him down. Roddy drops Ospreay with a backbreaker and a running knee strike.

Ospreay is “elevated” with his first AEW championship. Courtesy: AEW, Triller TV.

Callis on commentary: You cannot be weak in these moments. He should have put him in the hospital. Ospreay flips out of a backbreaker, lands on his feet, hits a Hidden Blade and Storm Breaker for the win.

Winner: …and new AEW International Champion, Will Ospreay.

Match Rating: 7.5 / 10

Adam Cole’s music hits. He comes down to the ring. He tells the audience they suck. He says he shouldn’t even be in Las Vegas. He should be at home rehabbing his ankle.

Tony Schiavone blithers: He should be thrown out of his own home.

MJF is back. Courtesy: AEW and Triller TV.

Cole is tired of being disrespected. He takes out the Devil mask. The crowd starts cheering for MJF. Cole says the crowd will give the Devil his due. The lights go out. On the big screen a video plays. We are taken down a long hallway of what appears to be MJF’s house. In one room, his picture hangs over a fireplace as well as a Casino Battle Royal chip. In the middle of the ring is a mannequin with MJF’s suit on it. In the pocket someone takes out a photo of MJF and Adam C0le. It has been ripped in half. The video ends.

Cole stands perplexed in the ring. MJF’s music hits. A fuming MJF heads to the ring. Cole tries in vain the explain himself. He opens his arms for a hug. MJF hugs Cole then kicks him in the nuts. MJF delivers a brainbuster.

Why did AEW just blow off this big return and big angle in this way? Very bizarre.

“Someone get this s–t stain out of my ring,” says MJF.

MJF explains he isn’t giving his trust to anyone ever again. All Cole did was wake him up. He then hits all of his catch phrases. MJF says he doesn’t need a New Japan or a Vince McMahon to ‘make’ MJF. Someone should tell MJF that McMahon no longer works for WWE. Perhaps he missed that during his time off. He goes on and on about how great he is. This promo is just way too long and doesn’t seem very inspired. MJF says he is the “Wolf of Wrestling” because he isn’t leaving.

Again, no idea why AEW would use this show to mark the unexpected return of MJF when they could have foreshadowed this and spiked Dynamite’s ratings. The Devil angle was a big deal and AEW just ends it like this? I guess nothing matters and AEW desperately needs MJF back even if Cole isn’t ready to go.

 The Bang Bang Gang (Jay White & The Gunns) (c) vs. Death Triangle (Pac, Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix) – AEW Trios Championship Match

The Gunns try to slip the golden baseball bat into the ring. The official spots them and stops them but Juice Robinson pushes Pac off the top rope. White pins Pac with a Blade Runner. Robinson celebrates with the rest of the Gang.

Winners: …and still AEW Trios Champions… The Bang Bang Gang (Jay White & The Gunns).

Rating: 6 /10

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Toni Storm (c) vs. Serena Deeb – AEW Women’s World Championship Match

Should have been way better than it was but the combos, transitions seem awkward like they didn’t rehearse this enough or Storm just cannot match Deeb’s flow and speed.

The fans cheer for Toni which makes her the face in this match?!?!? Deeb puts Storm in a Paradise Lock and sits smiling on a prone Storm. She is booed. Deeb drop kicks Storm out of the hold. She spends most of the match trying to keep up with Deeb’s technical skill. She seems legit frazzled throughout the bout. Deeb is hip attacked to the floor. Deeb catches Storm coming back into the ring with a Dragon Screw Leg Whip and a spinning neckbreaker on the floor. The crowd cheers for Storm. Deeb shrugs her shoulders to the crowd. Storm catches Deeb powerbombing Deep off the ropes.

Deeb works over Storm’s knee putting her in a half crab. Mariah May and Luther argue throwing in the towel for Storm. Storm reaches the ropes so all is good. Storm grabs the towel out of Luther’s hands, throws it into the crowd calling him a bastard. Luther doesn’t understand why Storm is mad at him not May. Storm piledrives Deeb from the top rope and the middle of the ring to retain.

Winner: … and still AEW Women’s World Champion, Toni Storm.

Match Rating: 6 / 10

Orange Cassidy vs. Trent Beretta

Someone has a sign which reads: “Thank You Chuck Taylor”.

You would think this would just be a nasty, ugly brawl and nothing else since it is all about a friendship gone bad and Beretta possibly taking out Taylor but here we are. They are actually trying to wrestle each other. Cassidy should be on a brutal warpath to really injure or hurt Beretta but it doesn’t seem that way. Just regular holds and regular moves, he even plays to the audience. Everything he does is rather tame all things considered. That approach doesn’t fit with a grudge match.

Cassidy drags Trent back and forth across the apron smashing his head again and again into the turnbuckles. Cassidy dives into Trent knocking him into the barricade. Cassidy sits him on a chair labeling him with punches. Taylor pulls Cassidy’s neck into the bottom turnbuckle cables.

Excalibur bonehead commentary: There is an unwritten rule amongst wrestlers that you don’t go for the throat.


One: They always attack the throat with chops or clotheslines, etc. It isn’t off limits.

Two: This is a freaking GRUDGE match, moron!

Trent pulls Cassidy off the top rope suplexing him on his neck. Trent piledrives Cassidy on the ring apron. Trent moves some steps around. The official physically hassles him. What is that all about? Laying hands on wrestlers? Trent is about to be punished on the stairs. Cassidy quickly recovers from a PILEDRIVER ON THE APRON to knock Trent off the stairs and spike him with a Beach Break on the floor. Whaaat?!?!?!

Trent stops an Orange Punch with a Triangle Choke. Cassidy wins by pushing off the ropes with his legs and rolling up Trent. That’s the ending of a grudge match where one friend supposedly put another out of wrestling for good? Come on.

Rocky Romero and Renee Paquette catch up with Trent as he leaves the ringside area. She askes Trent what’s next for him. Trent says: “I am not doing this! I am done!”. He shoves Romero away and leaves through the crowd.

Yeah, I would head for the EXIT sign if I was in AEW too, dude. Just keep going and going heading to a brighter future elsewhere because this good ship Titanic is about to hit an iceberg.

Winner: Orange Cassidy

Rating: 3 / 10

Chris Jericho (c) (with Big Bill) vs. Hook vs. Katsuyori Shibata – FTW Championship Match

Jericho is all tied-up. Courtesy: AEW and Triller TV.

I cannot believe that the amazing Shibata is participating in this clown show match. Does anyone else cringe when they call Jericho “The Learning Tree”? Wasn’t that the gimmick of Brian Myers in Impact Wrestling?

Jericho and Shibata exchange chops. Hook suplexes them both. Hook pulls out a table from under the ring as the other two lay like they have been shot in the ring. Shibata kicks them both off the apron. Jericho suplexes Hook on the floor. Jericho empties a bag of dice in the middle of the ring. Hook and Shibata suplex Jericho on the dice.

All three men start…throwing dice at each other?!?!?!? What?

Shibata and Hook take turns suplexing each other on the dice. All three men square off with kendo sticks in the ring. Jericho hits both Hook and Shibata. They no sell his shots. They both whack him instead. They whip Jericho off the ropes and whack him some more. Shibata slides a table into the ring and sets it up. In another lapse in logic, Shibata is about to powerbomb Hook through the table. Why? We have no idea.

Hook rewards him with Northern Lights Suplex on the dice. Shibata executes a Death Valley Driver on Hook. Hook and Shibata bounce of Jericho and off the table. It doesn’t break. Shibata throws Jericho through a table setup in a corner and sliding drop kicks him for good measure. Hook kicks out a Codebreaker. Hook dodges The Judas Effect to put Jericho in Red Rum.

Big Bill hits the ring. He drops an elbow on Hook to break the hold. He beats the snot out of Hook. Hook suplexes Bill off the apron and through a table. Shibata puts Jericho in a figure four. Hook puts Jericho in Red Rum.

A hooded figure carrying a trash can hits both Shibata and Hook. He puts the trash can on Shibata and hits a senton. Bryan Keith unmasks himself. Hook fights him off with a kendo stick. Jericho pins Hook with a Judas Effect. Jericho flees the scene of the crime. Hook suplexes any security that get in his way. He chases Jericho down the wrong entrance tunnel.

Winner: …and still FTW Champion, Chris Jericho.

Rating: 3 / 10

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Jon Moxley vs. Konosuke Takeshita – Eliminator Match

Why in the world has NJPW made Moxley their world champion when they have so many more valid superstars? It boggles the mind.

Moxley’s shoulder is taped up due to Takeshita’s attack. As Moxley makes his entrance Takeshita just stares at him not flinching at all. Both men take turns punching and chopping each other in a corner. Takeshita removes the tape from Moxley’s hand. He wrenches Moxley’s fingers. Takeshita hammerlock slams Moxley on his injured shoulder and slams him down on the apron on the shoulder too. Takeshita runs in with a knee. Moxley lands the Paradigm Shift. Another chop showdown in the middle of the ring. A rolling elbow knocks Moxley hard on his ass. Of course Moxley kicks out of Takeshita’s running knee strike. Takeshita removes his elbow pad. Moxley kicks out of Takeshita’s Death Rider.

Takeshita starts throwing steel chairs into the ring. The official throws all out but one. As Takeshita bends over to pick the last one up Moxley stomps him into the chair. Moxley wins with Death Rider.

Winner: Jon Moxley

Match Rating: 7 / 10

Adam Copeland (c) vs. Malakai Black – Barbed Wire Steel Cage, AEW TNT Championship Match

Adam Copeland comes with The Brood across the big screen. Copeland rises from the stage with fire going off around him. He is played to the ring by Slayer’s South of Heaven. There are chairs and tables already in the ring. Copeland and Black both pick up chairs and a duel begins. The dodge each other’s finishing moves once the chairs are dispensed with. Copeland boots Black’s head into the cage. Copeland takes some of the barbed wire off the cage. Black’s powerbomb out of a corner is halted when Copeland rakes barbed wire over his forehead. Black comes up bleeding.

Black is bleeding. Courtesy: AEW, Thriller TV.

Copeland powerbombs Black into the cage and in the middle of the ring for a two count. Copeland is catapulted into a corner but stop himself before he hits the cage. He is kicked off the ropes though and he comes up bleeding.

Black takes the bat to Copeland. Courtesy: AEW, Thriller TV.

Black rakes his taped forearm over Copeland’s forehead. Black pulls down a barbed wire baseball bat. He rakes the bat over Copeland’s forehead. Black puts Copeland’s head over a chair. Copeland rolls out of the way as Black swings down with the bat. Copeland picks up the bat hitting Black in the stomach and the head. Copeland rakes the bat over Black’s head.

Black loves the blood. Courtesy: AEW, Triller TV.

Copeland puts Black on a table and climbs the cage. Black kicks him off the ropes. Copeland gets crotched. Both men battle on the top rope. Black powerbombs Copeland through the table. Black is speared before he can hit the spinning back kick to Copeland. Copeland piledrives Black so he can lay him on another table. Copeland wraps Black in the barbed wire.

Copeland gets Black ready for the end. Courtesy: AEW, Triller TV.

Copeland climbs to the top of the cage. Copeland attempts a flying elbow drop but he lands on his feet. He elbow barely connects with Black. The table breaks though. Very weird that. The announcers try to cover things up by saying Black must have awoken and saw what was happening so he moved.

And, yes, Black kicks out of that flying elbow smash off the top of the cage. Ugh.

Copeland runs in for a spear. Black clobbers him with The End. Now, it is time for Copeland to kick out of what should be a finisher.

Edge goes for it all. Courtesy: AEW, Triller TV.

Black pulls down a metal pipe with barbed wire on it. Copeland wisely rolls out of the way. Black hauls back kicking Copeland through the door of the cage. Copeland falls to the floor. Copeland spears Black on the floor. The House of Black enter the fray. They stand beside Black at first then switch sides. It is all a ruse because they attack Copeland instead. They throw him back into the ring. Copeland is wrapped in barbed wire. They place a barbed wire crown on his head.

Copeland is held for Black. Courtesy: AEW, Triller TV.

The ring is enveloped in a red light before they can do anything. Gangrel bursts through the mat spitting blood.  He gives all the heels his Impaler DDT.

Gangrel is in AEW. Courtesy: AEW, FiteTV.

Black kicks him in the chops. Copeland spears Black. Copeland puts the barbed wire crown on Black and makes him submit to the crossface.

Winner: …and still AEW TNT Champion, Adam Copeland.

Rating: 8 /10

Willow Nightingale vs. Mercedes Mone – AEW TBS Championship Match

A lot of the work in this match isn’t fluid, especially on Willow’s part. Much of it looks awkward. Willow’s greenish level shines through here. She isn’t ready for main event status yet.

Mercedes Mone gets a big intro with drummers, etc. The crowd reaction is tepid to say the least. How much did Tony pay to bring her aboard again? Mone ducks into the ropes to avoid Willow. There are dueling Willow, CEO chants. Mone bails out of the ring. That brings Willow outside. Mone catches her back inside the ring to a chorus of boos. Willow stands there allowing Mone to do all sorts of flippy stuff before she is arm dragged. Willow pounds her down to the mat with punches and chops. Willow powerbombs Mone on the apron. Willow puts on an ankle lock. Mone rolls out of it and Willow launches herself into a corner.

Mercedes is your new champion. Courtesy: AEW, Triller TV.

Willow cannot cover Mone after a pounce.  Mone powerbombs Willow off the second rope for a two count. Mone’s figure four wears down Willow’s knee. Willow counters though with a swinging knee breaker and a Death Valley Driver in a corner. Willow charges in. Mone dodges stomping on the knee, ankle. Willow kicks out double knees in the ring and floor. Kris Statlander encourages Willow on. Mone shoves Statlander. Willow hits the Doctor Bomb but Stokely Hathaway and Statlander are arguing with the official. Willow has Mone pinned. Mercedes kicks out. Mone reverse another Doctor Bomb into an STF. Willow makes it to the ropes. Mone pins Willow with Mone Maker.

Stokely is pissed off. He yells at Willow. Statlander shoves him to the mat. Willow and Statlander leave the ring. Statlander helps Willow up the rampway before slamming her down and hits her with a spinning clothesline. Stokely laughs and stands beside Statlander. Why did Statlander attack her former friend? Who knows.

Winner: …and new AEW TBS Champion, Mercedes Mone.

Rating: 7 / 10

Swerve Strickland (c) vs. Christian Cage – AEW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Christian warns the crowd to shut up or he will kick the crap out of them. Someone in the crowd has a sign which reads: Christian likes fish sticks.

Lots of jockeying around at the start of the match. Christian misses a diving head butt off the top rope. The pool is empty. Swerve kicks Christian in the mouth. He collides with the barricade. He missed a second one though. He hits the barricade not Christian. Christian whips him into the barricade.

The champ gives Christian some free chiropractic work. Courtesy: AEW, Triller TV.

Swerve counters a spear with a scoop powerslam. Swerve dives off the top rope with an elbow to the back of the head. Swerve pulls Christian’s turtleneck over his head peppering him with punches and two neckbreakers in the ring and one in the ropes.

Christian applies the Sharpshooter. Swerve rolls up Christian for a two count. Prince Nana and Mother Wayne have a tug of war over the championship belt.  The official sees Nana with the belt and bars him from ringside. Mother Wayne and Nick laugh, laugh.

Christian throws Swerve to the floor. As the official reprimands Christian, Kill Switch and Nick Wayne batter Swerve. Mother Wayne is next to distract the official. Kill Switch head butts Christian instead of Swerve. Swerve stops Kill Switch and backdrops Nick Wayne on the floor. Christian rolls out of the way of Swerve Stomp. Christian spears Swerve for a two count. Nick Wayne distracts the official. Kill Switch is caught trying to interfere. The official bars Mother Wayne, Nick Wayne and Kill Switch from ringside. Christian tries to powerbomb Swerve off the apron. Swerve double stomps him.

Christian clears off the announce table. Christians slams Swerve’s head on the table over and over again. Swerve avoids the Kill Switch to stomp Christian on the desk. The desk doesn’t break. House Call in midair. Stomp from the top rope. House Call to the back of the head. Swerve pins Christian.

Winner: ..and still AEW World Heavyweight Champion, Swerve Strickland.

Rating: 8 / 10

The Elite (Young Bucks, Kazuchika Okada and Jack Perry) vs. FTR, Bryan Danielson and Darby Allin – Anarchy In The Arena Match

Just a moronic mess. Poor Okada, one of the very best wrestlers in the world has to work this nonsense.

As Jack Perry is announced Danielson and FTR attack The Bucks and Okada from behind. Darby Allin joins the fray wearing some kind of protective mask with thumb tacks on it. Lots of brawling on the floor. The Bucks stops the proceedings to have their theme music played the entire match. Danielson demands production turn off the music. Why does production listen to Danielson over their bosses The Bucks doesn’t make sense.

The Final Countdown plays. Fighting in the crowd. Fighting at ringside. The Bucks demand an end to the music. It is costing them too much money.

Perry and Allin end up in the parking lot. Perry chokes out Allin with a 2/4. The Young Bucks score a Shatter Machine on Dax but he kicks out.

The Bucks drag Allin to the stage elevator Copeland used earlier. They dump Allin on it asking production to bring the elevator down. Danielson is rammed into the massive poker chips. The Bucks try a TK Driver with one leaping off the stage and the other holding Danielson on the chips. The timing is off like always and they miss. Danielson sells it anyways.

Mindless and clueless humanoids chant: “This is awesome!”

FTR are put through tables by Okada and The Bucks who leap off the entrance way.

Jack Perry smiles as he grabs Tony Khan who is in the gorilla position with no security or anything since what happened to him last time.

Tony Schiavone shouts: This is bulls–t!

Perry comes out with Tony Khan. Darby Allin lights Perry on fire with a flame thrower, although we can see Perry’s clothes are soaking wet.

The Young Bucks just happen to have fire extinguishers. They put Perry out. Medical officials attend to Perry.

The Bucks drag Allin to the ring. Arm bands with thumb tacks. Running shoes with thumb tacks.

Allin is hoisted up by his injured ankle. As he hangs over the ring they super kick him in the face with thumb tack running shoes. Danielson dodges so one Buck kicks another.

The fans chant: Please, help Darby. Ugh.

Danielson is hit with everyone’s finishes and pinned.

Winners: The Elite (Young Bucks, Kazuchika Okada and Jack Perry)

Rating: 3 / 10




This definitely ranks as one of the worst, blundering, amateurish shows AEW has ever put on when one reviews the entire card top to bottom. It used to be that even if their television shows were crud AEW still banged out fantastic pay-per-views. With the quality sliding and no one course correcting the direction of the company AEW will align neatly with WCW in its dying days when the lunatics ran the asylum right into the ground.

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